What games are you playing in this sweltering 50 degree heat?

What games are you playing in this sweltering 50 degree heat?

>living in Australia


Chinastsu a stupid slut. Look at her she's literally asking to get rape.

>In Canada
>It's currently -28 Celsius

chinatsu doesnt get raped, she does the raping

is this an edit

Im a fat balding old man.

She got no chance.

It's like 50F in New England

fucking christ winter, make up your mind

Come to Florida. It's 73 degrees.

Even the Anti bully ranger got raped, (you) have no chance.

christ it's like actually 100 degrees colder here than there

New England bros

There's a massive puddle of melted snow in my backyard. I cried a little bit when I saw that.

I know

Come to sweden, blizzard halfmeter snow atm

Send help.

I've gotta walk my dog today to

We are between -10 and -20° in Austria with constant snow and I just want to feel the sweet embrace of death at this point.

I love winter but working outside while it's cold like that is the fucking worst shit ever.

Nigga it's -20c in the whole europe

Daily reminder that Fahrencucks need to be executed

rei fags are unbearable

>tfw central europe
>hottest it gets is like 35, average +25
>coldest it gets is like -20, average +5

It's boring but relatively comfy

>implying Celsius has any place outside of a laboratory

Degrees are just a made up number that have no meaning.

It's a good thing I'm actually a Misatofag then

>(you) have no chance

make your time

mah nigga

>48f in pennyslvania
i would've been fine with this if there was FUCKING SNOW

>temperature based on relatives
>easily distinguishable for travelers

>temperature based on precision
>need to convert it to use it practically

yeah no fuck off. I bet you unironically consider base 10 superior to base 12

>0 for freezing
>100 for boiling

Wow that was hard

Fahrenheit is better than Celsius for things related to human beings
>100 degrees is fucking hot
>0 degrees is cold as balls
>50 is weird because you can't tell if it's warm or cold

Celsius is lame.
"Hey, is it warm or cold outside?"

This makes literally zero sense.

>ask someone if it's warm or cold outside
>they tell me it's 27 degrees Celcius
>it immediately registers with me that it's warm because I'm not American and don't have brain problems

O-oh my fucking god!
I see her p-p-panties!

what do i do guys

Get in your dress Yui

tfw Yui will never force me into a dress

In Canada just -1 where I am.