Which one is better Sup Forums?

which one is better Sup Forums?
just finished ds1 and loved it and i want to buy next best one.

definitely Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 is too iterative. You'll only feel "oh hey I remember that" and not that exploration and magic of Dark Souls.

I haven't played Bloodborne because I don't own a PS4 but I can tell you that DS3 sucks balls.

t.ds2 fag

I hated DS2 even more faggot

Bloodborne. I would also argue it's the best Souls-esque game of all of them, but I say that as someone who was never too impressed with DaS.

ds1- masterpiece
ds2- good game
ds3- good game and nostalgic effects occure

what about bloodborne?

somebody would say, even better than ds1
But it´s hard to get over a masterpiece

ds2 is the best one tbf

Dark Souls 1 = 7/10

Dork Souls 2 = 2/10
Virginborne = 1/10
Dork Souls 3 = 1/10

Facts. Stop this cancerous milking series. Fuck bloodborne and DaS sequals, all garbage for dumb niggers, hope all of you die a painful death.

>most dark souls kiddies haven't even touched demon's


t. ds2 fag
are you sad that nobody likes your favorite game nigger?

The one hippsters pretend they played

it´s also pretty good though

des is overrated as shit
it's just ds with less stuff

My favourite game is DaS1. Fuck virginborne/das3 nigger.

but user, i finished it

bloodborne is a shit game for wankers

Bloodborne is better than DS1

DS1 is actually a pretty bad game, it was a lot slower and less fun than Demon's Souls

op here.
fuck you

>it was a lot slower and less fun than Demon's Souls
this, honestly
i had the time of my life with demon's but i just did one complete playthrough with dark souls 1 and finishing it wasn't particularly that rewarding
also i thought the atmosphere was not as well-done as demon's
world 1 > undead district
world 2 > the areas around the second bell tower
world 3 > there wasn't a spooky level in 1 that's not the tomb of giants really, so meh, pretty unique atmosphere
world 4 > the skellies areas
world 5 > blighttown by a large margin

>inb4 "tasteless scrub"
pretty subjective thing obviously

bb is better but is physically impossible for me to play at 15 fps

>Argue that it's the best.

Best weapons, best enemies, best atmosphere, best music, best combat, best narrative, best consumables, proper castrating of shields and ranged, most consistent level design, arguably best bosses in the series, near perfectly-balanced mechanics, improvements to the formula (belt casting > catalysts and mid-string stance swap) lack of broken-as-fuck mechanics and unfinished areas.

There are only a few areas up to debate, such as lacking cross-world shortcuts, less stamina management, and nitpicks.

>also i thought the atmosphere was not as well-done as demon's

Latria ...

It has better gameplay.


Anybody that thinks that Bloodborne's PvP is superior in any way, shape, or form to any Souls game is a retard.

I would really recommend against playing 3 right after DS1. They're so similar you're just going to be sick of seeing the same people and levels again.

Bloodborne and DS2 are more refreshing because they shake things up a lot. Sometimes in really good ways and often in really stupid ways. Like every BB boss is an awful health sponge unless you parry spam or grind the randomly generated dungeons for gems. DS2 has shitty levels and questionable hitboxes.

latria topped everything dark souls threw at me afterwards

ds1, bb and ds3 has been made by the same team
ds2 was made by some different guys from fromsoftware parallel to when bb was made...

is that right Sup Forums ?

>best weapons
Sure, all what, 20 of them?
>best enemies
Not really. Pretty standard given the setting of the game.
>best atmosphere
>best music
>best combat
Hell fucking no. The game's core rally mechanic rewards you for mashing the fuck out of R1 without stopping, even if you're getting hit. Dodging takes next to no stamina and is extremely quick so if you're in a bind, just mash O until you get away without getting hit. There's no timing on anything in combat required, just mash the ever loving fuck out of O and R1 repeatedly.
>best narrative
How is the game with the least amount of information the best narrative?
>best consumables
>proper castrating of shields and ranged
less options is a good thing now?
>most consistent level design
>arguably best bosses in the series
I'd say it's a toss-up but sure.
>near perfectly-balanced mechanics
definitely fucking not. Read above under combat. If you're talking about balanced PvP, I'd say you're completely full of shit considering if you're using almost any slow strength weapon against any fast skill weapon, the skill weapon will win, hands down. There's a reason why the PvP scene in that game died out very quickly. Not to mention the only time in 90% of the game on NG that can be invaded, is when a cooperator is present. That's retarded.
>improvements to the formula (belt casting)
I'd hardly say it's noteworthy, honestly.

Basically the B team. Eveything from the gameplay, the way your character moved, the general artstyle, level design, etc felt different (and worse). Everything that wasn't lifted from ds1 that's it.

>ds1, bb and ds3 has been made by the same team

No, you fucking idiot. Go look at the credits.

Jesus christ do you fucking parrot everything you read here?

Not him, but I got through earlier Souls games long before Bloodborne, and with poise it was R1 mashing, with light gear it was dodge spamming. It was never difficult to do it, and playing aggressively with the slow AI felt broken. And rallying really only works early game, you'll be losing trades quite quickly, only what you can stagger easily will be less risky to try trading with.
Personally, I'd argue that BB is just different to Souls games. It's more of an action game than the rest, and it delivers better PvE, but it lacks in other regards.

>just finished ds1 and loved it and i want to buy next best one.
Definitely Dark Souls 3 in that case. It goes like this:

DaS > DaS 3 > BB > DaS 2 = DeS

nigga I had that shit pre-ordered. I had it day one when it hit the US. I even have the artbook still. DeS is my fave still, no other Souls game has given me that feeling again; although Bloodborne came close. Maybe that's why everyone says DaS1 is the best. It was their first one and that feeling of their first playthrough will stay forever.


Almost the worst opinion I've seen about the games. Really quite disgusted desu

Bloodborne is better. Dark souls 3 is really good tho.

Oh? You have a better one, Einstein?

you almost got me

I am not going to buy a PS3 to play the leat polished iteration in a series renowned for its difficulty

People thought that when DaS2 came out and got shit on here. I still think your first Souls game will have the fondest memories, DeS was all I had on my PS3 so I stuck with it and ended up finding threads here eventually. DaS was magical simply because the discussion here was great until the PC launch, when the fanbase expanded quickly and with it came a lot of shitposting, it's only been downhill from there. BB gets more shit than it deserves, but I'd still kill for a PC release, even thought I know the PC fanbase is fucking unbearable, I'd happily take the better performance.


You should play DaS3 before BB. Save the best for last.

You = MC Faggot

>renowned for its difficulty
I hate people that fell for the Souls is difficult meme.

Demon's Souls is amazing and you are missing out by not playing it. Sorry.

I believe you genuinely hold this opinion, because its so shit that you couldn't make it up

>Dark Souls 3 is too iterative. You'll only feel "oh hey I remember that"

And the worst thing is, it's even more depressing to see that shit you did in DS1 was all in vain. Last boss was the last fucking straw.

Dark Souls III
Armor > Leather shit and fedoras

>tfw ds2 was my first souls
i know how inferior it is to the others but i still can't help but love it

Dark Souls 3 has better gameplay, but are good and you should definitely play both.

Oh come on what's the fuck's wrong with my opinion? Is it the DaS 2 = DeS part? Are you Demon's Souls fanboys or something?

op here.
is it worth a ps3?


Why not both faggot? Throw DS2 in there as well, fuck.

If you have at least two more games to play on it yeah. I got one for 100 with CFW. Ended up just playing DeS and a few more games.

ps3 is worth it for DeS and a few other games I still play like:

Dragon's Crown
Katamari Forever
Red Dead Redemption

and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head. oh and it plays all your ps1 games if you have some.

What is the worst then?

>Red Dead Redemption
Oh come on man, don't say that.

>which one is better Sup Forums?
Both are flawed yet still extremely good for different reasons.

Bloodborne, definitely. Make sure you grab the old hunters dlc along with it.

I don't own any xboxes past the first one

Dark Souls is the best in the series, Bloodborne follows closely behind.

Seriously for DS1 nothing really comes close to the sense of wonder and the world building they accomplished.

I think said it best. They're all worth a playthrough in my opinion though.

As somebody that likes DaS 2 and 3, I think your ranking just shows shit taste. They're still the worst of the franchise, one wants to be different and the other wants to be the same, while neither really capture the essence of Souls games, and they're inherently at a disadvantage because they're direct sequels trying to bridge things while giving new experiences. The mechanical improvements of 3 are nice, but it still doesn't really improve the major flaws of the original, and 2 is simply a mess. I don't dislike it, but everything about it feels like it's missing a core component.
The value of DeS, DaS and BB comes from the fact that they just feel like a series of evolution, each offering great experiences that share the same foundation, and are JUST different enough to make it interesting. However, DaS actually does almost mimic DeS too closely. It was something people complained about at release.
I'm sure you can work that out.

And what? You would rather buy a PS4 with the Gothic horror spin off that deviates the most from the proper formula? A PS3 is much better investment IMO. At least you will find more than one game eventually.

Ds1 first half- amazing experience
Ds1 second half- shit tier
Bloodborne - totally different experience to ds1, faster and more fluid
Ds3- like they tried to combine ds1 and bloodborne. However the two gameplay styles are totally different so the game is kind of shit

Don't be hatin but I honestly didn't think DS3 was all that amazing. It's flat out too easy for one thing, not just the weak enemies and how nothing costs stamina but also how there's never any shortage of any item. How everything drops so many souls it feels like you're overleveled 24/7. NPCs are impossible to miss and they all kind of act kind of same-ish. And give you good gear and an infinite supply of consumables. Boss designs are probably the laziest they've ever been in all of the Souls games, also the areas you visit all feel ridiculously familiar. And that's not just the ones you revisit, in general, everything feels like a carbon copy of another one you've seen before. Hardly a thing has been shaken up, and the couple of things that were, didn't really change for the better.

It's a game which gave me this weird vibe. The one you all felt when you first played World at War. The one you felt when you played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.

The one where you realize, the spark is fading. You can feel that things are moving towards that which most satisfies a common denominator - and that which makes profit. When the next game is announced, and you KNOW it's coming before long, you're not going to be able to look at the trailer the same.

DS2 is objectively better than DS3. I don't know why this is even a discussion.


because you clearly have brain damage

Grim news, I have diagnosed you with mental retardation

explains it pretty much. Had a hard time to point out for myself why i didnt enjoy ds3 as much as i would expect from a soul game. heck, i even enjoyed ds2 more than ds3.

Are you underage and not able to play things and form your own opinion? "Best" is very subjective. Just play whatever the fuck you want and don't let this shithole taint you.


> if you're using almost any slow strength weapon against any fast skill weapon, the skill weapon will win

this is how it is in any souls game. fast weapons are always the meta at top level.

I'll reply to your arguments.

The enemies are good because they provide good obstacles and are fun to fight aside from the mooks at the beginning. Compare this to most of the other games where enemies are pretty much helpless to ranged, shields, and infinites.

Every game is spammy because they're all loaded with infinites. Enemies in BB can it least occasionally ignore this with 1. No weapon having an infinite, and 2. Enemies with plenty of hyper armor moves sprinkled throughout the game.
You can mash R1 and O in every, EVERY one of these games. Dark Souls is the worst offender of this thanks to poise infinites.

The narrative is complete with the DLC and it's infinitely more interesting than "cycles", having you endure the same lifeless bullshit for two additional games. It also makes your character more central even though (as always) you're just some aftermath garbage man.

The option removed was shields, but variety was added. More moves worth using (notably tricking moves and charged moves), more access with weapon tricking, better belt items, kin/beast, weapons having great and realized gimmicks like stake, boomhammer, parasite, wheel, chikage, bloodletter, etc. Ranged is also still good, it's just balanced.

The consumables are so good in this game. Everything from pebbles, to vanishing pots, to paper, to blood lure, ash, etc. Compared to every other game in the series where consumables were only good for small portions of the game.

Mechanic and weapon balance aren't the same thing. That being said, tricked Bloodletter and Wheel are god-tier PvP weapons. The point is there is no agi stats, soul memory, or poise fucking up the game.

Any straight improvements are worth making note of if you're comparing the series. Belt casting and trick attack should be mandatory in every game from here on out (tricking would simply have to change to an attack that comes out mid-string that changes stance).

no, it goes like this

DaS = BB > DaS3 > DeS (=>) DaS2

(=>): being equal or maybe a little bit better.

Most of Sup Forums probably didn't even browse Sup Forums or were like 10 years old when DeS came out.

>tfw seeing threads on this strange dark fantasy game
>look up some videos as the word of mouth began to spread and it looked pretty great
>decided to import the Chinese version since it was fully translated to English for some reason
>all those fresh memes and discussion as everyone was discovering shit and sharing stories for the first time

Literally the greatest time I've ever had on Sup Forums.

>I think your ranking just shows shit taste.
Ouch. I just started with DaS and have the most hours in it, it's my all time favorite, then I played DaS 2 vanilla and was disappointed at first, but after reading on the design works and why it turned out the way it did it almost seemed like a miracle it was half as good as it was. Then the DLC really made up for it a bit, and I played some Scholar after that and I really grew to like it. Sometimes around that time I got Demon's, I was hoping it would rekindle what I was missing from DaS, but like you said it felt a bit too similar as in almost like a DaS prototype. I kinda felt it was overhyped here, I didn't even manage to see what the hype over Latria was, world 4 was better, Boletaria best but still I had it at DaS > DeS > DaS 2 at that point.

Then Bloodborne came out. I like the new take on combat and it being the first real next gen title in the series unlike Scholar, but I just have a real bad distaste for everything England, London, Top Hat related. I just didn't like the setting although the cosmic horror twist was nice, it was a bit too much at times but still I put it in the middle or BB fanboys will jump me. So then Dark Souls 3 came out and it was everything that I wanted DaS 2 to be, everything that my Dark Souls 1 fanboy heart could ever want. So it went like this DaS > DeS. DaS 3 > BB with DaS 2 somewhere in the equation but I really, really liked that DaS 2 DLC and had fun with my Scholar run so I had to put it at least on DeS level so when you calculate it all together I got:

DaS > DaS 3 > BB > DaS 2 (+DLC and Scholar) = DeS

DLC inclooded for DaS, DaS 3 and BB too, but idk not all of DaS 3 DLC is out yet.

>I'm sure you can work that out.
Not really, I can only imagine it starts with DaS 2.

I love Dark Souls 3 as the "Best hits" of Dark Souls, it's a real good time and more than makes up for DSII in my opinion.

But Bloodborne is a more complete package as a stand alone game, setting and style.

I rather be a Knight than a Hunter but Bloodborne just feels more finished and objectively I have to respect that in a game.

I guess I'll think more of it once DS3's DLC has come out fully and the updates are no longer happening.

agreed. at least we have the memories.

Bloodborne, the combat is far better IMO, and trick weapons are way more inventive than those shitty weapon arts. Also why the removed dual stance is beyond me, that was one of the few good things DaS2 did, it just needed some more polish and imagination put into the concept.

it isnt as bad as people say though.

The only comparable experience for me was watching gurren lagann air with a/ for the first time

I mean sometime.
I mean included, sorry.

DS3 is Bloodborne except it actually feels like a Souls game. It's heavily influenced by it and thus a lot better.
Bloodborne is okay but the combat plays like a fucking button masher.

That shit was gud, watching to finale of Code Geass (even though the second season was almost complete shite) with them was also pretty great.

Then watching the finale of LOST with Sup Forums.. good times.

just gonna remind you all, anyone who even compares dark souls 3 to bloodborne is baiting, don't give them (you)s

I'm not defending DS3 here but in all fairness everything you do in all of the games is supposed to feel like it was in vain. Never-ending cycle and all that.


>least polished
But that's dark souls 1 user.
Also demons had some good bosses, a little gimmicky though.

Thanks op for making he dig out the ps4 for another bloodborne playthrough

Quick what's a super fun build

Early des threads were comfy as fuck. I miss those times.
The community was more or less the same with das1. It wasnt all that bad

They should break the cycle and release a new IP.

I played BB and DS3 but I never encountered nearly as many shitty hitbox moments in DS3 than I did in BB despite both of them running on the same engine.

BB, at least I finished the dlc. Can't be arsed to in DS3 anymore. It wore thin. DeS and DaS were great, should've stopped after that.

>tfw you realized that Djura's machine gun was cut content from the Bloodborne teaser and later sold as DLC. BRAVO FROM