Is where any game that close to the Die Hard movie?

Is where any game that close to the Die Hard movie?

I mean that you are trapped somewhere with bad guy all alone and need to survive by taking them one by one?


die hard the videogame would be a start

System Shock

The Die Hard trilogy is one of the best PS1 games, kid.


Also Chapter 2 in F.E.A.R. close to that

Die Hard is the best action movie of all time

I dare to play a game like that movie

die hard - nakatomi plaza
its good

Die Hard NES version

Die hard arcade on Saturn


yippy kay yai motherfucker

james cuck

armacham office in fear is pretty close

All the Deus Ex games have missions were you are the target of a raid in a building or city hub, you can take the enemies one by one, it is actually easier than sneaking around every time you want to backtrack.

It's not that bad, james is just a retard

Gone Home

Dead Space

this game you useless faggots
its the true die hard experience

Like 95% of modern sneaking games where you an also kill the enemies

Metal Gear Solid 2, it's even have hostages in it

have you seen the movie?

no i havent played metal gear solid 4

Half Life 1

>you locked in facility with bad guys / Mcclane locked in Nakatomi Plaza

>hostage situation

>engaging openly in battle with enemy is a bad choice so you should do it stealthy, finding other ways and even use vent shafts

>defusing bombs is a one main part of a game

etc etc etc

stupid kojamble fanboi

Did you rike it?

>main character is male

Wait Raiden is male?

no you fucking gook

fite me faggut

suck a nigga dick
show me a good game made by kojamblo
protip: you cant

I only played MGS V

its shit :D

It is :D

hiddeous cuckjimbo fan bois getting rekt


fighting through the Chrysler Building in PE?

Fuck, I forgot that I bought those games. I need to play them


>No Die Hard Arcade

Are you all underage?

Manhunt is pretty much what you're describing