
This is your last chance to speculate what's gonna be in Spla2n.


Several new stages to battle on, maybe even a new mode.

Then next year a Squid Sisters Rhythm Game

>Squid Sisters RPG
>Callie & Marie: Partners in Rhyme
Would you buy it?

Already confirmed:
>New weapons
>New Hairstyles
>Tree model in the background of the switch trailer has about 2x the poly count of trees in the original game

Personally, I am looking forward to more polygons.


I hope they removed Callie and Marie. That shit is unacceptable.

I like it

I want more multiplayer maps like Ancho-V that feature gimmicks from the single player.
Like the giant sponges, ziplines, and those invincible robot bugs that clean away ink from walls.

It won't be called Spla2n or Splat2oon

I want every weapon and every stage from the first Splatoon in the game at the start, so we have a full game's worth of content already before they start the drip feed of new stages that the original game had.

I also want to separate servers for all the game modes (as in, the three Ranked Modes can all be selected separately instead of only being able to play one at a time, plus whatever new ones they'd likely add in the sequel).

If they're going to continue the "only have a few maps in rotation at a time" trend, raise the normal queue to three maps at a time and have it change every 2 hours instead of every 4. Splatfests should be upped to 4 maps in rotation, if not 5, since they last longer and remove the ability to play other game modes.

Splatfests should also sometimes use ranked game modes instead of always being Turf War.

If they did all of the above, Spla2n would be an instant purchase for me, and it probably would if they just did the first thing.

more sp@s

Never played the game but I love the spats.

uhm, full size silicone sex doll


Body sliders and facial customization

>I want every weapon and every stage from the first Splatoon in the game at the start, so we have a full game's worth of content already before they start the drip feed of new stages that the original game had.

And put Sheldon out of business!?

the cream and chocolate ink colors should be added. perverts see what they want anyway. And chocolate and vanilla aren't illegal.

People will call it that anyway as shorthand, like people refer to "Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U" as Sm4sh.

Probably shark girls.

>Callie is the offensive character
>Marie is more defensive with a mix of support
>You attack by timing button prompts successfully
>Equipment is based off the games weapon and clothing

why isn't this a thing?



slightly more revealing outfits

like, not even bikinis, but at least don't cover the navel when you wear the octoling armor, that pissed me off

this thread need more spats

I want to believe

This will always be my favorite out of context page
Hurry up and get translated goddamnit

Crossgender hairstyles so I can be a cute brown boy squid

Wish there were more Splatoon doujins

More dance moves


Not even the best page


The poor dear.

shopkeeper redesigns
day and night cycle

>there will be an extra shop where you get haircuts by some new aquatic species
>as such they will redesign the hub area a bit and even give you more area to explore
>imagine taking a train and it takes you to a new mode. maybe a local multiplayer focused one. or something challenge based.
>will implement costumes and accessories when you tap non-splatoon amiibos.

DRIP physics.

By "in the game" I meant the weapons would be unlockable in the game. You can still have them be unlocked via level upgrades and purchases, I'd just like them to be available Day 1 (if you spent the first day playing enough to unlock them all) instead of being slowly added to the game over a year or not added at all.

I want more JoJo references and at least 50% more Woomy. Oh, and the squid sister should have voices.


FUCK now I want this! I just wanted a rhythm game like before. Don's set me up for disappointment like that user

Underground OctoPlaza with the Octo Sisters or Octo Brothers
Playable Octolings
Male Octolings
Models for those other bands
Decorations for Holidays like Halloween or Christmas
Night and Day Cycle with Twilight

Is this out of context?

>Full Splat Jacket.
>Born on the Fourth of Splatfest
>Inkopolis & Earth
>Asplatcalypse Now

more woomy
more butts
more boy butts
white ink

What would be a good species for hairdressing? A crab?

>white ink


If the last 3 panels were cropped it would be

have u ever regretted making a comment

>NoA went out of their way to remove white ink from the farewell video

I want to believe that the game will end up being an improvement over the original if only because nearly every balance patch the game got was meaningful and well thought-out. On top of that, there were detailed patch notes released a few days before the update actually dropped.
On the other hand, it's a Nintendo multiplayer sequel and they have historically always removed what made the previous game fun.

I just want wired controllers, dedicated servers, and non-RNG gear.

better controls
rainbow ink
map creator
more unique waifus

I want to spray my white ink all over Marie.


>map creator
well shit how is this going to work?

>more maps
make them free to play at any time
>more outfits and weapons
this should be a given
>hair and facial features
hair was confirmed, everything else could be a favorable option

hardcore squid-on-squid action

a flat area with blocks, and generic paintball stuff. no stellar vertical game obviously, but would still be fun.

Theoretically, a Doom-like editor could work where you just draw a top-down layout, and move vertexes and edges from there in a 3D space.
Or treat it like Halo's forge where players can place existing assets into the map in order to create new paths or cover.

Ever play snapmap in nuDoom?

>map creator

Now I want an official Splat Workshop where players can upload custom gear and maps and use them officially in-game without having to unofficially mod it (though the custom maps would likely be limited to private games). It'd never happen since someone would inevitably find a security hole and use it to crack the Switch wide open, though.

2/3 is good enough, right?

Playable Octolings + campaign
More Spyke
Viable Sloshers

The Tri Slosher and vanilla Slosher are great, though.

new rivals or enemies would be nice and eventually expand on the story of their world they live in

This. I often go with a Slosher.

I sort of want a room feature. Maybe you can earn/buy stuff to just put in your the room to look at and maybe walk about in.

Vanilla Slosher is great because the burst bombs synergize so well with it. Give it a little bit of damage and any hitmarker with the bomb can be followed up with a single slosh to kill. And it has the advantage of not being totally cucked when shooting up or down.

Playable Squid Sisters.
Playable Octolings.
Playable Shopkeepers (or just their races).
Squid Sisters Rhythm Game.
More amiibo bullshit.

And to put the ultimately impossible cherry on top: Jet Set Radio/Jet Set Radio Future crossover content.

Game is so shit that you guys only herpaderpa squidgirls porn


Night stages I can play any time, not this once a month BS.

If they got Ika Musume crossovers I don't think Jet Set Radio is out of the question.
Not Future tho, Microsoft wouldn't allow that.

Whoa man. One step at a time.

that's a neat vid, where's it from? a cutscene?

Everything on this list and more

To add they could have grinding and more acrobatics just like JSR

>Playable Squid Sisters.
I feel like that would ruin them. Have them just be AI that join a random team during Splatfest

What if the stages are day/night based on your system clock?

>devs will queue for games as the squid sisters

>other player can see more clearly than you because they're playing the stage during the day

why are they dancing like nigger hoes?

>They have exclusive weapons and gear

Have them be part of a game mode, like some sort of environmental trigger that takes your attention away from the main goal but summons a fast-as-fuck instakiller Marie or Callie for a while if you succeed.

>squid sisters sometimes invade the match and try to interrupt both teams

>tfw sharkgirls talk like pirates/are pirates
>sharkgirls are melee based and charge you full force with their paint rollers and paintbrushes
>game becomes a eccentially a zombie game with cute sharkgirls trying to run you down
How could this possibly go wrong

More maps on rotation.

A PC port

>1 minute left in match
>Suddenly WARNING pops up
>Callie and Marie Super Jump in

More animated Rule34 of squidkids.


Squids are basically sea gyaru/gyaru-ohs, which are the Japanese equivalent of nigger/guido thugs and hoes.

A squid.

I sort of wanna see models for all the other Squid age ranges. Also adult squids

Why not make a a game mode like KI:U's Light Vs Dark?

More squidmoms

>Random chance a dead player respawns as Callie or Marie for one life.


Can you pirate it for the wii u and play it online?

>adult squids

I can feel the rage already.

>xXxSephirothxXx has become Marie!
>Ten year old tries to Rambo through everyone.
>Dies instantly.