Haven't heard a peep from these guys since Tropical Freeze came out in 2014. What do you think they might be working on? Do you think we'll find out tomorrow?
Haven't heard a peep from these guys since Tropical Freeze came out in 2014. What do you think they might be working on...
A brand new 2D Metroid revival. We'll see it tomorrow.
Panel De Pon
Certainly they must have been working on something, hopefully for Switch instead of Wii U
Hoping for space dong. It could work fellas.
It's not Metroid, for the retards who refuse to accept Retro themselves said they weren't working on Metroid.
This is all I want. I doubt they'd announce it here though. Seems like something they'd save for e3 if they were gonna announce something at all
Given Retro was hiring AI programmers and 3d artists recently (you could look on their site, dunno if they are still looking) it really makes you wonder
more Dong Kong
or an original IP, maybe reviving that one game they were working on before Nintendo put them on Metroid Prime
We should have heard something already.
Here's the problem:
>Zelda BoTW
>3D Mario
>Mario Kart
>Splatoon Sequel
>Virtual Console discussion
>rumored ports
>WAGGLE PARTY U SPORTS inevitable casual crap
>3rd Party Games
>Price, Peripherals, Other product info
In the span of an hour, I don't see them even having the time to show more than a teaser for something we haven't seen.
It'd be nice to see Metroid, Earthbound, F-Zero or something else that's been absent from Nintendo's lineup but I really think that this isn't the time to get your hopes up.
If I see Skyward Sword HD I will hurt someone or something very badly
It's obvious that Retro's game will be the main piece of their E3 this year.
Miyamoto will have them making some sequel to a platformer series nobody asked for.
but still put out a GOTY caliber game
>We should have heard something already.
We did. They startet working on it right after DKCR2 and it isn't Metroid.
Also, isn't NoA going to make a long stream on day later?
I agree with you, but given nintendo canned a bunch of 2015 and 2016 WiiU releases to release on the Switch, it should have a decent 2017 lineup (unless they are really incompetent)
>given nintendo canned a bunch of 2015 and 2016 WiiU releases to release on the Switch
Source? Because games that were already on the Wii U were released on the Wii U.
Pikmin 4 was "almost ready" in the end of 2014.
Why didn't they release it yet?
Also, the software drought get really worse recently.
Nintendo is greedy as fuck, it seems probable
Forgot about that. Then yes, some projects were moved but they still put out high profile games like Splatoon and Smash.
You guys say this every year lol, just give up.
We'll hear something within the next year. It's in line with their dev cycles.
stop with this reddit tier emoticon bullshit
you're on a goddamn imageboard now
Only idiots do. They take their time and Nintendo doesn't rush them. It's now going to be 4 years since DKCTF went gold, so they have to have -something- by now.
Dog Hunt platformer. Screencap this guys. Don't feel letxown when it is announced
>Dog Hunt
Stupid mobileposter.
Cranky Kong Chess Country
>Dog Hunt
fuckign how?
>Screencap my desperation for another Banjo-Kazooie
Nah, I'm good.
Development started at the end of Wii U's and we got permission to move it to Switch. It's almost finished and Miyamoto gave us a visit on crunching stage, bitching that it doesn't look like a "true" Nintendo game and that we need to change a lot. Expect many employees to leave the company.
My dad os Kimishima's high school friend and he said you don't work at Retro
Sin and Punishment hack n slash
Kid Icarus: Ressurection