What happened to Shantae? What went so horribly wrong? Is this the end?

What happened to Shantae? What went so horribly wrong? Is this the end?

I haven't started this game and I just started The Pirate's Curse.

The GBC game is overrated dreck. Fuck that resolution.

Nah, they still have DLC to put out for the game of the different characters. I'm happy with the game either way, it's fun.

The series has nothing going for it other than the sexy waifus. The games are bland and uninteresting.

good game, can't wait for risky mode and new outfits in free update


Pirate's Curse was good, but I agree on the rest.

You just made this thread so people post lewd fanart, didn't you?

and the degenerate fetishes that go with it

No, fuck off retard. Try /r/, /e/, or /aco/.

I hope so, one more dead female protag lead game, the better

I want to smell shantaes farts

Got turned down for the homecoming dance, huh?

Can' t build a fag on pedo faggorty.

>level design isn't great. Is basically just platforming in big areas.
>almost no puzzles
>any sidescrolling levels are trivialized with some transformations. I'm not really sure why they give the bat transformation so early.
>lots of backtracking in a game that isn't a metriodvania.
>some sound effects are jarring

The game is definitely pretty and the music is also really good. Can't say I'm really disappointed since I got it as a gift.

Excuse me for not falling for a shitty meme franchise and wanting to give an overdue chemo therapy session on video games

There's a reason no publisher wanted to give these guys money to make this game. The series was unimpressive up to this and I can only assume all the talent at Wayforward jumped ship to Yacht Club Games.

Great series.

pirates curse is good and the original is good for a gameboy game, would be better if the camera wasn't so tight.

never played risky's revenge(heard it was mediocre) and half genie hero is mediocre with nice art

Wasn't Pirate's Curse made after Shovel Knight's development started? That's as good a game as Sovel Knight, the Half-Genie Hero team must just suck.


More like Half-Baked Game lmao

that pic