It's time to VOTE! The voting will end on January 16

It's time to VOTE! The voting will end on January 16.
Use the voting links in latest replies.

For each category, drag the available candidates to the right hand list and rank them in the order of preference. After finishing click SUBMIT at the bottom. It's not important to rank every candidate, you can choose to rank only the most liked.

Contribute a skit for a chance to win 100$:
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This link will be valid for the current hour (15 minutes left).

>multiple women confirmed taking part in the VGAs

Why do girls ruin everything

Fuck off.


>nu-Sup Forums
>not infested with females

New voting code to be posted shortly

But for them to work on the Sup ForumsGAs that would require them to actually be good at anything :^)

>good at anything
>not just joining for attention

VGAs are dead.

NEW VOTING CODE. Good for the current hour (58 minutes remaining from now).

Well then by that logic, nothing would ever get produced. We'll see you when the show airs.

A number of awards got cut cut cut because you guys didn't like them enough. If you would like to get the nomination results for any of them, you can ask now.

This one is for Best Award Show award. Even if it got cut, seems the Sup Forumsgas is at the very top! Here's to another year!

Source? Do we even have women on Sup Forums?

we got men

The game show called: "Can I bang your mom without knowing?" "Guess I just lost."

No interest in watching because the """""skits""""" are always reddit tier cringe shit, but I look forward to the results regardless.

whether you like them or not the skits are provided to us by members of the Sup Forums community so the quality is really all over the place. We will still have our results page up after the show airs

Be the change you want to see user

You have to go back, user. You seem to be obsessed with this "reddit" you're talkng about

fuck you and your shit awards

I have nothing to do with them you stupid cunt

What's your fucking problem m8?

>I have nothing to do with them
>replying and bumping their threads
yep sure

I do whatever the fuck I want on this shithole japanese imageboard you fucking entitled shithead.

Previous link has expired. Here's a new one:

here is something you can do, leave and never come back

Do you want me to piss in your face? Because I WILL piss all over your face and you will learn to obey when I'm done with your sweet little virgin ass, user.

>bad joke about pissing
the only thing you're doing that is piss related is the fact you are just pissing in the wind

>all shit

its just going to be overwatch spam

You will be filthy and soaking wet once I'm done with you

you never know, ive seen some crazy fucking changes in the results over the years working on this

disgusting user fucking disgusting shit. It sounds like you're all pent up and are trying to find ways to cool yourself down

Continuing with cut nominations, here's one for the Best Console award.

The only thing that cools me down is my hot yellow stream all over your smooth body, my human toilet

Just seeing all the games on these lists makes me depressed
Goddamn 2016 was fucking awful


You like the thought of it don't you

Oh lookie here, nominations for cut Worst Award Show, with Keighley's VGAs/TGAs leading.

jeez here we go again

where are representation of men and women

>you have to go back
>forgets the Sup ForumsGAs were invented on Sup Forums and only count Sup Forums votes
>forgets that 2015 Sup ForumsGAs were pro-Trump as fuck

Then again, there can be no "true" Scotsman, can there?

Those weren't cut, user.

Someone should cut you real good

how were 2015 awards pro trump what the fuck

>all those nominations for a literal who VN
Just how much did it get shilled down here?

Previous link has expired. Use this one:


Cut nominations for Worst Virtual Reality device.

I've heard some rumors about the show but are they true?

What rumors?

>he doesn't know that 90% of Sup Forums is female
newfag male spotted

give me that juicy gossip

Yes we love memes


Apparently it's like a cult inside the team. They worship the guy in charge like a god and spread seeds of misinformation. Word is there's a hidden channel on their Discord where a few selected members craft "proxy weapons" of some sort.

I'm not sure how it all fits together but it seems serious. Might be russians or something.

Cut nominations for Worst Sup Forums Admin.

This one's for cut Best Esports celeb.

>they will never, EVER release the nominees for the worst Discord person
>don't want to lower their reputation further for their already terrible award show

there are multiple people running the show, don't know where seeds of misinformation comes from or the "proxy weapons"

if anything the discord is literally a big fucking circlejerk of ego

Here you go user.

>neo Sup Forums awards

This shit has been reddit ever since it was a thing.
Just a bunch of pretentious faggots with blown up egos claiming to represent Sup Forums in anyway.
The only thing they represent is how this place has gone downhill over the years.

>The only thing they represent is how this place has gone downhill over the years.

What else is there to represent?

New voting code for the hour, previous one expired:

>claiming to represent Sup Forums
My job is to just present what Sup Forums votes for

>implying anyone besides newfags who try too hard to fit in votes or even gives a fuck about your attention whoring bullshit

Exactly, it's fucking pathetic to have an awards show at all, let alone a Sup Forums awards show. It goes against everything this place is supposed to stand for.

>my job

Nobody asked for this.

>pretentious faggots with blown up egos
Uh, what. It's fucking Sup Forums game awards we're talking about. How much weed have you been smoking?
Unless you're just pretending to be retarded.

Fuck off the edge of my dick.


> a bunch of pretentious faggots with blown up egos claiming to represent Sup Forums
That might be the most accurate description of Sup Forums to date

I enjoy the awards and like the games that win

vido bames

I appreciated pic related.
Also Obduction deserves to win an award but it probably won't.

I ranked it top most.

Worst Game: Mighty no. 9
You know it to be true.

vido bames

Best Game: FUCKING DOOM!!!!

no is hit mens

BACK OFF! I'll take you on!


have a clementine

Well, I voted. Can't wait to be disappointed by Sup Forums's shit taste and contrarianism. Again. Like I am every year.

so meen

do not hurt pepe the frog

Or what, shrimp? You gonna call Uncle Bydler?

when is the skits deadline?

January 21st