What's the best way to play REmake? Original or Enhanced?

What's the best way to play REmake? Original or Enhanced?

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The best way is to play the original PS1 version instead.

if you really wanted to you could play enhanced in 4:3 aspect ratio


Enhanced has stupid over sharpened backgrounds, but 60 fps.

Original, when played on a CRT, looks phenomenal and the backgrounds are almost impossible to notice are pre-rendered compared to characters and lighting. On the downside, 30 fps.

I go with original on my Toshiba 27" CRT.

The comparison between the pre-rendered graphics and the models is still a bit jarring. I'm considering checking it out on CRT to see if it looks any better.

Enhanced with the original models and voices.

Ok so I just started playing REHD a few days ago, reading as little as possible beforehand for maximum suprizez.

Well I just learned that I need to torch the bodies to avoid the crimson zombies, and I've probably killed like 8 so far and I'm about to fight the snake soon.

How fucked am I

the HD remaster is fine, and easily available on all major systems.

If the BG quality seems to bother you, play at 720p with basic FXAA enabled.
Don't be tricked by the newly added "Very Easy mode", and start playing on the mere "Easy", thinking it would be the "normal" mode.
IMO, the port looks just fine most of the time, even at 1080p

Play at 640x480 then

Not a problem, unless you're a plebeian.
Hope ya keep multiple savestates, tho'.

I've played both, but the enhanced one is the best.

Holy shit, I didn't know that existed.

I honestly find HD to be much easier than the original, for some reason. There's ONE room you'll get your shit fucked up in and that's it; the room with the original crimson head you can't burn. If you go through the door on the second floor near the wooden staircase, you get sandwiched between two zombies. There's also the dogs on the balcony because they seem a lot more difficult to deal with in the remake and they can double team.

Crimson heads aren't too bad, particularly the elder one in the underground, that one was fucking laughable.

>Crimson heads aren't too bad, particularly the elder one in the underground, that one was fucking laughable.

You can say that twice. I was preparing myself for this really hard battle with this zombie that had a fucking coffin all for himself and it was piss easy. It was a little bit anticlimactic.

Having played both, I'll say that I prefer the Enhanced version. While what says is true, I'll still take 60 fps and the higher quality models and textures. And, while some backgrounds do look noticeably bad, I think that most of them still look great. The lighting looks pretty great too.

DS one is actually superior because of shit like being able to skip door animations and a co-op mode.

It looks and sounds even worse than the ps1 version though.

>retarded knife and blow on Richard's wounds minigames built in

Absolutely not. Was cool to have a bonus mode with Kenneth/Forrest models and stuff though.

I think this is a fair comment. If RE on PC looks a bit too much, you can always throw it on CRT or lower the graphics and almost downgrade it slightly for it all to gel better. I'll probably do this.

This. I feel like there's no reason to play the previous version. PC has 60 fps, mods, better models and lightning. I'll settle on a sharper filter over the backgrounds for all of that.

I think the REmake seemed a bit too in love with puzzles, especially when you didn't need to add any more, the variants weren't as good or sensible, or they were just plain fucking pointless.

I assume they added more puzzles because of the George Trevor storyline of him trying to get out of the house he built, but the knight puzzle made no fucking sense. The whole bee mount coming to life was just plain fucking stupid, the paintings of the necklace/bracelet/crown was interesting but not any better than the original, and the fucking box with the death mask in? It's like you couldn't walk through a room without solving a mediocre puzzle.

REmake isn't as good as the original, it just isn't. The music, the voice acting, the atmosphere, the story. Hell, even arranged mode I felt had a lot more challenge to the remake and their crimson heads (Fast zombies who can kill you in one bite, usually a few feet away from you in certain new rooms you walk into, hunters seemed a lot more threatening and unpredictable, particularly the two underneath the snake in the piano room). However, it is a perfect way to create and remake a classic game, and the remaster accomplished a lot of the same things bringing it 12/13 years into the future and making it look and feel great.

best version


>I think the REmake seemed a bit too in love with puzzles,
I disagree completely. RE1 worked so damn well because at heart, it was pretty much an adventure game with monsters to blow away added in.

As someone who's played the RE games as they've come out originally, I do greatly prefer the REmake over original. Yeah there's that silly charm in old voices and shit, but REmake just excels in atmosphere and design.

>when brad finds Chris's Blood and tastes it just to be sure

some things are better in the original


fuck off

Both are worth playing, but REmake is a harder and better game.

Really, the people saying to only play one version are retarded.


>calls Barry Brad when Barry's name is in the filename

Step it up user

REmake is easy as cake compared to the original. Just compare the remake hunters with the PS1 ones.
You can kill them real quick in Remake, but they will one hit kill you in RE1

I agree, any fan of the series should play both. Many people who only played REmake are ignorant on the matter as they assume the original is just the same game with worse graphics, when really they are vastly different games.

REmake Hunters have more health senpai. 1 grenade in RE1 kills a hunter, in REmake they take like 2 to 3 grenades to down. Some things in 1 are more difficult, like the snake boss, but overall REmake is still edges it out with crimson heads.

Enhanced has the crime against humanity, which is they don't have the typewriter be in sync with typing your save out. Just a shitty "saving..." prompt.

>in REmake they take like 2 to 3 grenades to down.
use Acid rounds, mate.
Or Magnum.

Arranged mode was a lot harder than the original in RE. The crows could fuck you up if they pissed you off, you were in real trouble if you had two or more hunters, the labrinyth underneath the courtyard was tough and the chimera's were dangerous if you tried to take them on. I don't think REmake had anything that threatening outside of maybe a better Tyrant and the sharks.

Acid round are harder to find, plus acid rounds have a fucking horrible range in REmake. Figured that shit out when trying to down the Tyrant in my 3 hour run, thing falls flat a solid 8 feet in front of you.

Yeah, plus it's really neat how REmake fucks with you once you're familiar with how 1 works. The different puzzles and old puzzle items that are tweaked into new puzzles is really just smart on their part, like the way you get the magnum in REmake.

Why was it magnificent?

That's a big Tyrant.

>Acid round are harder to find, plus acid rounds have a fucking horrible range in REmake.
That's why you save them, like you do with Magnum ammo. And the Hunters do fine job getting close to you anyway.

>Original or Enhanced?
wtf, I just uninstalled the game yesterday and don't remember anything about original and enhanced modes except for the controls (original and alternate).

can someone explain what those are? How did you access them? What's the difference?

I played the 'original' on gamecube, is that what you mean? Is the Steam version the 'enhanced' version?

Because he doesn't have a penis.

>That's why you save them

No shit dumbass, that's what I'm saying. The grenade launcher as a whole is nerfed in REmake. Normal rounds don't 1 shot Hunters, plus normal ass zombies can survive single grenades, and they're very unlikely to have their head blown off from a single grenade.

>I played the 'original' on gamecube, is that what you mean? Is the Steam version the 'enhanced' version?


It had a nice butt, right?

>Normal rounds don't 1 shot Hunters

They didn't in the original though, did they? Only flame rounds or maybe acid, but you didn't get much. You usually had a lot more grenades and they'd take 2/3. Maybe that was just an arranged mode thing? Besides, you were virtually swimming in shotgun rounds so I kept the bazooka rounds for Snek and the labryinth's.

The difficulty difference in Original and REmake is fairly close if you're considering the Arranged difficulty anyway, you could kill pretty much everything in the PS1 version and not be too worried about ammo, in REmake there was less and you got the shotgun rounds later but it wasn't too much of an ask to be more intelligent with the zombies in the first part of the mansion, after that you were pretty much okay.


Jesus christ user can you look like anymore of an idiot

I thought Arranged mode just switched the items around, what else does it do?

>They didn't in the original though, did they?

In the dualshock version, yes.

>The difficulty difference in Original and REmake is fairly close if you're considering the Arranged difficulty anyway,

I agree, plus both games on normal will have you swimming in ammo by the halfway mark. Trying to act like one is way harder than the other is kinda silly.

PS1 if you are playing though the series in order so you doing get burned out by how bad the rest of the series looks, but if you just want to play 1 then play the GC version since the enhanced versions backgrounds are just the original backgrounds stretched out and put under a photoshop filter.
You could also try the DS port if you're bored.

>I thought Arranged mode just switched the items around, what else does it do?

Oh no. The arranged in RE1 is balla, the one in 2 just makes it easier.

In arranged, I think you get less handgun bullets, but you get headshots. Enemies do double damage and there's fast zombies in certain rooms who can kill you in two bites. The hunters also do a lot more damage I think, as does the Snake. So basically it's a trade off for headshots for less ammo and taking more damage. It's a little tougher, it's not too noticable outside of the fast zombies and when you get to the mansion part 2 and the Hunters are confirmed for brawl.

Forrest also wakes up in Arranged Mode but you can blow his head off if you're quick enough. I personally prefer Arranged to Original, even the switched items make the same, if not more sense.

This, but I still recommend playing both but starting with the original.

I'm also a fag that prefers the dual Shock Version music as well so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Can I emulate DS version?

>The difficulty difference in Original and REmake is fairly close if you're considering the Arranged difficulty anyway

I've been wondering about this now that I've finished REmake. I've never actually finished the original and I've been meaning to do it now. I never got really far into it either, like not even 1 hour into the game for various reasons. I do remember it being a little bit more difficult than REmake though, but I did play it like 10 or more years ago, and not a whole lot, like I said. With the exception of the very beginning until you get the shotgun, I didn't really have much trouble with REmake even in real survival.

Hope this is not Chris' BLOOD

t-they aren't backgrounds user, they are real..!
It's a real mansion!

>I'm also a fag that prefers the dual Shock Version music

Sure but don't play rebirth mode since it uses the DS's mic for a CPR scene

The boss fights in this game are so dumb and pointless.

Like you practically don't even have to fight the plant or shark if you use the chemical or generator.

If you're familiar enough with Resident Evil, the difficulty has never been too much of a threat, even in 3. The only times I ever got fucked up was silly mistakes or if I'm trying stupid run ideas.

Like in the original, I like to do runs where I kill absolutely everything but respawning enemies (tiny snakes in the courtyard, the lab zombies) and a run-ender is the two hunters underneath the grave after the snake fight. I think you only get that if you don't wait for Barry. In 3 I only got fucked up by the last Nemesis fight with the rail gun because I had no idea what I was doing. Didn't save or anything.

Another excellent but very hard run I recommend is playing 4 without any upgrades and killing EVERYTHING. You have to conserve your ammo in the castle because once you get into the mines, you run into a chain of ganados, the two big el gigante's and then the big novistador underground labryinth (which makes them the hardest game in the enemies for not using most of your good ammunition on)

I think I'll do another game of that when I can be bothered to unlock professional mode. It turns RE4 from a breeze into I think, the hardest game in the series, and the most rewarding. (PSA's unlimited, but never use them to buy rocket launchers, only enhanced suitcases)

i do have a mic tho

emulator can't emulate this?

You should have seen my face a few years later when I played the one with the original music at a friend's house, I kept asking him why his music in the game was all fucked up and sounded weird and he had no idea what I was talking about.
I even took the game out of his console and cleaned the disc because I was so fucked up on how the music sounded.


Surprised we got this far into the thread without this being posted.

the snake was very dissapointing, 3 magnum rounds and ded

no idea

Who /platinum/ here?

That sounds interesting. Could you elaborate?

Comfiest themes/ambience to loop


>using your magnum rounds on snek

I always used it for hunters or the tyrant. By the time the snake gets to you, I've usually unloaded so many bazooka rounds into it, it'll drop or I'll take a hit, heal up and finish it off. It's just an ammo dump, no need to use the best guns.

The DS port had a new mode called rebirth that changed some things in the game like had more enemies, first person knife battles that used the touch screen, when a zombie grabs you, you can stab them instead of shaking them off, a lot of the hunters are replaced with chimeras, new puzzles that use the mic, and there are new costumes for Chris, Jill, and Rebecca.



>If you're familiar enough with Resident Evil, the difficulty has never been too much of a threat

That could be it. I don't consider myself a veteran of the series by any means, but I've played quite a lot of REs games. REmake just felt right at home.
If I ever play RE4 again, I'll be sure to try your run idea. Sounds like fun. I'm pretty sure I did complete the game in professional mode, but that was back when the game came out for the ps2 and I don't remember much, to be honest. I'm sure it was harder, but I don't remember exactly how much. Although I did play that games for what must've been hundreds of hours, so I must been somewhat prepared for that difficulty.
Trying out different runs for RE games sure is fun, isn't it? The other day I finally beat a knife only and no save run in REmake and I was ecstatic.

I'm almost there! I just need to beat the game in invisible enemy mode.

Forcing yourself to kill everything in Resident Evil really ups the difficulty, particularly in 4 without the upgrades. It brings a whole other level of toughness, particularly with the pistol you get from the Merchant for collecting the treasure, the original Shotgun, a limited Broken Butterfly and I think that's it? I'm sure you have to buy the rifle but playing without using the merchant is a vast improvement, I don't think many people do no merchant runs whilst also killing everything, it's always a speedrun thing.

The only thing that I keep up in the air is whether buying upgrades for the attache case is allowed. I can't remember if you can actually hold all the weapons and the occasional rocket launcher you can pick up in the game without upgrading it a few times. The goal of the game is almost 'make as much PTAS' in one run more than anything. The only bitch is actually completing the game once to unlock the Professional Mode, I hate when games do that shit.

Sounds interesting. Is it any fun?

playing enhanced without any problems because i still remember my first playthrough of the PS1 original.


its fine

What's Long Lost Friend from? Barry's death?


wait what's the difference? you mean Gamecube or the HD versions?

the original game.

not platinum, but may as well be

I think that helped from me, just looking at what was in the room, if I needed to use the shotgun yet, leaving herbs lying around, working out shortcuts, paying attention to kerosine and when to burn (i got two/three headshots and kerosine wasn't as limited as I thought it'd be), I probably took less damage than I would in the original, people forget defensive items are a big help also.

The only thing that fucked me was the shortcut room into the one where you get the arrowhead. Right in the middle of a normal zombie and a crimson head, just fucked my shit up

It looked cool as fuck.

Didn't she die?

>skipping door animations
>skipping a games staple element to immersion

Literally the person killing videogames here

>still nobody knows who the best Jill is.

Live animation Jill and voice acting Jill from RE1 are best Jill's.

RE1 and 2 got me into beta's for video games. It always interests me how fascinating they looked and how different before they came out, particularly 1.5. It's crazy to think there's a mod of it out which is still a complete buggy shit tip because they never got the hands on the latest build that was made. I hope someday it comes out.


>spawning lab zombies


In the underground labs, there's a bunch of naked zombies that continually respawn no matter how many times you kill them, unless it's just an arranged thing. Infact, I think they respawn upstairs too when you first enter. They're the only ones I recall coming back though.

Yeah, it's really interesting to see what games looked like initially and what things changed and what didn't. Basically, how they evolved.


>video games will never be this interesting again

user that was 30 years ago

There's actually a full video.

Games in the PS1 era, particularly when you'd see demos, would have so many changes. While the engine would rarely look any different, they'd make so many little tweaks which would always fascinate me. Be it animations, locations, the backgrounds, sounds, Final Fantasy VII was another really interesting game that has so many development changes. It was a time where a lot of things would have loose coding you could find or breadcrumbs in a game that would lead to a missing part of a story, a character. I always found those things so interesting, I don't remember seeing much of those things after the GTA trilogy on the PS2. Nowadays it pretty much ends at "wow, the graphics look shittier compared to the E3 demonstration and bullshots." Back then you had demo's of games that would release completely differently, it was exciting.

Good find user.

Seems like RE3 gets kinda forgotten about but it's my favorite of the classic games (CV being a close second),

Hope they end up remastering it as well

No Upgrade/No Yellow Herb/Pro RE4 is no joke, but a hell of a lot of fun provided you launcher the fuck out of U3's spongy ass.

Your kill everything run sounds like a great way to satisfy my decade-long curiosity of a 1000 kill RE4 playthrough. I'm always right around 900 no matter what.

I love mid 90s Japaneses gun porn. RE had it, Parasite Eve had it, bunch of anime had it. Wish I could pinpoint what to call it so I can find more media with it to consume

Even though I can understand some of it, it's still a shame it isn't subbed.


Yeah, I completely understand you. It's such a shame that those things are pretty much from a bygone era. Well, at least we got to experience them and there's always new things being found about old games.
What do you mean exactly by that? Do you like the sound? The designs? How they are portrayed? Animated?