Game has jelly beans for collectibles/trading system

>game has jelly beans for collectibles/trading system
>can't eat them
Why not?

>games protagonist is a titty monster

>game's currency are bullets
>you can actually shoot them

You probably found these beans on the floor. That'd be yucky to eat.

>find them on a table or as a reward
>still can't eat them

What is boy and his blob?

>game's main currency is bottle caps
>can make ammo factories
>can't make bottle cap factories

That's actually a girl. What are you even asking?

Same reason ancient spics used chocolate beans as currency and would eat them only in specific important rituals. They're fucking currency, you don't eat your own currency.

dumb brat posters

Prepare to get bullied, nerd

Underage detected.

harry potter and the sorcerer's stone for pc. Good times

Well you see user, op posted a green text of a game in which jelly beans were a collectable. I gave a guess on which game he was referring to, given that A Boy and his Blob is primarily about collecting and using jelly beans without ingesting them yourself. I phrased this guess in the form of a question as a reference to Jeopardy, a popular television quiz game here in the United States

psh, good luck kid

>A Boy and his Blob
Oh, you meant to mention the game A Boy and His Blob but instead tried to be clever and asked what a boy and his blob was. Oops, how embarrassing.

post more best girls


It's actually Harry Potter games. Not OP btw

>flat character lashes out at titty monster
>ends up humiliating herself


here, my mistake I thought you said "worst"

akari will always be best girl so I'm just posting 2nd best girl
I can't decide between ayano or yui

ayano a cute as well

very cute

You know what isn't cute? jellybeans are made of cattle hides and pork skins, why would you want to eat them?

Yui and Ayano are both lame.

Chinatsu is much better than them but behind Akari and Kyouko

>better than anyone


where are the jelly beans

chinatsu is too lewd