I'm going to be working at EA starting Monday. What do.
I'm going to be working at EA starting Monday. What do
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Start working at EA.
Or, like, make dinner or something.
"Accidentally" delete all their upcoming games, watch as EA goes under because all vidya scrapped.
im happy for you user. you went into the industry. i hope you have a good time.
so what do you do? art or programing?
Walk through the front door of the office, strip naked, lay down in the fetal position on the floor, and start autistically screeching over and over.
Go to work. Do your shit.
Occasionally post insider information on Sup Forums if you run into something interesting.
Try to make contributions so their games aren't so bad.
Make a decent video game.
buy a stopwatch, because deadlines are going to determine the quality of your work
>going to be working at EA
Are you pushing a broom or doing something meaningful?
God I fucking hate normalfags and the way they treat mental illness.
Working with the developers on problems they need fixed.
That's so crazy it just might work. Considered.
>tfw actual crippling depression to the point where getting out of bed feels like an achievement
>tfw constantly see normalshits saying how depressed they are online
If only they knew.
Fair enough.
I can't do that unless I really go out of my way to do so. Maybe one day.
>Working with the developers on problems they need fixed.
And you think you are up to this Herculean task?
Did you want to work at EA?
Best of luck, mate. Just don't let EA make you lose your integrity.
Which studio are you going to be working at?
Honestly I'm not sure. I bullshitted my way into this job. I only have a rudimentary understanding of the tools and programming languages used. I'll be trained though and Ill have time to learn.
I actually didn't even know I was applying to ea, it was through another company and only at the interview was I told.
Rather not say which. North America
Ask them about Skate 4
I bet that "Pit of Despair" guy would've called you a poser, too.
It's the Burnaby office isn't it. I know it is. You showed too much of your hand. Better scuttle the thread before we report you to your overlords.
lazy town becoming a meme is truly the sign that the people you always refered to as '13 year olds' now think they're old enough to post on Sup Forums
How many hours per week and whats your pay?
Sure it is. :^)
I'm spooked. See you on Monday, want me to pick you up some timmies?
Nah, enjoy working on all those boring sports games they do there. It's a nice building at least.
Research the rules regarding unpaid overtime in your province.
Fucking idiots, feeling sad is NOT depression.
Depression is a complete lack of emotion.
If you are sad, by definition you are not depressed.
I'd rather telecommute honestly. The building isn't that impressive.
>Rather not say which. North America
Given that EA lurks around on these parts I get your hesitation.
Fucking convince someone to buy the Tecmo's Deception series and bring that shit back. God damn, I miss those games.
I hope you were a diversity hire, otherwise prepare your buttocks. EA is an EXTREMELY diverse company.
Go outside. Go for a long, long walk. You don't have to lift, bro, or start crossfit or some shit. Just get outside, get fresh air in your lungs, and get your body producing all those wonderful chemicals that come from actually moving.
Worth the read
>if someone with depression feels depressed they aren't suffering from depression because they felt depression
Send us keys for everything.
EA just screwed me over after being a loyal goy with their origin service since 2011. They keep sending me to indian tech support that ignores and hangs up on me. All over a invalid cd key problem since an account merger. I still can't launch any of my games.
Fucking program a fix for that somehow man. This shit's dumb.
Do your job well and make money.
>woe is me
Cocaine, to distract yourself from the fact that you're working for the worst company in America.
Honestly? With my name on the resume they probably thought I was going to be a minority and called me.
Yeah, but you better look like a minority as well.