Which games are better, x(-)com or fire emblem?

Which games are better, x(-)com or fire emblem?

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Good Fire Emblem games > XCOM > Bad Fire Emblem games (Awakening, Birthright, etc)

X-com for base building and long term planning.
FE for actual map designs and clever enemy placement.
Both should be played.

>old games are better than newer ones
You are so cool user.

X-COM > Fire Emblem > XCOM

Final Fantasy Tactics

original xcom was soooooo fucking good back in the 90s. new stuff is kinda shit

XCOM Long War

Birthright is shit. Conquest is must-play. Revelations is passable.
Awakening was a mistake.

xcom> old FE > nu FE

Not him, but I picked up Awakening for the 3DS because I heard Fire Emblem was a good series, and the game was an absolutely terrible turn-based tactics game. I don't know if previous fire emblems were better, but if you think modern Fire Emblems are anything short of trash, you're a delusional waifufag.

>Which games are better, x(-)com or fire emblem?

I honestly don't really like either.
X-Com has some dumb shit, is wonky, has dumb RNG and savescumming.
Fire Emblem is shallow, has dumb RNG leveling, weapon durability, bad story, etc.

I wouldn't put any game on a top 5 SRPG list.

I was actually looking to get into tactics... but not into super hardcore ones either. I guess if you think there are better options (or just want to name the best series or something like that) feel free to do so.

Xcom (pretty much all of them) hands down.

XCOM is DEFINITELY better. Fire emblem has a lot of potential as a game, but a lot of useless shit and information which clutters the gameplay. It's also way easier, and feels like all the difficulty is in "Gotcha!" surprises during the chapter.

I have never even played Fire Emblem before and during PoR on hard mode I am the strategy of leveling, items, skills, weapons, etc. It has so much useless shit which doesn't matter.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (1 or 2) are easy entries to work with, and both can be emulated. Regular Tactics is better, but also not as forgiving.

Fire Emblem

Because the RNG bullshit doesn't hit you as hard as it does in X-com

you can play the gba fire emblem games on your 3ds and see for yourself how far it's fallen

The new xcoms aren't super hardcore. You just have to learn not to over extend in battle and you'll be leagues ahead of most of the retards complaining about RNG*

*not that hardcore assuming you don't go for the longwar mod.

modern xcom and classic fire emblem are both very good places to start

Why don't you explain it instead

I'm a fan of FE, but I don't think they're particularly better or worse than XCOM. They're both bad in their own, special ways.

lmao @ ur life if you can't handle the basic resource management in fire emblem games

the "s" stands for strategy, not "simple."

the "s" stands for simulation

the gba games aren't some epitome of the series, rekka no ken babbies go home

>I was actually looking to get into tactics... but not into super hardcore ones either. I guess if you think there are better options (or just want to name the best series or something like that) feel free to do so.

Tactics Ogre
Fallout Tactics
Valkyria Chronicles
Final Fantasy Tactics
Jagged Alliance 2
Front Mission 3
Disgaea 5

>Valkyria Chronicles
I really wish XCOM played more like VC.

Xcom. I like FE but it's extremely simple, not much strategy involved at all.

>Disgaea 5

I have never liked a cast of characters less in my recollection, but the gameplay is a damn nice refinement on the Disgaea formula.

>the gba games aren't some epitome of the series, rekka no ken babbies go home

I mentioned the gba games because they're playable on the 3ds he mentioned but you're right about the fe7 babby part

>bum-rush with scouts
>win in two turns

gr8 game m8

Not to start shit, but I feel like there's less strategy in XCOM. Not being able to see 10ft in front of you, not knowing where enemies are or what map you're heading to, what enemies are out there or how many of them, kinda makes it difficult to plan ahead for any mission. So you just end up sending your squad out there and improvising 100% of the time.

I like being able to see what I'll be up against beforehand and being able to pick units and plan ahead accordingly. But that's just me.

>I was actually looking to get into tactics... but not into super hardcore ones either. I guess if you think there are better options (or just want to name the best series or something like that) feel free to do so.

Super Robot Wars


There are asian versions you can import with english text.

>using a cheese strat
>hurr gr8 game m8

Only for ambassador 3ds stuff, not on the eshop for reg, 3ds, only the wii U one

Advance Wars

I hope this is bait.


FE also has shit like enemies appearing out of nowhere. Considering there's permadeath for named characters some knight crawling out of thin air to rape one of your ranged units or something isn't exactly good game design.

So what you're saying is that you don't want strategy, you want to be able to counterpick every enemy unit. Are you the guy who picks chun-li against your friends zangief in SF4?

>Not playing optimally

Yeah, that's fair, and I honestly think that FE7 is a good introduction to the series. After that, I think that Conquest (if you don't mind ignoring the story), Radiant Dawn (maybe?), or Genealogy of the Holy War are all valid options to see some of the more challenging/interesting games.

All the non-3DS games are emulatable, so it's not like he's too restricted by choice.

Or, if he gets interested in the waifus, there's always Awakening and Birthright/Conquest/Revelations.

I started with FE7, too.

It's a different kind of strategy. XCOM encourages the ability to adapt to situations and minimize unnecessary risk (at least, the first remake; I haven't gotten around to XCOM 2, but it seems to focus more on deciding what an acceptable level of risk is).

Fire Emblem is about managing longer-term failures (units not shoring up through bad level ups), managing resources (items), and the higher-level (in terms of abstraction) strategy of how to fight battles on your terms (chokepoints, unit selection, etc.).

I don't know anyone who maintains enough units to need to counterpick the maps, though. The games generally give you plenty of deployment slots, man.

he's right

I'm not saying that. I'm saying I don't want to walk into a mission completely blind like you do in XCOM.

Mid-mission reinforcements and other things help maintain a sense of uncertainty in FE, while still allowing you to plan ahead. With XCOM, you just send out your A-team and go from there.

>FE also has shit like enemies appearing out of nowhere
And move the turn after they spawn. Mid-mission spawns are balanced, save maybe in FE6.

some FE games have clever reinforcement placements so that it doesn't feel unfair, like in 776.

Also, there is a research path building in both new and old xcom that lets you see the enemy unit composition in most missions, so you actually can counterpick your enemies, you just have to work for it.

Some of the older Fire Emblem games have units act the turn they are spawned in. I know for a fact that FE3 does it and I'm pretty sure 4 and Thracia do as well.

Pretty much the only thing the game grades you for is speed so how is that not the best way to play? experience is also by character class so you don't even have to worry about keeping everybody leveled up.

You either didn't play much of Xcom or are a total shitter.

You mean you don't pick extra fliers for desert maps to rescue drop?

So does 6, and Awakening HM

Didn't Awakening have them move on the same turn they spawned in, as well? I mean, where they were gonna spawn from was dead-obvious in most situations, but still.

whoa hey i'm both of those don't lump me in with this guy

No, but I'm too lazy to do ranking runs, which is the only time I can imagine it being useful.

as far as i know fire emblem is the only game series that actively punishes you for being TOO lucky, so just by default XCOM is better

X-COM. Even the newer ones are better than any Fire Emblem game.

>fire emblem is the only game series that actively punishes you for being TOO lucky

what did he mean by this

I prefer the 2D XCOM/Fire Emblem over the 3D versions of both.

Friendly reminder Awakening did nothing wrong except become popular.

>send unit to guard chokepoint, expecting them to tank a few hits and weaken an enemy
>crits instead
>enemy dead, new enemy moves in and kills unit
have you even played the games

There's someone who tries to shill conquest in every single thread that even looks like a fire emblem one
I'm beginning to think he's actually doing this for free with how long it's been going on. Maybe he was a project manager involved with the censorship and thinks he can rake in a few pennies from royalties or something since it's just plain bizarre

>there's this specific situation where a good RNG roll could be bad for you
>game ACTIVELY punishes for being too lucky
It doesn't

or lol maybe its a good game as far as gameplay and ost go

>theres this specific situation that happens all the time where a good RNG roll fucks you over
>you're not getting punished for being too lucky

Except the entire shitty fucking Valm arc that I forget half the time I'm talking about the game, the bland support conversations that were neutered to allow for an arbitrary number of A-rank conversations, and the fact that almost all the maps are these boring fucking rectangles with no interesting tactical options.

i'm sorry that you're bad at fire emblem, user, but you shouldn't blame the games for your own shortcomings

in my world, we call that "being unlucky," not "the game fucked me over because i was lucky"

I think Conquest is an interesting game, but the story and the characters are dumb, the business model is blatantly anti-consumer, and the pointless censorship undermines the ability of potential customers to form their own judgments about what was included in the game.

so, steal it, using freeshop, on their dime.

It doesn't happen all the time

i should probably state that i enjoyed awakening for what it was, i just think it's a flawed game

Why is Awakening such a bad game?
Not him but it was my first Fire Emblem game and I had a good time.

>getting a critical, which is supposed to be a good thing, equals "being unlucky" so you're bad
solid post
>using units to guard chokepoints doesnt happen all the time
do you even play the games

XCom. EZ

No, units dying on chokepoints doesn't happen all the time

Shitty uninspired maps and broken game mechanics make the game unfun

you're correct
but it does happen sometimes, which is annoying

found him

I'm about the same as you but I've finished Conquest now and except for the retarded story, everything seemed a lot more varied and challenging. I still enjoyed Awakening as a full package and its alright story compared to the rushjob Fates, but it's still basically a game of rout the enemy and broken pair up mechanics. It's also somewhat bland.

The supports had around the same ratio of good to bad supports as past titles, and they still helped to flesh out more characters than past titles were able to do

XCOM>>>>>>Any FE
Awakening was getting great reviews across the board, i tried it out, it was boring. People told me the older games were better, so I tried Path of Radiance and FE7. Both were actually WORSE than Awakening. XCOM EU with EW is fantastic, and 2 was fun as well, despite poor optimization and several glitches. I've never played the original games, are they fun?

I touched a little bit on some of my issues with the game in this post: I also had issues with the DLC, but that's pretty fucking minor now that Fates exists.

You're stupid, but let me help you get better. You are betting on an event or series of events (X) that has some probability of success for your plan to succeed. X does not succeed, and so you were unlucky and have failed.

There's no difference, logically speaking, between betting on not getting a crit, betting on getting a crit, or betting on hitting/dodging some number of attacks.

The reason you're stupid is because it isn't the game punishing you for being lucky; for it to do so would require the system to be designed for it to punish you for being lucky. Rimworld is a game that punishes you for being lucky or successful due to the way it is designed to adapt its AI response to the success of your colony.

You're caught up on the semantics of the idea of a critical hit ("it's supposed to be good!") and missing that it has nothing to do with the game punishing you.

In short: i get what you're saying man but you phrased it misleadingly and since there are people clearly unfamiliar with the game i think it's reasonable to try to be precise about it.

I'm not really thinking on a character level, I'm thinking in terms of the A supports; they're forced to be more generic, so the S supports all feel really sudden ("wow, i love you now!"), whereas in earlier FE games it felt like a smoother continuity, no doubt because you were guaranteed to have only one A support.

This, children, is bait.

X-com without a doubt, what the fuck. Fire Emblem was always a low tier strategy game, moreso with the new ones that have a waifu focus.

Seriously what the fuck, even Fates was fucking garbage. Its like a shitty Japanese anime drama without good gameplay, and only receives attention because of autistic retards love IP branding and MUH SMASH.

Have you played any other turn-based tactics game? Awakening is as simplistic as it gets. There's absolutely no depth, and the actual gameplay just exists as padding for all the waifu shit.

Fire Emblem without a doubt, what the fuck. X-Com was always a low tier strategy game, moreso with the new ones that have a strategy focus.

Seriously what the fuck, even 2 was fucking garbage. Its like a shitty western shooter drama without good gameplay, and only receives attention because of autistic retards love IP branding and MUH SONY

They're right you know. 11, 13 and 2/3rds of 14 were shit.

Nope. Awakening was ez as fuck because you could just throw other characters on to your strongest ones to act as permanent stat boosters that got better over time. FE7 is just rock paper scissors on a grid, and PoR was the same but with shit gimmicks like that prison level. I genuinely enjoy both modern XCOMs.

I bet you didn't even play Lunatic+ you faggot

Silent Storm master race reporting in.

what the fuck are you talking about

Awakeningbabby detected.
Thanks for ruining the series you casual waifufag.

well i guess i could try that, what does the difficulty change

Enemies have better AI, more skills, and maps reinforce their units more, so you can't just turtle them out because they'll overwhelm and destroy you extremely quickly. Offense and actual strategy is needed or else you'll almost always wipe your units on a map and lose.

it goes from being a strategy game to being a slot machine designed to test your patience

Literally RNG based. If enemies roll certain skills, it can be impossible to complete the map.

I guess I should say, for Awakening (do the other games have Lunatic+?), once you get past the slot machine part, I'm told it becomes Frederick emblem and remains as easy as the rest of the difficulties, because they all fucking level out after like, chapter 5 (or 13, if you're really unlucky).

Not really, Frederick needs to be dropped at a certain point, and enemy skills are always a danger.

Here's a guide for chapter 2

It doesn't exactly become Frederick Emblem, but the difficulty does fall off a cliff after Chapter 5. Frederick is by far the most useful unit though, at least until MU catches up.

Most of my experience with Fire Emblem has just been ending up with like 2 ridiculously overpowered units who can't stop getting stronger because enemies just run at them and die.

good fucking LORD, is this for real? Holy shit.

You're playing it wrong

Yep. This map had me walled for a week before I figured it out on my L+ run. The fact that it returns in Fates DLC unironically triggers me.

Fire emblem was literally made for children, dude

So was Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby. What's your point.

>reset if the slot machine moves in a way you don't like

That pretty much sums up why XCOM is a better game.

Awakening is the only game where you have to do anything like that

I haven't, I've been meaning to but I don't know where to begin. Older Fire Emblems, maybe?