Would you pay 250 bucks for this Chinese tablet?



Only if it got bundled with a new Custom Robo game.

its even worse than a tablet. it has old components, a horrible display, you can get these tablets on amazon for like $100. nintendo is actually trying to jew you into paying an extra $150 for their "innovative gaming experience" (gimmick controllers glued to the side)

Nope, Nintendo can go fuck itself.

Ps4 owner here, yes I would. If it's $300 though forget about it.

If it has games.

if the launch titles are good, yes

if i can transfer my steam library to it.

>that one idiot who still clings on to a long dead Nintendo IP

>/neogaf/ triggered

No. Dropped.

>the one idiot who buys a console for zelda and weeb

Metroid then. Or else it's not worth it.

No, only a Japanese tablet. Switch is day one purchase for me



Let's face it

PS4: Bloodborne 20fps
Xbox One: Quantum Break 1,5 hour TV Show
Nintendo Switch: Raspberry Pi

must suck to be a poor fag high school student

I'm not buying this thing. I want Nintendo to go through a fundamental philosophical change, until then they won't see another penny from me.

How can you drop something if you never picked it up in the first place?

Also nice bait image, almost got me to reply.

No games

I just want a new custom robo and metroid.

>buy my $100 chinese junk tablet for $300 goy
>its only $50 more hehe dont be a poorfag

gee thanks reggie. i feel really comfyâ„¢ about buying a switch now!

No monhon no buy

>no clear demographic
>gimmick 'joy-cons'
>paying extra for a proper controller
>internal battery
>terrible battery life
>no 3rd party support
>no backwards compatiblity
>too underpowered to compete as a home console
>too large to function as a portable handheld in practice

Can someone explain to me what the hell Nintendo are doing?

A real Nintendo fan would have replied to my beautiful image

i might. waiting until thursday to see if there's any crazy announcement (never trust leakers) but who knows. 350 would probably be the most i pay for it unless they announce a crazy line up of games. i'm probably alone in this and it most likely won't happen but i hope they have an e-reader program, i want to readcomics but don't want to buy a dumb fuckin ipad to pirate them


nintendo throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks with the normalfags so they turn it into a fad for free money by selling cheap chinese plastic because nintendo refuses to put effort into actual games or products anymore.


Not on launch though, depends on the games that launch with it aside from Zelda. I'll most likely pick one up later in the year.

At $300 I can get an xbone which has better graphics and has been out longer.

Sorry Nintendo fans but the difference between $250 and $300 wiil make or break the NS

>>no clear demographic
numale, hippies, transgenders,etc.

what? how?

>it has old components
It literally hasn't.