What was his fucking problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based on his jaundice my guess would be liver failure
hes an elf
the only people who defend elves are other elves
Never trust elves.
He's a Thalmor, being a massive douche is his birthright.
I like how this guy was voiced by Alexander Brandon who did unreal/deus ex/tyrian/jazz jackrabbit soundtracks
>Piss elves
Not once
lmao fuckin altmurr
Typical Thalmor. He knows he lives inside a shitty video game so he'll take any opportunity he can to try to unmake the world and destroy all life around him. The power of the eye was a once in a lifetime chance to achieve this.
Todd's lies must be reversed.
Sad thing is, he's the only competent Thalmor agent in the game
only reason he lost is because you're the fucking dragongborn
>Could have been born as anything
>Born as an Altmer.
Would honestly kill my self, assuming my parents didn't kill me first.
College was so fucking bad. You deal with such powerful artifacts lore wise and it's all piss and shit writing.
>he's still clinging to calling the guilds bad
Yes we ALL know they were bad, we don't need you telling us for the 400th time just how bad they were, we already know the guilds were added last minute, and shut the fuck up.
Are you fucking retarded?
Are you?
No I'll keep calling them bad because they were bad and should not be forgotten how bad they were so Bethesda doesn't fuck up this badly again.
Holy fuck imagine this autist in social settings just blasting off on people trying to relate to each other when talking.
Is this your first time having a conversation, dude?
I liked the setting of treating it like a school and going on what is basically an archaeological outing but it does fall apart pretty quickly. And yet still probably the least bad questline in the game, and not that bad even compared to the Oblivion Mages Guild questline.
See what I mean:
Are you actually shitting your pants right now because multiple people mention obvious things multiple times?
it was good come on the twist with high elf turning out to be power hungry asshole was good and unique
We're having two entirely different conversations
My conversation is about how everyone knows just how bad the guilds in skyrim are and that you don't need to mention it in every single god damn mother fucking thread
Am I seriously supposed to remember who the fuck this cardboard cutout #231 from Skyrim is?
>Thread about a specific thing
You are seriously socially damaged if you think you are making any sense right now.
>still dodging my point
>still namecalling
this is my final reply to you
Like all Thalmor delusions of grandeur.
if you're a fan of the series, then yes
Is it just me that finds TES lore and the universe to be unbelievably uncreative and dull as fuck?
Yes, I find TES lore immensely interesting.
It is, but autists will discuss the lore over multiple threads anyway
He was pissed off because he knew how shit the questline was going to be.
On the surface and in game it's boring as fuck. The Kirkbride background fluff is seriously trippy and out there though.
Altmer are pretty much the white people of es tho. Nords are fucking niggers and khajits are fucking jews. Idk what others are but it's obvious desu.
I can see Todd and Bethesda being incompetent enough to accidentally create the first self-conscious AI in a game.
Elven blood.
t. Altmer
Altmer are an odd mix of Nazi and Jew.
dumner are "We wuz tribunal an sheeit."
Orcs are bro tier now that the other mer kicked them out.
Bosmer are.
Once the mer learn their place Tamriel will be better off.
Are you forgetting the roman-like imperials, or the British-French bretons?
Also nords being niggers and not just a rehash of Vikings are you mentally handicapped?
You probably don't know enough about the lore to actually make a judgement on how you feel about it, friend.
If you would be a fan of the series you would despise Skyrim.
But I love skyrim
don't speak for other people
>People still talk about Skyrimjob
>people still make Morrowind threads on Sup Forums
>people still make Oblivion threads on Sup Forums
>people still make Skyrim threads on Sup Forums
It's a great series
Holy shit dude. Vikings were exactly like niggers. Going around destroying shit and raping women are the same thing that niggers and Vikings did/do. The only difference is the fact that Vikings had a pretty cool culture.
He spent years studying to get into the College of Winterhold and you get in just by saying "suuh dude"
Even the people that hate it love it.
Bethesda can't lose.
Vikings weren't nearly as violent as we originally thought. They weren't just mindless bloodthirsty rapists.
If you are a fan of C0DA you would despise Skyrim
I don't get all the hate for the guilds, since they are optional and not part of the main quest. For bonus content they add a lot to the game
That's the dumbest thing I've read in a while.
If you spend enough time looking at something you will eventually learn to like it because it's human nature to like stuff you invest time in because you don't want to feel like you've wasted your resources.
The point is that going fresh into it starting with oblivion I just don't find the universe interesting in the least. It feels worse than generic desu. In comparison, I went fresh into F3, and only really got into fallout when NV came along and hooked me in because the world feels a lot more interesting and distinct. Now I know a lot more because I was interested in learning about it. TES seems like a waste of time. I get bored within 10 minutes of all the copy paste generic fantasy charcters and very obvious racism parallels and shit and I just don't care.
obviously they didn't just kill everything in their sight, they weren't dumb; they colonized/conquered many lands on threat and negotiations alone.
You could say they have to defend themsELVES
Vikings were mainly traders. Their trading civilized England, they were the ruling class in Russia before Russia even was a thing, and the first white people to discover America.
Imagine if it was an actual school thing with actual dorms (not a tiny cave with 5 bedrooms) and actual classes where they'd give you exclusive spells or maybe even just lore.
Imagine if Skyrim was an RPG videogame.
Should have played Morrowind or ESO if you're interested in lore.
I found the game for you
To be honest Skyrim was rushed and it showed.
wtf i love altmer now
The thieves guild is all right, I just wish you didn't become the leader of every single guild by the end.
And I hate skyrim
Don't speak for other people
It's more like "YOO WUH' ZAP", they wanted to know if you truly were Dragonborn
Altmer suck but that doesn't mean I dont want a qt amazon altmer to step on me
Everything related to the Psijic Order makes the quest garbage, I don't even understand why the fuck they're there.
You could've just gone through the quest without their interference and absolutely nothing would have changed. Instead, you get a ghostly apparition saying "YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE, HARRY. BUT WE'RE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING. JUST LETTING YOU KNOW, BYE"
The rest of the questline is actually rather grounded, things like retrieving some stolen books and researching the Eye. Could've had some more filler like actually attending another class in a FUCKING COLLEGE, but it's Bethesda, at least we got the little classmate sidequests. But then the bullshit where you have to travel across the country, go through a dungeon, retrieve a staff, then come back all while Ancano is still sucking off the Eye for presumably days in real time, and being named Archmage after a total of like 3 fetch quests? Fuck off, and why the fuck did they kill Mirabelle for no reason
Why not just get a regular sized person with cardboard elf ears?
>Nords are niggers
>value of tradition, honor, family, and duty
Pick one.
Male Nord x Altmer female is the best desu
Nothing, Bethesda just isn't capable of making interesting villains at all. Most altmer in the game are in fact pretty much identical to him.
Altmer are tall as fuck though, what are you thinking about?
>Wanting to be touched by a disgusting KNIFE EAR
THATS RITE people only knife ears get out
Obvious vilain was obvious, and he died like a bitch after 3 sword slashs in his head. End.
I'm playing a new run through as a 1h with conjuration. His crippling fault is that he's...? Anons help.
How about those companions mane.
My N'wah
a paedophile
Liking ohmes isn't furry, right?
TFW I just want to murder knife ears but elves arent people so it isn't murder
>starting with oblivion
>thinking that you know fucking anything about TES
The reason you think this way is simple: Oblivion and Skyrim are generic trash made to satisfy normalfags and retards.
>The thieves guild is all right
The thieves guild is one of the most retarded questlines of the game, and you don't even do a single mission about actually doing thief stuff
Are you retarded?
Are you? It is widely agreed upon that that is the worst questline in the game, and by extension the series.
Is going in dungeons filled with Draugr, spoiling liquor and burning beehives thief stuff?
>Everything related to the Psijic Order makes the quest garbage, I don't even understand why the fuck they're there.
They needed a plot device to remove the super powerful orb so they wont have to reference it ever again, at the end of the questline.
That's a problem caused by the retarded idea that you should be able to do everything in a single playthrough and that locking the player out of doing something because they made a choice is a bad thing.
Anger is bad for you user. Elves are the lewd race, it's only natural to want their touch.
>It is widely agreed upon that that is the worst questline in the game
by whom?
By the way, it's obvious you've never played it and I doubt you've put more than 20 hours into the entire game.
You clearly sped through everything, or you would understand why all of those things happen.
Also, the very first thing you do is break into a safe and pickpocket someone.
Since I don't want to type a wall of text explaining everything wrong with that shitty questline, I'll just link you to this blog that explains it pretty in detail
>Also, the very first thing you do is break into a safe and pickpocket someone.
And it also the last time you ever steal something
the issue is they're the "main" side quests, if that makes sense.
if you're not doing the main quest, most people immediately start looking for one of the Big Three (mage, fighters, thieves) or the dark brotherhood, because they're relatively longer quest chains than most others not including the main quest, and offer tons of decent rewards for your playstyle.
when the main quest was already lackluster, having disappointing side quests too was just salt in the wound. DB was decent though, I will admit.
why did skyrim's main quest feel so fucking short and unsatisfying.
The very next quest you clear out a guy's safe.
Again, you are redefining what it means to be a retarded moron.
Yeah mate, totally understood why Karliah didn't shoot Mercer instead of me with her totally special poison, or why I had to sell my soul to be able to fight against Mercer even though his boss fight is just like every other fight in the game.
And let's not even forget the fact that nobody in the Guild noticed the fucking guild master taking shit away from the treasure.
The thieves guild represents everything that's wrong with this game.