Why did they put a settlement building system in Fallout 4 if they planned to do jack shit with it?
Why did they put a settlement building system in Fallout 4 if they planned to do jack shit with it?
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What do you mean?
It's a tacked on time filler that the player expands.. not bethesda.
its useless to have settlements other than as loot caches. Building settlements have zero impact on the game world. You would think building all these settlements with people in them, it would make the wasteland a little more safer or smaller NPC settlements might start popping up or fuck just seeing your settler doing something OTHER THEN JACKING OFF IN THE SETTLEMENT
Take scavenging for example, They could've made it where you clear out a location and you cand send settlers in there to strip the place dry instead of being lazy fuckwads and just having the same dungeons respawn with all there shit and enemies with them.
I liked settlement building in fo4 but I know what you mean. There's no real incentive to develop anything. Sure you can get money, but you don't even need money in this game. The settlements don't really serve any story purpose either.
I think they're only super useful if you play in survival mode, but even then there's no reason to build them up past some basic structures.
they wanted the minecraft audience and it was the best they could do
And it comes with the added bonus of not having to actually flesh out settlements or characters to populate them
>They could've made it where you clear out a location and you cand send settlers in there to strip the place dry
There's a mod for that.
>All settlement objects other than cement floor are desinged to go on flat ground
>None of the settlements have flat ground.
The caravans you create suck shit as well. not even being slightly worried sending ALL of your shit across a wasteland with no guards or regards to to safe roads.
Why does the defense rating even exist? Don't they always get fucked up if you're not there regardless?
Either they get there shit stomped no matter what or they never attack ever. There's no middle ground.
imagine settlements in f4 would be like that fallout smartphone game where you manage your vault but in 3d that would be tight
Holy fucking shit trying to lay a simple goddamn fence around one of my settlements made me give up on the entire settlement building mechanic.
You get a "fail" because the mission is to help and you didn't. If they took damage it would also say Settlement took damage but they don't always.
Pointless busy work to make up for the lack of a main storyline.
Settlements, despite being under the same banner fell isolated as well. None of the settlements interact with one another other than resources despite some them being a stone's throw away.
Hey dudes, I'm just finishing the nuka world DLC, is there a way to end it that wont just fuck up my main game settlements?
There seems to be an option to take over ones I don't own yet, if I only attack them ones I wont piss everyone off right?
I kinda just want to finish the quest line a quick as possible and get my reward at this point, what do I get for giving them some settlements and finishing it off?
The settlement controls on PC are a nightmare
Apparently you can give the raiders settlements without defences and take them back by force. If they have turrets it will always count as an enemy though.
>Oh shit, survival games with crafting and base building are really popular right now
>Quick, get an intern or two to slap together a settlement building thing
They probably just did it for the experience.Hearthfire in Skyrim was the start, and the next game will probably focus on it to a great degree with better integration.
>getting max happiness
Just fucking kill me, that was the most irritating shit ever.
Holy fucking shit, this. Everyone knows fallout games are for ocd autist but then make all the building mechanics snap together like legos on uneven surfaces. Now you have shit that floats and requires steps that miracously have no support. They could fix all this bullshit over night by removing the anti collision with the ground mechanic.
Lol so they were beta-testing future game features that are currently underdeveloped and unfinished in a full price AAA release on-launch
Fuck Bethesda and fuck anyone stupid enough to buy their shit.
>settlement shit is real popular with the kids these days
>and there's a NV settlement mod we can "incorporate"
I never will worry about settlements. I dont care enough to help if it says ones being attacked, and I never developed any of them except the first Red Rocket gas station that I use to put all my stuff and display a few things with all the stuff you end up collecting in the game. only because its a small area that i can decorate if i want to. But fuck if ill ever take the time building all that useless shit to make everyone happy in every settlement I discover.
I simply got a few settlers to man the shop kiosks if i ever needed anything in a pinch, which is rare. And I never minded the "we have a bed/water/food situation stuff" I dont feel invested in it enough. I prefer the small houses like in NV.
>Only in-game way of bypassing this is using the concrete pillars from Wasteland Workshop, placing them next to an object and holding select so the game confuses the pillar as the highest point as other shit clips under the ground
Too bad F4 is still shit even after the GECK was released because the modding community pretty much collectively just gave up on it
The modding community died because of drama over that shit Nvidia competition AND Bethesda.net's mod theft fiasco both happening at the same time. So many modders deleted their shit and cried off into the sunset because of that crap.
I'd give up too if I had to deal with entitled console kiddies who refuse to accept some mods literally will not work on consoles
I hate Bethesda and the only reason they can get away with being so lazy is because they have no real competition. The settlement building was garbage and it's sad that these fucks can keep raking in millions for being so lazy.
>Inconsistent hotkeys for PC version
>No UI to manage settlers, assign them to tasks, checks their stats, etc.
>You had to physically walk up to them, then guide them to the resource you wanted them to farm like a retarded child.
>You couldn't really cancel runners so people just killed them.
>You had to look up workarounds for everything on youtube.
>Couldn't build on anything other than a flat surface, so building a sprawling fort attached to an old building was actually a pain in the ass.
>Had to string wires around for electricity but they had totally inconsistent pathing.
>NPCs don't do anything interesting, just shuffle around like cattle and repeat the same 2 lines of dialog over and over again.
>Good luck building something as simple as a perimeter fence.
That's just off the top of my head. Fuck them.
The mods were shit anyway. It's unreal how much garbage the Fallout mod scene puts out.
>shitting on the settlement system
without the settlement system how would you protect your settlements from being raided every 15mins or so?
You can use the shack foundation. It goes into the floor. But it costs a hefty amount of concrete and can take up a lot of settlement size if you wanna make an encompassing wall(like you can't fully wall Starlight Drive-in). Thankfully there're mods
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Why do you need settlements in the first place?
to protect them and to talk to settlers in order to receive orders to protect other settlements
because it's just here to build things, there's literally no strategical advantage at building this shit
well, you CAN make all the shops and workstation at the same place but it's tedious and you can already do that at diamond city
>But because our firing and reloading animations needed to be shared with the standard laser set
Without the settlement system you wouldn't be bothered with attacks on them
that was the joke
To give autists something to keep themselves busy and to cover up what a steaming pile of dogshit the game actually is compared to its predecessor.
But why do that if settlers don't do anything?
time sinking mechanic that leads nowhere
and popular games are popular today if people play it a lot, so your friends get curious enough to get it too
i tell all my friends fallout 4 is just a big lazy disappointment
If it's popular it's good.
Checkmate intelligent people.
>did it for the experience
>in their AAA RPG game
>probably focus on it to a great degree
Gobble that ass more, you're about to hit the prostate.
>"don't by this game it's shit"
t. user currently playing f4 with 666h on catalog
8 guns and only 2 animation nice jobs Bethesda
>>You had to physically walk up to them, then guide them to the resource you wanted them to farm like a retarded child.
Fixed with the Vault Tec dlc
i have around 60 hours in fallout 4
it's still not a good rpg
the guns feeling are nice though
What did bethesda mean by this?
You only use the building system if you play on survival which is the only mode the game should be played other wise the game turns into shit.
So they could say they have OVER 1000 HOURS OF CONTENT
only nice thing in survival is everything does moredamage
why does a robot butler have a moral compass
So it doesn't use its flamethrower on the children
so they dont start a rampage in a peaceful neighborhood, doofu
It's the definitive version but with mods. Removing the save on bed one and a good leveled list.
Did you miss the sawblade and flame thrower?
I just started Fallout 4, do I ever actually have to bother with any of this settlement shit or can I just ignore it? It sounds like a massive pain in the ass.
>Removing the save on sleep
>Not just using the Camping mod
durr if your defence rating is a certain % higher than your total water and food rating, your settlement doesn't get attacked.
You can ignore after helping the preston, just so you can work with the minute men later
Don't worry friend, it's completely optional*!
*no it's not
Tell Preston to fuck off when he offers to join the Minutemen.
Never build a radio beacon at any settlements.
The Brotherhood, Railroad and Institute have nothing to do with settlement defending.
But they did do something with it, they ham-fisted it into the main questline. Don't you remember having to build the teleportation bullshit to get into the institute?
My main problem with it is
>3 towns on the entire map
Fuck the building I wanna explore
Not something that should require DLC. It's a common sense thing.
Phantom Pain came out around the same time and had an entire UI for managing your base. It was intuitive as fuck compared to what Bethesda did.
If you ignore Preston you never have to deal with settlement building, and if you join the Brotherhood you threaten or attack the settlements to give you resources instead.
>Game have settlements shoehorned into it
>Last DLC make all the building you made useless
You can make a fuckton of money and you get flares for minutemen summons and flares for bombardment, the bombardment in particular is broken as fuck.
Before burning out and getting bored with the game last january I set out to try to build all the settlements to full using the inventory hack to gain more space
I guess there is some role-playing elements in it, like I made that one inner-city settlement and the far-north one into "raider camps" where everyone wore raider gear, and others like Lighthouse had everyone wear suits and dresses.
It's experimenting for stuff they're going to use in Elder Scrolls V when you're part of an Imperial expedition into the Black Marsh in an attempt to colonise it. You'll be building the colonies that act as the game's cities.
I know the Brotherhood are still not entirely like what they were in Interplay's games, but I really enjoyed their new Space Marine way of going about things
>Is it human?
>Is it old world technology?
>Give us your food
Same as new vegas and fo3, fallout isn't that good and suspension of disbelief breaks too easily so it's just not as mod-friendly as TES games, and has a much shittier community full of uncreative people.
I assume you mean VI, but I gotchu
Advertising alone is what sells most games nowadays.
Bethesda is known for adhering to that kind of logic in its barest form in their "rpg's", so naturally their new add-on followed suit.
Then why is Fallout 4 still one of the most played games on Steam?
NV had great mods though
Ye, I was just talking about Etrian Odyssey V so I flubbed it.
>Reuse the settlement system from FO4
>This time you have to build the cities yourself
Holy fuck, Todd is going to do it.
No it didn't.
Skyrim had great mods.
NV mods don't add anything or change anything noteworthy, most of it is cosmetic shit, you can't even fix the fundamentally trash gameplay.
it's a shame that all fallout games made by bethesda seem really good due to their presentation but then fucking blow the further you look into them. I just really hope this shit does not bleed into TES.
This, and it's still receiving mods to this day.
Toddposting would reach an all time high
Nice almost get btw
the railroad ask you to go see the minute men later when you need reinforcement
yeah no shit
>Don't see a mountain?
>You have to build it
Eventually Todd is just going to release a game where the player has to code the entire thing themselves.
>There are people still playing Fallout 4
Bethesda loves it when they can market game with some superficial, half-assed features. Just add something in without a reason for it be there, and marketing team can say "You can build your own settlements and manage trade routes!"
While it is true, it's not really noteworthy feature. And it's much easier to advertise game with something catchy like that, rather than "massive quests" or "amazing story", which aren't really clearly defined, and could be argued against. Meanwhile, settlement building is a thing, and nobody can say it isn't.
>top 10
>1 non-cosmetic mod
Nothing major will attack your fortified settlements (without dying in 1 shot at max range), so you can summon shit with console commands to test your defenses
It's mildly amusing to watch
But it does do something user. It exists to generate adhesive.