>there's no 2B
I'm disappointed Sup Forums.
There's no 2B
pls stop.
2B or not 2B, that is the question
>Getting disappointed b/c Sup Forums actualling to a break from spamming and posting multiple waifu tier shit threads of a demo of a game 2 months out
Please precede to KYS
is it me or does her face look like bayonetta's?
Because the demo alone shows that this game has zero combat complexity. How did platinum fuck up so much after Bay0 1 + 2 and W101?
There's really not a Nier or a Drakengard thread right now, so I'll dump my shit here.
It's my try at an improved version of the Nier quest guide that I started the last thread.
Part 1
Chin's a little sharp but would waifu
Part 2
And the original
Nice. I'll miss the "Look at my memory" joke.
But it's a nice looking update.
the cicle has come and 2B is too popular
Sup Forums hates her now
To nitpick, Quest 32 has a typo with "Finnish."
And Quest 61 with "dessert"
Looks good though.
Thanks. I felt that the memory joke was a bit aggressive for a guide that's trying to help people. But I could make another version with the text. I'll post it in some future Nier/ Drakengard thread
Shit, will fix it right away
Saved. Well done user.
I wan 2b Toobie's tewbies
>I felt that the memory joke was a bit aggressive for a guide that's trying to help people.
That's fair.
It just got a pretty good laugh from me with how unexpected it was reading it the first time. The quest descriptions have a pretty passive aggressive tone to them.
You know who else is disappointed?
Your parents.
I honestly wonder if the goal wasn't to absolutely annoy the piss out of average people and reverse troll the game somehow. Like Japan drew some fanart as always, most English speaking places discussed the demo a little, Sup Forums just went full retard as it tends to with anything that seems remotely like a trend and ran it into the whole thing into ground in less than a month.
If I didn't know the demo had some legit decent gameplay I'd just assume this game was for completely retarded people like a Sonic game or something.
>fun is a buzzword, etc.