>Literally the last good console multiplayer
>Abandoned by devs
>Abandoned by players
Why was Halo 2/3 multiplayer so perfect?
>Literally the last good console multiplayer
>Abandoned by devs
>Abandoned by players
Why was Halo 2/3 multiplayer so perfect?
Other urls found in this thread:
I enjoyed the more recent Halo games.
>New games have cluttered spawns and power ups for nothing
>Old games were about positioning, power plays, knowing spawns, knowing weapon locations and holding choke points
Games are shit
Are you criticizing the Bungie Halos or not?
5 factually has the best multiplayer in the series.
hes saying that bungie halos were still FPS
343 is just CoD with card buffs
i mean, fuck that shit
i don't wanna have to kill shit just to use a dropship or a tank, or fucking more than basic weapons
i just want halo again
no loadouts
no extra forms of movement like dashing or running
can't believe im defending halo, i wouldn't have in 2004... but times have changed and i can't let something even worse happen to something that was just bad
but OP, you can get into a game in like 30 seconds - a minute in halo3 slayer
I think he means the mcc is still broken which it is unless you do not care about all the changes and issues and just care about playing halo 3
This was purely the devs fault. Not the players. I actually think there was a conspiracy here. Microsoft purposefully wanted this game sabotaged in order to get people on to the new Halo. They know that people are dumb enough to keep supporting them.
I guess, im not sure what the times are like for H2A and CE but my buddy was saying like sub 2 minute times for H2A
I havent played in a long time, whats wrong with the game other than the network issues (which seem to be fixed)
Halo 5 Arena is fun though
Yeah its very different from Halo 3 but its still a blast to play, especially swat
Not to mention the new forge mode, the amount of work 343 is putting into it with like monthly FREE updates is kinda mind blowing
games still start before players are all in the game some times with a 10 second delay between start and the last guy entering, something that was not in the original halo 3
sound sometimes cut out
and of course there is this
look how many things they fucked up in just halo ce
It is not fixed, its just playable now
the ranking system and it being more fast paced than every tactical shooter.
you might think its slow because of the movement but the fact taht you dont die in 1 shot keeps the pace
>Not to mention the new forge mode, the amount of work 343 is putting into it with
id also like to add that mcc doesn't count as a true halo 2 or 3 game
neither does halo 2 vista (which was shit)
halo 3 pc when?
except it mixes 2 and 3 in with that shit known as 4 and on top of that has an awful vote system so all the kids vote for 4 constantly. if you want to play 2 or 3 you're celery limited on game type and then the version of 2 on there is a port of the Vista version because 343 are fucking lazy pieces of shit.
they need to just make 3 BC because the BC team is way more competent than 343 and you could play proper Halo 3 on a modern system.
Quit shilling. My point isn't about which is more fun. It is about how I feel that they purposefully ruined MCC in order to get people supporting the new game and eventually the new games. They don't want people staying on the old stuff when they got new games they need to sell with new DLC as well.
I think it is pretty obvious this is the plan due to how shady the whole release of MCC went.
>halo 5
>more of a tactiacl shooter than actual halo
>shitty fucking ranking system that placed me on onyx even though i didn't even win all placement matches
yeah...because who needs a W/L system when you can rank up with kills
>rank resting constantly fucked with team balancing
The not dying in one shot things was so great.
It made every contact in to a full on fight, where if you were better than the other guy you could totally turn it around if they got the jump on you.
it actually required you to have more skill than just aim. the fighting wasn't over until it was really over. you actually needed to use the environment/select paths to evade/bank nades to survive if someone saw you first. not to mention doing all this on the fly.
meanwhile in cs or cod if someone sees you you're just dead, its an aim battle and the fights usually over before it started. anyone can get great aim with practice but it takes true intel to think quickly on your feet
because nostalgia goggles
halo 5 has the best mp
>it being more fast paced than every tactical shooter.
you dont MOVE fast
you FEEL as though you move fast b/c sprint
>sprint makes the small maps a clusterfuck
>make maps bigger to accommodate sprint
>make the whole game slower
This is literally what Halo 5 is about. You probably stopped playing at 4/Reach.
who let the kids the daycare
People don't understand how satisgying it was to do a perfect grenade bounce to immediately turn a fight around.
Or anticipating someone so well that you can perfectly time your grenade and shot to instantly headshot them when the grenade goes off.
>Abandoned by players
I played 4 games of halo 2 classic last night at midnight and it took like 2 minutes to get into a lobby for each one. hardly abandoned.
halo was always second rung to PC MP.
At least with 5 we have something mostly as good
everyone get on at midnight EST. search halo 3
>I haven't played Halo 5: the post
It's even starts with weapons and powerups on maps, and it has CE/2 style vertically focused map design.
H2A > 2 = 5 > CE >> 3 = Reach >> 4 in terms of core multiplayer (so not accounting for forge/customs)
>H2A first
>H4 last
you do realize H2A is just the halo 4 engine with sprint removed, right? it's the worst multiplayer game on MCC
I don't care what engine it is, it plays like an improved version of Halo 2, which has amazing core gameplay, and fixes most of the few issues it had
its halo 4 on reskinned halo 2 maps with sprint removed
it is trash
You clearly haven't even played it. It has halo 2 physics and player traits, with some minor improvements, it has desceope, it has dual wielding, the weapons and vehicles all act like their Halo 2 versions, etc.
Halo 5 is the most fun I've had playing Halo since Halo 2.
Even if it's the same engine, they're nothing alike.
and you clearly lack the aptitude to tell that it plays nothing like halo 2 other than the maps and descope
and the vehicles do not act like halo 2 versions, they are obviously halo 4 ones right down to the physics of them. im not sure why you are so vehemently disagreeing, the game is halo 4 but with halo 2 maps and minor mechanics like descoping. the game plays like halo 4 because it is halo 4.
From all the Halo games, H2 is the closest H2A plays like and even better.
5 is literally not even better than cs go so just go play that.
h5 is a shitty tactical shooter and nothing like the original trilogy
>>Literally the last good console multiplayer
halo 2 anniversary is a shitty hybrid that is mostly halo 4. if i want halo 2, i'll play halo 2 at 60 FPS and 1080p. I don't need any other graphical upgrade to 'kinda somewhat but not really' play 'halo 2'.
i just have no idea how someone can say h2a is the best multiplayer on MCC and also say halo 4 is the worst when they're so very similar
>halo 5 is the best meme
If you are an ADHD fag who never actually liked halo gameplay. I like halo 5, but it isn't halo. You move too quick, sprinting and ground pound shit as well as free running means that where as in the older games, accuracy and gunplay was everything, engagements involved needing to aim well as neither player could pull stupid bullshit or escape without power weapons, it's now got a lot more room for unskilled kills and "new" players. The map design straight up isn't as well thought out, for example, in high ground on halo 3, one side started with a ghost, the other had a spartan laser to balance this out. However, the other side also had a grav lift in which to reach the laser and a shotgun to take out any players going for it in the enclosed tower. It was well thought out and made. In the new games it's literally a donut. I'm not even going to get started on the change from realistic heavy duty practical spartan armour, reminder these guys are extremely rare walking tanks that are going to be well protected for the investment put in, to power ranger ninjas with over designed spandex. I'm not even going to comment on forunner architecture, or alien designs. Fuck what they did there. Every map also looks and feels the same, where as I can remember all of 1-3 and even reach because they were distinct in theme and design. Also vehicles were super well balanced. And the game was more focused on being fun. I could go on for hours about this.
>h5 is a shitty tactical shooter
Now that's a new one.
>Halo 1 is a broken port of a broken port
343 doesn't give a fuck about the original trilogy
>abandoned by devs
Because they're shitty
>abandoned by players
Because it was a broken mess on launch and remained broken for months. If it ever did get fixed, the playerbase had already left.
I got it exclusively for co-op campaign and even that was broken.
Similar in what aspects? It doesn't have loadouts, killstreaks, AA's, sprint, perm-scope, etc.
H2A is objectively the modernized version of H2, the multiplayer lead who worked on 2 also made H2A with that intention.
>power ranger ninjas with over designed spandex.
fucking this
>Literally the last good console multiplayer
What a joyless person, why do you even play games anymore then ?
There's been plenty of fun multiplayer games on console since, currently loving bf1, fight me.
I only agree about the map stuff. 5's maps are absolute trash.
halo 4 on MCC doesn't have kill streaks or AAs either.
h2a is halo 4 but with a halo 2 aesthetic and minor gameplay mechanics
halo 4 engine
halo 4 physics
halo 4 graphics
halo 4 hit detection
halo 4 gameplay
im not arguing h2a is objectively the modernized h2. there is no other halo 2 adaptation so of course anything 'based on hal 2' released modern day is a modernization
the game is a hybrid between halo 4 and 2 that leans heavily towards 4. and the developers also said that the MCC would be the games 'just as they were on xbox the first time you played them' but they used the vista version of halo 2. so you can't use their 'intentions' either. and it doesnt matter what their intentions were when it came out as it did and its obviously more halo 4 than anything.
>halo 4 gameplay
>halo 4 physics
But it doesn't, at all
it does
do you feel like responding to anything else in that post that proves you wrong or are you going to just resort to one line reponses?
Not him but:
>halo 4 gameplay
See this >halo 4 physics
Don't know what to say here, vehicles definitely feel closer to the original Halo 2 imo. If you mean explosions, grenades and that kind of stuff for physics then i dunno, i honestly can't tell.
>Any thread about halo exists for more than five seconds
>Halo 5 shills crawl out of the woodwork
I don't get it, even if you love Halo 5, you still have to understand that it's completely different from anything like Halo 2 or 3, not even close in terms of pace, time to kill, a bunch of movement stuff ripped from a CoD game, like shit. I just don't get it
How can you play this with a controller?
Does everyone just walk on the floor?
5's closer to 2/3 than 4/Reach. No one ever said 5 is a carbon copy of 2 or 3.
with lots and lots and lots of aim assist
Nice meme but if it was that difficult to play then why is it way more popular on consoles than on PC?
TF is more about movement which is easier with a stick. Now if we talk about aiming...
i already replied to that post and addressed those concerns. halo 4 in MCC doesn't have killstreaks or armor abilities. i've been saying since the beginning that H2A doesn't have sprint.
his second sentence is retarded and im not gonna address it again.
h2a is a halo 2/halo 4 hybrid that leans much more towards halo 4. that's the argument and thats why nobody plays h2a and thats why every halo forum on the internet is full of disgruntled players who thought they were getting a remaster true to halo 2 but whatever third party 343 outsourced halo 2 anniversay to gave them a halo 4 version of it because that is what was determined to be easier to create.
halo 2 is the vista version. they cut corners all over the place on MCC. but it is still halo 2 while halo 2 anniversay simply isn't.
you can tell a person that the earth is round all you want but if they just say 'nope' and 'it doesnt feel round to me' in the face of facts and evidence then its pointless. that guy is a retard ive been feeding for far too long.
The filthy casuals, yeah. I'm always wallrunning, air strafing, and bunny hopping though.
>Using ADS when almost every weapon is better when fired from the hip
Nah, as a PS4 player, Overwatch has some of the worst aiming on consoles. If you don't have sensitivity maxed out, you might as well not even bother. It's clear that it was made for PC first and just ported to console without a care. It's why characters like Torbjorn were so fucking annoying for so long.
looks like console gameplay, but then again I play only 3v3 and people are really good at aiming. They keep putting me against silver level players when i'm only level 113
Uh no, I'd like to see anyone play quake with a controller instead of a keyboard.
Likewise, movement in TF is better with a keyboard. I'd like to see anyone go really fast with bunnyhopping and momentum conservation with a controller.
You don't need to ADS to aim though. I mean I use only the Volt, hipfire for days.