
What went wrong with this game?

What would you do to improve it?

It's only fun when you have a server with just friends or a community. The most fun I've had in years with the game was on rustchan (a Sup Forums server where boards were guilds and such)


Garry Newman and FacePunch are a bunch of hacks who had a good idea going for them at first, but now 3 years later it has become quite obvious they have no idea WTF they are doing and want to squeeze every last drop and penny out of the game

If I recall correctly, animals are still buggy as hell and teleport through buildings. I also heard this had something to do with the Unity engine and how it will need to update. Yet for some reason other games with Unity games are completely fine. Regardless, this has been an issue since day 1. They said they would fix it by June in 2016. They failed on that aspect. Let us also keep in mind they said they would fix massive clans, make it so new players have a chance to survive, create a better anti-cheat system, and so on, yet they have failed every single time. I will admit that the game has gotten prettier as time has gone on.

Otherwise, the fact they are charging for cosmetics when they can't even get the basics down should really show you how fucking garbage these guys are.

Reddit invaded and everyone spouts memes and kills each other all the time now.

Nigga this game was Reddit from day 1. Literally the dudes who made it have and continue to get feedback (that they don't take) from Reddit all the fucking time.

Fuck outta here, you insecure bitch

so you're telling me this is a game created by "Reddit" ?

If you want to have it so you can feel justified in the use of your buzzword, yes. It was made by Redditors who probably browse r/Sup Forums

Not a terrible game, but Garry makes decisions that punish solo players and encourages zerging, and zerging is the main issue in this game. Can't tell you how many times I've been playing with several friends and we get raided by koreans overnight. There's just nothing you can do when you're up against a 20+ zerg group who has unlimited resources, whether you're online or offline.

Limit the number of people who can access a single lock. Also spawn more hemp, I can never find it and rage quit before I even get a sleeping bag

The game has 1gb patches every other day. No idea what they change, I occasionally play until some niggers with tommyguns raid me and I only have a fucking spear to protect my castle.

The maps are too small and nature is honestly boring, they should make a map that's 90% big city ruins (metros, bridges, sewers, skyscrapers etc.) and in which you can build anywhere.

Are there any SteamIDs that have given a female massive tiddies?

>What went wrong with this game?
>What would you do to improve it?
Kill Garry

Developers (C# Fags)

stopped playing when my mates stopped, I wouldnt mind playing again

It's not a bad game, you just need to play it with other people. I can't imagine it being very fun on your own.

Once everyone loses steam and stops playing though there's no reason to go back.

you have to invest all your time into it and live in constant fear

Apart from the game being basically just above arma in terms of optimization, its one of the only games of its kind; a survival horror MMO. It gives you the feeling and rush only one game can give, but its also the most depressing and depraved feeling playing with people for months and then getting fucked over by every single one, leaving you with what is essentially video game track marks, and deep emotional hole. fuck you thicker :(

game legit takes like 15 minutes to fully load up on my computer


It's never getting fully released because Garry Jewman knows that people would refund it en masse the second that happens.

People are just too hostile, meaning that in order to survive yourself you, too, have to be hostile to everyone you meet. Solo play is a pain but if you can manage to get at least a 3-4 man group it can be pretty fun. Making friends with neighbors and forming small communities is literally the most fun you can have, but good luck with that when you'll get shot in the face for just standing outside.

Huh? I thought you could return early access games at literally any time before release.

>Build a little house out of the way, not troubling anyone.
>Spend an extra hour each time to make sure your door is metal and you have a codelock instead of keys.
>Log in the next day and some guy blew it up for your 500 stone and some left over animal fats.

Oh well.

>get 3-4 people
>build base
>raided overnight

only way to raid is explosives, making explosives is a chore, every base consists of exploited stacked walls and foundations with 3500 doors, tool cupboards, not being able to place ladders on enemy bases, component system, no half blocks or new basic building blocks in general, bugged animals, gunplay feels bad, cheaters, etc.

They should get the base game right instead of adding more fucking guns and skins

That's one big discouraging factor for the game as well. No good anti-raid feature for offline besides honeycomb spamming and hoping that you just won't get noticed by anyone looking to raid you while you're gone. Bigger map size would help with this I think.

I really wish I could find a good server focused on making giant communities instead of 5-10 man groups.

Because this game is whoever has the biggest band of Russian by its side = win

From what I heard the community went to shit, everybody plays too aggressively.

It could have been great. It's apparent that it's made by shitty devs using Unity as a crutch since they couldn't even implement basic culling for years.

how faggot they are?

lol no, it's a game by facepunch, which is a community older than reddit
ignore the underages trying to sound cool in this thread, they have no idea what they're talking about.

unity is a shit engine. it's not MEANT for big games, so you gotta hack your way into making larger games.

with some games you pretty much enter the realm of enginedev due to how much shit you gotta do yourself

No idea why they wanted to use Unity for an open world game, they're rewriting everything each month and still haven't gotten anywhere.

haha what

what year is this 1990

>distance-based culling

Unreal is a better engine, but when they started making the game it wasn't as far along.

you literally have to sleep in shifts with your friends if you want to make sure you aren't getting assraped while offline