Im 4 hours in and is a giant pile of shit, does it get better?
Im 4 hours in and is a giant pile of shit, does it get better?
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Literally just stop now. You're obviously not open-minded enough and have a low thresh-hold for older games.
You really wont be able to get much out of it if you constantly bitch and moan. It can be said for any game.
it literally gets better after you beat it
If you didn't like that fucking opening fight to level 20 then you should just stop now.
Nigga, there are a lot of older games on PS3/360 that play better than this bullshit, the game is just bad, the combat and the story sucks, the music and Kainé ass are the only things that are good about this game
No no we're pretty sure you just have shit taste
I'm not shitting you, It only really gets better once you finish it for the 3rd time.
There is nothing good about this game, combat isn't very good and turns into a joke later on as you become OP as fuck, story isn't very good either, doesn't make much sense and uses alot of artificial feels.
The only redeeming point is that the game is somehow strange in alot of elements and the ending is memorable.
Taro shills will defend it but he hasn't ever made a game to be "enjoyed"
This. It's still not worth it but it's fucking funny how true this statement is.
not really no
drop it and wait for automata like the rest of you platinum babies
>the story sucks,
It'll get better when you kill yourself, Muhammed
It's not FOR you.
>that play better than this bullshit
Like what? On the PS2 sure. It had shit tons of action games/RPGs like Onimusha, CoD, Blood Will Tell, etc. The ps360 didn't have shit for shit in terms of action RPGs that also weren't a steaming pile of shit. When measuring the game against it's same generation piers, it's in the upper brackets. Anyways;
Probably not for you.
The story is great.
Mind telling some stories you consider good?
>giant pile of shit
Just drop it now pleb
Tell me a reason why this isnt pure shit claimed to be great by Sup Forums
Even the fucking dinasty Warriors play better than this, Bayonetta and God of War 3 came out before this
if you dont like it then dont play it
You've already shut your window for enjoying the game and theres nothing that can be done about it. Going into anything with the mindset of thinking "This is going to be amazing because xyz told me so" and not just soaking in the experience for what is offered will automatically make it less enjoyable, especially for a yoko taro game. Give up, drop the game, read an LP or whatever, and I hope platinum makes Automata bearable for you
>dinasty Warriors
Dynasty Warriors 7 did not play better than Nier. Dynasty Warriors 8 sure. But in that game your'e slaying hordes of enemies. In nier you're slaying smaller numbers of slightly stronger enemies. Unless you've done subquests in which you'll be overleveled until you beat the game. Because a fault it has IS balance.
>Bayonetta and God of War 3 came out before this
the PS3 port of Bayonetta was dogshit terrible and buggy. God of War 3 was a game produced by a company with much larger funding. Neither of these two games are action RPGs. Neither of them have meaningful worldmap to traverse.
Nier is very much a love it or be bored to death by it
It had a really slow start that literally put me to sleep the first few times I tried it.
But yeah, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, it's a game you have to power through and see the different endings of to fully appreciate.
>make shit game
>retards force themselves to like it
how does he do it bros
With style.
Not OP but my best friend who is known for having good taste all be it a little on the weeb side praised this game, I've tried to play it 3 times and just lose interest really fast. The story didn't hook me and the game play wasn't spectacular. If the story is the only thing the game has going for it I could just as easily YouTube the story sequences. The game is ugly, PS2 level ugly and the controls suck. I still have the game and will most likely never touch it again.
>not playing solely for the music
SHIT taste
He frames the bad game play as part of the experience. He appeals to the crowd that thinks games can be more than the game play, and those that are a bit weeby
That sounds very pretentious and up its own ass
>mfw I fully enjoyed Nier on its merits as a game and not just the story
Melee combat is passable but the magic system is fun as fuck. The boss fights were GOAT too.
Seriously who the fuck does he think he is? He's not a avant garde unconventional film director like Wes Anderson or Cronenberg. He's just some third-rate hack Japanese developer and his work doesn't speak for itself. He has no magnum opus or any real credibility under his belt. That is some bullshit if true.
By making edgy dhit games and claiming while claiming he is shit or that he lacks budget to avoid criticism.
Tarotards eat that shit up.
>"wow combat on Nier sucks"
>tarofags go full defense force and damage control
Only thing that's missing is the platinum secondary insult.
Dunno, but the combat in new Nier also sucks
To me it seems like he wants to challenge the meta of what games usually are, while applying an artistic aspect. This interview he did is very telling about how he sees himself as a director
Theres also other things like his conference on "making weird games for weird people", but he's often said he's very confused why people like his games so much
I will never get this "Nier has bad gameplay" meme, I thoroughly enjoyed it. If anything it's the story that's a bit overrated
>He frames the bad game play as part of the experience.
Actually Saito truly believed that Drag-on-Dragoon was a perfect marriage between on ground action and aerial combat. That Nier was a perfect marriage of many different genres of gameplay, and the Drag-on-Dragoon played well. Them hiring on platinum is finally an admission that maybe they need help with the action component of their games.
You mean secondary or platinumfag. But most "platinum-fags" that enter these threads ARE Platinum secondaries. Who couldn't weapon swap in Bayonetta 2 let alone do it in Nier.
DoD and Nier are both gutter trash pondscum tier but gets shilled solely because "le wacky story". It's not even The Room tier.
To be fair jumping on your dragon to rain death from above is one of the few things Drakengard actually does well.
It's a massive improvement at least. There's more stuff still coming in the full game.
>story is overrated
Noice my fellow tarofag. Let's teach these platfags secondaries that games can be shit and still be good!
Muh feels, decent OST, some like the story even though it's kinda dull and you can see the twists from a mile away. Good thing the story isn't the point but the impact is. It's obvious that the director has a lot of ideas but they weren't executed quite well. It's still unique to say the least.
>Let's teach these platfags secondaries that games can be shit and still be good!
>taro fag
lolno. I'm making fun of platinum secondaries not encouraging whatever tarodickery you seem to be obsessed with. Until you've PP'd NSIC you're a CG secondary forever.
Until you get shot out of the air by ALL THE ARCHERS.
>see the twists from a mile away.
You must have clairvoyant foresight the type only present in Arlington Road.
>play Nier because people always praise its story
>story is average and the sidequests are all terrible
And then I found out I had to read a book to make the story suck a little less.
A BIT overrated. It's still a damn good story, just not the life changing experience it had been hyped to be.
I'd been memed that Nier was a bad game with an amazing story and instead it was a pretty good game with a pretty good story.
You made 9S angry, user.
The biggest problem with Nier's combathe is it forces you to use the worst weapon type for half the game, spears and two handed swords feel so much better than short swords it's not even funny.
It's not. It's the same buttonmashing shit, just more fluid and less hard because of evades
The melee combat is boring but serviceable. That's the bad of it. And it's a lot of bad because there's a lot of melee combat. But the story, characters, music, world, everything else is so fucking good. The first half of the game is really slow because they're letting you get used to the game and get cozy so the second half can fucking swerve you and go nuts, and going through the multiple endings adds to the craziness and fleshes out the story in such a complete and fulfilling way that it's really hard to not be satisfied.
If you get to the second half of the game and don't start having fun then just quit because it's clearly not for you and you won't want to go through the effort to see all the endings.
Why continue, OP?
Just drop it, like your education.
you're only playing it now because you're hopping on the bandwagon since automata has a waifu in it. and since you claimed only the music and Kaine's ass are the only good bits. you're a little faggot.
But he is right. I mean, Popola and whatshername are pretty cute too, but Kaine is still better.
Aren't band wagon hoppers the greatest. I remember when a few years ago there was a bunch of "now that the dust has settled what is Sup Forumss opinion on Pong". But this guy is being completely unironic.
>Stop disliking what I like!