Defense +1

>Defense +1
>male character gains a piece of armor
>female character takes off a piece of armor
Why is this s*xist shit still allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because my dick wills it

amen, fellow feminist

>underwear under swimsuit

what the hell is mokou wearing?

because the female body is something to be admired, not hidden away.

As women get sexier they also get stronger

It's a metaphor

I'm updating but pictures aren't appearing like magic.

Why did you censor sex

This offends my Muslim sensibilities. You are a western cuck

2 layers of bikinies

Are you really going to tell me that pic related isn't a work of art? I don't particularly care about sexualization if it's done tactfully instead of just being blatant male pandering, in which case you should at least be fair.

Men are disgusting.
Gay men and heterosexual women are degenerate fetishists and should not be catered to.

Because most people are too stupid to realize it ought to be the opposite. The male body should be celebrated, and nasty hags should always be covered up.

I agree with you, OP. But I gave up arguing with others, because:

>I want women to have reveling outfits for battle
What a sexist pig! You are SO deluded! Women are not sex objects! This is about life and death, you fucking idiot! Would you wear no armor like that into battle?! This isn't a brothel! Games must never be made to appeal your 14 year old masturbatory fantasies! Go outside into the real world, you pathetic virgin!

>I want women to cover herself up with proper armor for battle
What a sexist pig! You are SO deluded! Women are not mindless objects for you to decide what to wear! Burqas are against human rights! Women with great bodies is empowering and that makes you insecure! Go outside into the real world, you pathetic virgin!

This is politics in a nutshell.

there are no games like this

Wrong. The female form is a hideous trainwreck. Males are objectively superior in every way.

You got it backwards, senpai. Heterosexuality is a mental illness. Any guy who thinks women are attractive is a pathetic sub-human cuck.


>arguing against the female form
>by posting effeminate men
It's ok to be gay and admit you still like women, just fuck traps or trannies so you can get your dick fix.

Why would you censor the word sex? It's this kind of shit that make your opinion is invalidated, if you're afraid to receive some flak because you can't say a word you better just not talk about it

well whether or not it's sexist depends on execution really.

Those are ordinary men, most guys look this way. Thin and elegant are inherently masculine traits. Women, on the other hand, are always rotund disgraces.

Why is her head so small compared to the rest of her body?

>still allowed
Name 10 games that did this in the last 10 years.
Only 2 of them get to be Asian games, and no porn games

>effeminate men
No such thing. All men have masculine bodies by virtue of belonging to a man. A woman could never look as good as either of those guys.

How about you shut the fuck up already you shitty samefag

>work of art
user I am not gay, but that is only the work of work and discipline. What the fuck has art to do with working out?

>thinking disgusting roasties could ever look 1/100th as good as a man


Funny you should say that try again double nigger

>samefags working in unison

Looks alright to me.

I guess he got us

>Those hips
Least there's something resembling an ass there.

>hips that narrow

You really can't do that on mobile try as much as you want my PC is busted
Have a dotted line

>that is only the work of work and discipline

The work and discipline of roiding, yes

>but that is only the work of work and discipline.
All art takes work and discipline. this is no different. honestly the only thing that perplexes me more than straight men is thiccfags.

Post more houtengeki.

>ideal female proportion
>with shoulders this fucking broad

>those broad man shoulders
>those man hips
>that fucking pancake ass

Whose "ideal proportions" are these, exactly?

because women want to be sexy AND badass?

>well whether or not it's sexist depends on execution really

No, it doesn't. It that were the case then jackasses like Anita Sarkeesian (famous video game critic who admitted to NOT even playing video games) wouldn't be so popular in the first place

what if I don't?


What does that even have to do with Saxism?
In fact, I think it would do good for the industry if there were more games with saxual content.

i am not sure if this irony or legit tumblr autism

Because Insha'Allah you dumb nig

It's a double swimsuit you retard it's actually very fashionable

Tell me that's photoshopped because if it isn't his body is horribly mangled.

>girls are empowered by being more beautiful
>guys are empowered by covering themselves up as much as possible
really activates my almonds

Houtengeki posting need to be a bannable offense for what it does to my dick

that`s standard procedure for extra virgin waifus

samefags working really hard today

I've never seen a more blatant giveaway of samefagging. The odds of two people being absolutely shitfucking braindead enough to
1. want to validate themselves on an anonymous board
2. do it by posting a png image that takes 3 seconds to edit
3. within the same minute,
are worse than winning the lottery.

Fuck this thread, post some saxist music, Sup Forums

elaborate. I don't think sarkeesian is always right, hell I wouldn't even go as far to call her credible. so I fail to see what she has to do with execution being the deciding factor is execution.

but user thats not true!

no you got it backwards

But games like persona 3 have joke armor that has every character running around in their swimsuits.

but they can't be samefagging. you have to wait a full minute for consecutive posts.

You guys are by any chance samefags?

>Can't tell if OP is being ironic or one hundred percent serious.

Just because you're fat doesn't mean he's mangled m8

You're so innocent and cute.

yeah, he gets it backwards...

I know a couple of women whose breasts are big enough to cause considerable trouble when trying to find a swimsuit, so they wear underwear to keep things in place then might also wear a swimsuit if they feel like it.

>People are confused if this is bait
>OP censored the word sexist
C'mon, guys.

No, look at the way the muscle is, it's both flat and slanted.
Like artifical muscle from one of those TV ad massage band shit.

Muscle does not develop that way.

Name one(5) games that does this

>TERA online
If nobody mentions Tera this list becomes way shorter.

is this falseflag in falseflagging thread or is this some neofag mental projections?

Post buff video men

Here I managed to get my PC up and running after a little bit of trouble are you happy now?

> I don't think sarkeesian is always right, hell I wouldn't even go as far to call her credible.

You answered the question yourself.

Execution doesn't matter when it comes to bad politics.

Example, feminists complain female characters in vidya are oversexualized. Do they ever mention that male characters are oversexualized? Nope.

this looks like something from Aeon Flux.

This is objectively correct.

Nice basic programming skills you fucking faggot

That's not five(7) games

>Example, feminists complain female characters in vidya are oversexualized. Do they ever mention that male characters are oversexualized?
because sexualization of women is extremely disproportional in comparison with men. and then when it is done with men it tends to be executed far better. for example street fighter five has a sexy Ryu and a R.mika. Sexy Ryu is just shirtless and rugged so you can marvel in his masculine form. R.mika literally fights with her ass. there's a right and a wrong way to do sexualization however sexualization of women is almost always executed poorly.

This man gets it.

Here's the video for you pal

No, because while I can appreciate and admire that he put in a lot of work to get his body to look like that, I don't find men attractive.

>t. someone who has never been inside a gym


>because sexualization of women is extremely disproportional in comparison with men

No, it isn't.

If gamers started complaining about muscular male protagonists, then this alone would put the feminists complaints to shame.

>there's a right and a wrong way to do sexualization however sexualization of women is almost always executed poorly.
Then go on, tell others you want proper armor outfits for female characters. You'll get flamed for demanding what women should wear instead of letting them decide. They'll even call you a backward thinking Muslim.


how you take piture if phoneis in pictire

Silly user, Islam is feminist
Didn't you get the memo?

Actually I'm a nurse that works with disabled people.
Half of my work day has me either inside a home helping people recover lost muscle or build muscle for mobility reasons.

Never in my life have I come across a person with a healthy amount of muscle that looks as malformed as that.

Double swimsuits do things to my dick. I think that it triggers something in relation to tanlines.

Sexy swimsuits will always be god tier in my book. No matter how far into depraved shit I go, I will always find my way back to swimsuits.

>tell others you want proper armor outfits for female characters
I do. It's always vagina slaves that complain.

>If gamers started complaining about muscular male protagonists
I mean, they should. It creates an unrealistic standard for men.
>then this alone would put the feminists complaints to shame.
I don't get the logic here. wouldn't this just make the feminists points stronger since they're both after the same common enemy (sexualization)?

>Then go on, tell others you want proper armor outfits for female characters.
The armor isn't the problem, it's the execution. there's no reason why a male character should get proper armor when his defenses increase while a woman gets a bikini.

>You'll get flamed for demanding what women should wear instead of letting them decide.
this would have nothing to do with video games so I wouldn't care.

> They'll even call you a backward thinking Muslim.
I don't care what Sup Forums calls me.

yee bruh we need to show more skin

>for example street fighter five has a sexy Ryu and a R.mika. Sexy Ryu is just shirtless and rugged so you can marvel in his masculine form. R.mika literally fights with her ass. there's a right and a wrong way to do sexualization however sexualization of women is almost always executed poorly.

I doubt this is true. If I played ST5, I bet I could easily find a flaw in your post.

But either way, your argument is moot. Feminists largely complain about outfits and oversexualized bodies, NOT stupid gameplay which is what this thread is about in the first place. So stay on topic.

>women gain dodge
>men gain armor

>lying to strangers on a vietnamese basket weaving forum
People have that kind of bodyfat % and muscle definition everywhere.