Continuing the 1.1 million thread

Continuing the 1.1 million thread
WoW is dead. Discuss. Also apparently since we cannot stop them FFXIV shill thread as well.

Its their fault for letting PvP devolve into the absolute broken shitfest it is.
Maybe they should've actually balanced the classes currently on the roster instead of adding new ones like DH.

>Vanilla was balanced

Holy shit.


What went wrong?

can you point out where I said that in my post because I can't find it

The mmo genre is completely dead right now, and will stay dead as long as people still continue to make fucking raid-simulator wow ripoffs.

I just want them to kill it and release something fresh already. Doesn't even need to be a new or different IP.

>tfw archeage was great and then hackers destroyed it.

>Unholy DK main since Wrath
>4 diseases melee plate warlock with a pet as a very small part of the spec
>MoP/WoD unique diseases gone but now have a neat 15 stack disease that creates a fun playstyle keeping it maxed as long as possible
>Legion nixes all previous diseases and makes one brainless DoT that doesn't synergize at all with the rest of the spec
>the class is just a plate survival hunter now with a huge stupid focus on pets

Fucking why...


>Its their fault for letting PvP devolve into the absolute broken shitfest it is.

"devolve" implies it was at some point more balanced than it is.

It never was.

wow had been dead since TBC, wait I mean it died in WoTLK!
No! It died in Cata! - No, MoP for real, it died
Wait WoD killed wow!


fuck off doomsayer cuck

>always said if I ever played DK after they killed unholy tanking it'd only be unholy because maximum warcraft 3
>see what happened in legion
>i'd actually consider playing blood over it

dont forget
>have to stack haste to do any dps
>blizzard then nerfs secondary stats.

I thought Archeage looked really promising too, then yeah, hackers and other flaws showed up.


WoW has literally been dead for nearly a decade and that abortion of a game still could still never top WoW In sales numbers, players, and actual content.


did the other times also correspond with the game losing 10.9 million players from their peak?

People still play WoW? lol

MOBAs are the new MMOs except with less time commitment and less development work involved.

>"devolve" implies it was at some point more balanced than it is.
As of the last few expansions, I would say so.
PvP in Legion is probably the worst its ever been in a very long time, perhaps even worse off than Vanilla's.

don't...just don't fucking remind me. I can never forgive blizzard for that bullshit. Muh class fantasy.

Game has been shit since wrath. I always come back to each expansion to see how long I'll last before I quit. Legion was 1 month, wod 2 weeks. It's hilarious because wow feels like Destiny now, you just raid and do dungeons with loads of rng on a gear treadmill. It's all so utterly fucking pointless. And once you realize this it becomes the most boring vitriol shit ever.

Honestly give me another mmo with mechanics akin to Ultima or Runescape. I want a game that creates lots of interactions between professions/classes and a player driven economy with gear keeping its iconic value, same with loot drop on death so experiences feel dangerous and genuine. But one that is new and not shit/hadn't gone to shit

>wow lost 10.9 million subs in tbc
>wow lost 10.9 million subs in wotlk
>wow lost 10.9 million subs in cata
>wow lost 10.9 million subs in mop
>wow lost 10.9 million subs in wod
>wow lost 10.9 million subs in legion

doomsayer faggot
fuck off

Lmao you kids are retards, wow has higher CCU right now than FFXIV has total owners on steam

At least you weren't a shadow priest main.
We went from a true hybrid support/dps class with the ability to restore the groups HP and mana as we dealt damage to a watered down warlock.

people play mmos and mobas for different reasons unless we're talking about pvpfags

>WoW is dead
>Not a FFXIV shill thread

Fuck off

FFXIV has 1.1k people on its subreddit, wow has over 5k
Which game is dead again?

MOBAs are even more shitty.
They're just a lazy cash grab to appeal to the E-""""""""sports"""""""" twitch stream watcher crowd.
I'm pretty sure the average MOBA has even less abilities to use than in WoW pvp.

1.1 million is bullshit.

Quarterly report alone already mentioned growth and last we checked it wasn't that low. Legion has also in general been a great success so you are definitely pulling this number out of your ass or from some bogus source

This is the brain capacity of the WoW player everyone.

>FFXIV has total owners on steam

I would say maybe 10% of the people that play FFXIV use steam.

so ~10K?

Considering the other report comes from the company trying to hide their losses I'm going to trust census thank you very much.

Nice try, 10 million subs were already confirmed

So FFXIV has 5m total purchases
FFXIV census puts total active characters at 300k, not concurrent, but total active
That's pathetic desu

Well they have to show the numbers to investors right? We can somewhat know if they're dropping after the next quarter report. If their shares drop it might be a sign.

>gauging JMMORPG numbers based on steamfags
>doesnt realize the game is cross platform, and most people play XIV on PC outside of steam

WoW has shit tons of private servers tho

100K are players
100K are they alts
100K are chinese gold farmers

>doesnt understand jokes

typical burgershit doomsayer

Trying to justify your shit dying game where 90% of that "population" are chinese bots, now that's pathetic

And they have their own subreddits
Sorry wow has more bots than your game has total registered accounts lmao


They gave me a six month ban for botting world quests a few months ago and I just moved back over to Nost like everyone else. Their fault for banning paying customer tbqh.

>legion pre-patch
Did that changed after the legion patch?

Funny how you have blizzard's dick so up your ass that you think having more bots it's better.

>still no source


It's a bait image but the pruning is real.

Just not as bad as shown in the pic.

At least US economy isn't collapsing after election

I'm a FFXIV player myself but I always though it was really exaggerated.

Would anyone be kind enough to show me how are the marksman hunter bar now?

good joke m8, neither is the UKs

If you actually read the top of the census, it says 300k+ active players that have completed the final patch of the Heavensward expansion. The number of players that haven't reached that point are far greater.

I'll stay on board because I have this guild I've been part of since 2007
so many cherished hours

I dropped hunter because of the pre-patch, so I have no idea.

Supposedly there's another 5 or 6 abilities to add to the bar, but it would still be very naked.

Playing a Marksmen hunter, that bar is actually correct. You would only use a 3 button rotation with one buff until you got your artifact weapon, even then you got one more skill.

>grew up with MMOs
>played Ultima Online for years
>quit when they split the realms to PVE/PVP
>moved onto Ragnarok
>quit because my friends quit
>moved to Everquest Online Adventures
>most lonely experience ever
>moved to FFXI
>couldn't afford expacs at the time
>friends all quit
>credit card bounced so abandoned the game entirely
>moved to WoW
>stayed with it from vanilla to legion
>quit once in Cata
>quit once in Pandaria due to moving and missed ToT entirely
>quit once in WoD because no content
>quit once and for all in Legion because its an endless hamster wheel grind, class specs and pvp was ruined beyond repair
>moved to FFXIV
>expected to be reminiscent of the good FFXI times with WoW gameplay
>shittiest community by far even trade chat in WoW superior to this weeb fiesta
>horribly slow combat
>all these walls of text and no voice acting at all

This genre is fucking dead.

Fuck, that's just depressing...

>being this salty someone doesnt like your favourite video game
>ts fucking true what people say about blizzdrones
>Not even a meme

fucking pathetic

>samefagging because nobody actually cares about what he's saying


Cool blog, now go kill yourself.


Yep. MM hunters are so brain dead easy that I'm shocked when other MM hunter find a way to fuck up the rotation.

Black Desert Online is the only game you'll ever need.

>no link to the 'census' at all

Come play Heavensward/Stormblood with us, Bros.

Appealing to casuals was the death of the game. I don't have a doubt in my mind that if they never released LFR or pruned every class into a 2 button rotation that the game would still be going strong. Casuals are flighty by nature. Appealing them doesn't work because as soon as they steamroll your joke content they bail. Then you're fucked since you've already alienated the loyal hardcore audience.

It's a mod with like 180,000 downloads on curse, I'd be skeptical at best.

CensusPlus is the mod.

>Feeling the old WoW itch
>There are like four sweet ass games coming out next month

Talk me out of re-subbing Sup Forums

do you really want to play an mmo alone?

census already invalidated lol

I already did but I got burned out before I reached level cap.
Maybe they shouldn't gate the end-game content behind 10 hours worth of unskippable single-player quests.

>Ill call it samefagging because in a world of 7 billion people there cant be 2 that think im a fucking idiot

Im subbed to retail but that doesnt mean youre not a pathetic faggot for being such a salty cunt

thats a dank meme friend. Next time try to choose one of your memes that actually correlates to the post instead of picking any meme from your meme folder

>2.5s GCD

except that does correleate and im not even him

>Be unholy
>Wanted to be a necromancer since vanilla
>My artifact weapon summons 8 zombos
>I passively summon exploding zombos
>Have my own abom (albeit a shitty model) that gives me two pulls.

I'm pretty happy with the changes to unholy to be honest.

Typical WoW shiiter response

>being a samefag
>calling anyone else pathetic

do ho ho

We already went through this before my man

>1.1 million

play a private server
cost nothing and you get to play a better version of wow

I dont buy into the census meme

le """""objective"""" third party sources

1.1 mil characters = 500k subs at most.

>Come to plays WOW clone

Sorry dude, your game is just a shit single-player game.


>Also apparently since we cannot stop them FFXIV shill thread as well.

>Not using sidewinder.
>Using Explosive shot.
It's like you're trying to prove a point while being shitty as fuck player.

WoW Census

Lets pretened they could only record half of the population through their addon or software or whatever that is. Even then, we barely reaching the 2 million mark.

Fire mage is nerfed in to the fucking ground


Square Enix is the biggess Blizzard shill

When did I call wow shit? Oh thats right I didnt

Stick to shitposting your memes

>played till level 10 then quit

>WoW Census
Intro trash it goes. No wonder no one talk about it outside this thread and /vg/


>Fluffing up the ARR bars with things like sprint, limit break, and potions

>he says after posting a meme

FFXIVfags on suicidewatch

>not using sprint or limit break in front lines or feast

half of the people in this fucking thread have no idea what this census garbage is and you think half of wow players have it installed?