What're your favourite games of all time? Why?

What're your favourite games of all time? Why?

That's a bit of a long list. It'd take me forever to tell you which and why.

So, 3x3 thread?

Post them if you want, none of that 3/9, 5/9, 4/7 bullshit though. It's fucking gay and pointless and ruins the thread.


Never played much japanese games

I rarely post in these threads. Those weird 'ratings' like posted confuse me to no end. I don't get it.

I was told that it was
Games you've played/games you've liked

It is games you played/games you liked and it's fucking gay. 90% of the thread ends up as just ratings with no actual discussion.

i am working on my 3x3, but narrowing down the list is taking a while.
>all those cool games
>and then Ico
almost OP, almost

I like these ones as they are the ones I got the most enjoyment out of, and/or hold special memories from child hood of.

The fuck have you got against Ico?

I don't even normally like puzzle platformers and I ended up loving Ico.

How is Momodora, I kinda wanna get it.

i'm impressed you got enjoyment out of GTA with horses.
that game sucked ass.
Ico isn't a very good game, especially when it came on the same disc as SotC on PS3.

>Momodora in your favorite games of all time

I am honestly curious why you like it that much.

Sure it was a very good game, but it i played through it in 5 hours, without prior knowledge, its so short that it didnt leave a lasting impression on me and i have played a lot of metroidvanias that i personally consider better.

>Ico isn't a very good game
SotC is good too but to say Ico isn't a very good game, you can't be serious.

What exactly didn't you like about it?

the beginning is really fucking slow, the handholding is okay but it's basically "Escorting Ashley" but turned to 11 since the white ghost girl seems to get attacked a ton more than Ashley did.
oh and the combat is bad

Persona 4: One of the most immersive experiences I've ever had. I never really got into anime so it was an entirely new experience to me. The characters, the setting, the story, I loved all of it. The gameplay was especially good for JRPG, and while I've found other SMT's did it better, Persona 4 is still my favorite

Bloodborne: It took everything I loved about dark souls and turned it up to 11. I really enjoy the speed of combat and the feel of each weapon. Also the theme is perfection

The Last Guardian: Absolute perfection in vidya form. I can't describe how amazing TLG was, the connection with Trico and the adventure itself are possible the best time I've ever had with a game. Ending wraps it all together better than any other game I've played

There are other games I would consider my favorite but these games scratch my autism itch the most

Then let's discuss then.

Could never really get into tf2 and dwarf fortress was hard to start cause of all the reading I had to do to start. Tips for a beginner?

Really fun combat and enemy layout. It's somewhat a metroidvania but I hardly consider it one. Some bosses are amazing and only about 1 or 2 are average. It's really easy to get immersed for me since I'm someone who needs frequent breaks. It found a good balance of intensity and calmness.

Yeah it's pretty short but to me it has lots of replayability. After beating it first time on hard, it still feels like I can go above and beyond. Also the secrets I haven't found yet, but still it's mostly the combat and mechanics that I really love.

Portal is great because it was one really good concept handled possibly as well as it could have been, layered under interesting and entertaining dialogue.

Antichamber had actual, real puzzles unlike 90% of puzzle games these days, and they were super dope all the time. block mechanics were satisfying and it had a very neat aesthetic.

I don't feel like I could say anything about Undertale that hasn't already been said.

Pikmin is comfy as fuck and the only thing even close to an RTS that I've enjoyed, and I enjoyed the shit out of it. replayed that fucker a lot of times, as well as the sequel.

hotline miami is an aesthetic masterpiece (if you'll excuse the meme) and is a prime example of difficulty done well.

those are a few of them.

Best tip I can give for DF is to use a tileset. The Lazy Newb Pack comes with a whole bunch of tools (like Dwarf Therapist) and tileset installer that can help you get into the game.

Aside from that, practice is the only way to truly get into the game.

>i'm impressed you got enjoyment out of GTA with horses.
>that game sucked ass.

Opinions right?

The combat's not bad, you're just a 10 year old armed with a 2x4 so of course it's not gonna feel like Revengeance. The whole game is pretty slow paced but I like it, can't fault you if you don't. And Yorda gets attacked so often so that you care about her and feel good when you save her since the whole game is about escaping the castle with her.

>the game is bad on purpose
got it!

The game isn't bad on purpose, but like Silent Hill the developers handicap you in certain ways in order to increase tension and emotional investment in the characters. There's a difference between that and a game like Drakengard 3 where the final boss is unfair horseshite because the developer was like "lol feeling frustrated? Good, that's how the character feels". That's a game being bad on purpose and it's the wrong way to do things.

My main favorite games are Beatmania IIDX and arcade shooters.

I tend to not really care about story at all anymore. It's not like there's a story out there that's good enough to make a game that plays like shit suddenly become worth playing.

I don't play fighters or MOBAs or basically anything that hinges on having multiplayer be the motivating component to play. Human competition is too variable for me to care about it in PVP purposes, as well as it being reliable enough for me to enjoy it for cooperative purposes. I also don't give a shit about shit talking and bants or whatever the fuck. I don't have time for that.

I have a difficult time putting more than three games in a 3X3 grid. I've never been too inclined to pick and rank favorites in generally anything, and I have a difficult time reconciling the choice between putting games in there which I would still actually want to play this very moment versus games which I dearly loved and were the primary drivers behind my current tastes but have no particular desire to replay any time soon if ever again.

maybe half of that pic related is accurate to my 3x3 but I still feel like my 3x3 is completely valid

Furi, Dragon's Dogma and Ace Combat holy trinity.

excuse me? don't you dare add flavor of the month indieshit next to Dragons dogma and Ace combat.

>Indieshit boogeyman
pls go

And I thought this was gonna be a comfy thread. Now pointless insults are being thrown around.

Holy shit that is the most suspect taste I have ever seen.

>wanting a giant circlejerk isntead of actual discussion
i bet you love the ACTUAL 3x3 threads.

>Rise of Nations
>Age of Empires II

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>DD: Dark Arisen PC

>SW Battlefront 2
>Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
>Halo CE PC
>Unreal Tournament
GOAT online multiplayer

>Splinter Cell 1, 2, 3
>Thief 1, 2 ,3
GOAT stealth

>Prince of Persia Sands of Time
>Billy Hatcher
GOAT platformer

>007 Nightfire
>Timesplitters 3
>LOTR: Return of the King
>GOW 3
GOAT couch coop

I could go on.

>He hasn't played furi
Its one of the best boss rush games ever made

shouting indiefag and boogeyman at each other is discussion now

I don't think, "your favorite game is stupid and you are also stupid" is actual discussion

Hey cmon man he started it first

someone having a shitty game being his favourite deserves to be called out, pussies.

So what's the main basis to yours then, at least as far as the divide I present for "games which you actually like playing right now" versus "games which I think are 10/10 but don't really care about playing again particularly soon if at all".

Is everyone's 3X3 the same as their "desert island 3X3", so to speak. If you had to choose only 9 games to play for the rest of your life, would it be what you put in your 3X3? If not, why?

Why? What's wrong with it?

I never played splinter cell before but I hear chaos theory is really good.

>liking ico when shadow is everything and more
hipster or retard?

Play the first 3.

I try to include games I played once and never again but still loved (earthbound, dark souls) to games I've played over and over again for hundreds or thousands of hours(smash, portal, BoI), or games I've just played a few times and still loved (pikmin, hotline miami, antichamber, undertale).

so it's a mix. I'd feel good using my 3x3 as my desert island 3x3 though.

Not him but

>The worst Zelda
>The second worst Level 5 RPG
>A 10 hour game with janky gravity controls
>The worst Tenchu

Neither, I just enjoyed Ico slightly more than Shadow of the Colossus. Shadow's a completely different game, I don't see how it would erase Ico from being liked.

I have never seen so much shitty taste in one fucking picture

kill yourself OP

Can't 3x3 on mobile but:
> Dark souls ptde
> Antichamber
> The Talos Principle
> Ico
> MH4U
> Project M / Melee
> Majora's Mask
> Ragnarok Online classic

In no particular order AC 2, Mass Effect 2, Portal 2, Windwaker, Red Dead Redemption. Witcher 3. Team Fortress 2 , Arkham Asylum... aaaand... Bioshock

Some of these haven't aged well, but goddamn it, I adore them.

>Twilight Princess
>Skyward Sword
>But Wind Waker's the worst apparently
Let me guess "wahhh empty ocean the sailings boring it's too easy wahhh"

>Second worst Level 5 RPG
It's the best one they've ever made, what do you rate above it?

>10 hour game with janky gravity controls
Short and sweet, though I don't deny it's a bit bereft of content and the story could've been a few hours longer. I enjoyed it for what it was: a fun, original idea that I've never seen before in a game. It had great music and an interesting world too. The controls weren't janky, you probably just bullheadedly refused to use the gyro aiming to perform fine manouvers.

>Worst Tenchu
Eh, it was my first and I played it back to front a hundred times. I enjoyed it a lot.

>The worst Zelda

subjective, also wrong.

>muh mature western pc games for a mature western pc gamer such as myself

Terranigma because it was the game i ever played and i did it along with my older brother.

Metroid fusion was my first metroid title and after having finished all metroid games except for prime 3 and other m and fedforce fusion was still my favorite because of its atmosphere and the thread that was the SA-X

Radiant historia because not only was the story very interesting because it handled time travel and its ingame mechanics very well as well as its combat system was very unique and interesting for me to try out various strategies

Tf2 and UT2004 because i have a lot of fond memories of playing it with my friends and still play tf2 even though my laptop has died this monday

And final game is Ys oath in felghana after discovering the francishe with ys 1 and 2 for ds. Perfect mix of challening gameplay and a simple but interesting story i also liked that it has hints and connections to other Ys games like ark of napishtim

Sorry for the blogpost

I have never seen projecting this hard before.

Projecting doesn't mean what you think it means you child.

Go ahead and post your top 10 to prove me wrong.

Wow, when did I ever fucking say any of that?

I could name 10 games on nes, genesis, snes, etc, that are all better.

yes i could also name 10 better pc games developed by western devs but i like plenty of asian shit too

my top 10 has nothing to do with this. I'm not the guy you were criticizing.

you WERE actually projecting, and you ARE actually an idiot.

These aren't my 9 favorite games of all time. I'm always changing my 3x3.
4/4 We like similar games. How's Shinobido? Also, I have to start GR.
2/2. You already answer how's Momodora. I've read people here who really like it.
I like you.

Go look up projecting in a dictionary, it doesn't mean what you think it does.

I did and it sure doesn't. I guess the term I'm looking for is "strawman".

SotC isn't as tightly designed as Ico imo. The way Dormin cock-slaps you with hints if you don't mount a colossus within the first five seconds really blows. It's a lazy way of retard proofing when they should have found other solutions. Colossus #15 is particularly poorly handled. The HUD and the number of cut scenes bundled with the hints make it a lot less immersive. It's still a great game though. If you outright hate either SotC or Ico them you're definitely a pleb. Haven't played TLG, sadly.

Are you a Gamespot writer or something?


Fucking why dude, you have good taste in everything else but then there's this shit.

Why would that be the case?

I can argue for each and everyone of those games if you want to. AC 2 is the best game in a long series and probably one of the very rare cases where a sequel is 200 times better than the original. There are moments, where I love Portal 1 more than 2... I could argue for either.

Mass Effect 2 is the closest a game came to portraying a deep sci-fi world in which humans aren't the special little snowflakes they are in most other sci-fi. I think the whole series is great, 1 has the Mako parts and a lot of hallways, so 2 is slightly better

Windwaker is the only Zelda I tried that grabbed me. I tried Twilight, but the Wolf crap and the grimdark stuff wasn't for me. I loved Windwaker so much, I finished it on GC and WiiU.

Arkham Asylum is the perfect little version of what a Batman Game should be. Are the boss fights a bit lame here and there? Yup. Still the best Batman by a long shot.

I could go on, but I'm gonna guess no one actually cares.

So what made my list SOOOOOO bad?.

I love me some retro games. I grew up with Sonic The Hedgehog. But for me a big chunk of them, including Sonic, just don't hold up or at least not for long-ish sessions.

>boss rush with no interaction better than emotional 2 character protection / love story

It's like you were never an older sibling.

My top three are Skies of Arcadia, along with Ghost Trick and God Hand tied 2nd.

Ghost Trick is honestly a game that I consider close to perfect. Everything from the plot, puzzle elements, characters, music, artstyle, gameplay and more are just brilliant and I love every little bit of it. I've only played it once in my life because it doesn't need a replay, you remember damn near everything from the game and I love and hate it for that.

God Hand is a game which to me has amazingly high replay ability, I could jump on the game and play that game for hours. The gameplay is just so amazing, and I love the cheesiness of the characters and the plot. It's just an all round fun game.

Skies of Arcadia is my favourite game just because of the feeling of adventure I get from playing it along with the upbeat characters, environments and music everything about the game I love and no game has ever come close to that feeling I get, and I love it for that.

I'd describe more but word limits suck

>can't tell what some of these games are
This is why there's no discussion on these threads.

Pisses me the fuck off

>hurr look at my arty image that doesn't show the game name at all

Even worse when it's just a symbol

I haven't played M&B in quite a while so I might replace it with something, I don't feel as strongly towards it as I once did. Thinking of having either Persona 5 or Age of Decadence replace it, but I'm not sure yet.
I try to keep my 3x3 based on my current feelings, so anything that's on there is something I've somewhat recently (past 3 years or so) (re)played.

God Hand was on mine until recently, absolutely amazing game and very few "that" segments that cause you to not want to replay it. It stands a pretty good chance of getting back on if I replay it soon.
I still really need to play Ghost Trick. Everybody praises it to hell and back but I've never really enjoyed a puzzle game that wasn't made by Zachtronics.

Just play more games man, very few obscure games have been posted so far. I just used images from my Sup Forums folder to make mine, so some don't have titles in them.
Mine are:
Sengoku Rance MGS2 Dorf Fort
Mountain Blade Morrowind Bloodborne
Pathologic Dark Souls Elona+

I didn't go into it with any expectations or preconceived notions other than having played Limbo, and I did not go in expecting anything longer than two or three hours. I was satisfied with what I felt was a well crafted cinematic platformer. Games like it are a lost art. I think the use of light and color to convey puzzles puts it above its peers and influences. That said, it is a very new game, who knows if it'll still be there in a couple years time. If you truly hate it I don't know what to say.

It just game me the air of one of those major game site's top 100 lists. I don't think your choices are all bad. Just play more games and it'll get a bit more refined. Let's take Batman and Assassin's Creed. If you played more beat 'em ups, you'd be able to pick out the big flaws regarding the two games' combat systems, and how even when they chose a simplistic system, they don't tactfully design around its limitations. If you played more 3D platformers, you'd be able to pick out the mis-steppings in their platforming mechanics. How Assassin's Creed's automatic platforming disservices the game and misses potential for what could be interesting mechanics that make going from A to B something quite intriguing. Batman's not as bad of an offender, but the focus on Press X To Gargoyle misses out on what could be substance. Both games are all flash.

But I'm not trying to bash your tastes. They're just favorites after all. Just keep exploring new games and giving others a chance and you'll get a sense of where I'm coming from when I say there's a key perspective you're missing.

The middle one in is The World Ends With You. The bottom-left of is Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the bottom is Nier, the bottom-right is Virtue's Last Reward. The top-left of is Cave Story, the top is Worms Armageddon, the bottom-right is Barkley: Gaiden.

I hope that helps clear things up.

I didn't include any JRPGs in mine but I have a lot of fond memories of Skies of Arcadia and PSO.

Can you explain to me what makes Rimworld different from Dwarf Fortress? Not trying to pick a fight, I'm legitimately wondering what "Dwarf Fortress but ___" it is.

>Mass Effect 2 is the closest a game came to portraying a deep sci-fi world in which humans aren't the special little snowflakes they are in most other sci-fi

>huge portion of the story dedicated to how Shepard is space Jesus and the only one who can save the universe
>final boss goes on about how humans are the best of the current living species and the ones who were chosen to ascend
>humans come to dominate the Citadel Council within a few decades of joining

I never played much of DF so I can't say. It's definitely easier for a new player to get into.



I don't hate Inside I just don't see it as having any staying power in anyone's mind. Like most indie games it's a play it and forget it affair. It tried to be unique with it's weird ending but it just came off as trying too hard for me, I don't understand why this and Limbo got so much praise when there's really not much actual game there.

- vagrant story


+ Baldurs Gate 2
- diablo 2, red dead redemption

+ sapphire
- metal gear solid


I think while you are right in those instances, the whole SERIES is about how humans aren't really special and are in fact late to the party in a lot of ways. And that's a part I like. among many.

I'm a Sci-Fi nerd, but the whole "Humans are soooo special and the only thing worth mentioning" from a lot of things can get quite annoying. Probably worst offender of this is Bakula Enterprise.

Command and Conquer: Renegade - Literally best multiplayer I've ever played. FPSRTS as a genre is fucking insane when it comes to teamwork and really needs to break out into the spotlight already.

Master of Orion 2 - Simply the best 4x game I've ever played.

Total Annihilation - Hands down my favorite RTS. The game actually still has a very small community and some really cool mods adding stuff like 3rd and even 4th level tech trees.

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - This game simply is magical. No 3D Zelda has come close to meeting the charm of Clock Town and it's people, or has ever been able to have any proper tone besides "chosen hero."

Donkey Kong 64 - Now, I never played the Banjo games, maybe one of them would be here instead, but DK64 is my favorite 3D platformer. It had what at least felt like a huge world, interesting and unique bosses, and each kong having fairly unique playstyles was cool.
Also, the game's multiplayer was fun.

Metroid Prime - What's not to like? This game fucking nails atmosphere and then some. Only way someone can not like this game, is if they didn't play it.

Knights of the Old Republic - Bioware's only good game. The story and characters are all done fairly well. The only game that does sidequests better than this is Majora's Mask perhaps.

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - Now, both KOTORs are on the list due to one reason. KOTOR1 is a finished game and the story and sidequests are there in full, it's more satisfying. KOTOR2 has a lot of cut content and missing sidequests, but quite simply took KOTOR1's gameplay and vastly improved upon it.

Tomba! - Tomba! barely makes the list ahead of Warioland 3. But Tomba! is quite simply a nice fun 2.5D platforming RPG that nothing else exists like it.

I really didn't like Inside. I loved LIMBO a lot, for me INSIDE was basically a very similar game with more annoying puzzles. The Artwork and Music is great, but the gameplay... just not for me... the hype might have ruined it somewhat for me, but I probably wouldn't have liked it either way.

>Bioware's only good game.
>The story and characters are all done fairly well.

You're one of the first people to ever talk about C&C Renegade in any positive way. I loved it back then as a C&C addict. was one of the first PC Games I owned myself. Played it like a madman. Glad to see it got some fans out there.

Also, yes, I'm aware, it probably has aged horribly like 95% of the 3D games of that era.

What else has Bioware done that's good? Ass Effect? That shitty dragon age series?

holy shit mate, are you literally me?

I want you to be my friend.

Deus Ex, Morrowind, and KotoR 2 are some of the most popular picks in these threads. Why do you guys think these games appeal to Sup Forums so much?

Definitely not KotOR where the twist is """foreshadowed""" about 10 times on the tutorial planet, its outright given away on Dantooine, Bioware made the Sand Niggers dindunuffins, Kashyyk is hilariously bad, and the companions are shit-tier.

>companions are shit-tier.
Jolee Bindo, literally best Star Wars universe character.

>Kashyyk is hilariously bad

>Sand niggers dindunuffins
I mean, ofc sand niggers are dindus.

That's some good taste op

Solo storydriven games with lots of hours of content and good quality control. Plus they fall right into the Nostalgia age for this board.

>good quality control

Pick one.

Fair enough, I never liked KOTOR 1 or 2, I was more talking about the other games on that list. Points still stand, I believe.

Lots of reasons, both because of the games and personal reasons. Top 3 for me are absolutely Persona 4, Devil May Cry 3, and Final Fantasy VII. Persona is something I discovered in high school without any knowledge of it aside from playing Nocturne, and ended up falling in love with 3 and 4. I'd probably say those are my favorite games of all time.

I wish I actually knew people who actually like half the games on my list even....

Oh right Jolee Bindo the """gray""" Jedi that became disillusioned with the Jedi because they forgave him for being a fuck-up. What a great character who isn't all quips.

Meant that fish planet Manaan actually. Kashyyk was okay, but the side quests were pretty boring and Zaalbar himself is boring as fuck.
>tell me about yourself
>id rather not, just save me for this one planet okay

>ofc sand niggers are dindus
No, now they actually dindu nuffin. The """good""" option is to continue to let them murder innocents like savages because they "protect" the dead fucking planet.

The only real "that" segments in God Hand are just the things that are fucking awful on harder modes, like 4-4, 6-6, 7-2, 8-1 and a few others. Overall the game never really has anything that you need to waste a lot of time on. What did you replace it with anyhow?

Also yes, Ghost Trick is amazing. Play it right now, user. There's no need to hold it off, it just means you'll be spoiled as time goes on.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time: This game blew everything else I had ever played out of the fucking water. It was my first "epic" adventure game where I felt like I was a part of the story.

Sonic 3+K: I grew up with all the Sonic games, and this combo was always the most fun to beat all the way through.

Super Mario Bros 3: Absolutely insane to play back in the NES days. World was amazing and did a lot of great things, but the whole dinosaur land theme threw me off. I still love to play SMW, but prefer this on a ranked list.

Commander Keen 4: The first platformer I played on PC besides the original Duke Nukem. The presentation of this title was impressive for a DOS game back then. I really wish they would reboot this series as a third person exploration shooter.

Pokemon Blue: Came out when I was the perfect age for it, and the trading cards and show became wildly popular. Great times with linked Game Boy Colors and stacks of cards.

Perfect Dark: I couldn't afford a decent GPU for our family computer as a kid, so FPS games were console only. Goldeneye had set the stage for what was the most fun local multiplayer I would have until Halo came along. Perfect Dark was packed with cool weapons, stages, various bots, and a solid single player campaign.

Metal Gear Solid: The first mature "movie game" I had ever seen/played. Saved up for a PS1 just for this.

Super Metroid: One of the longest most frustrating experiences of my young life, but I felt so rewarded when it was over. I tend to go back and play Fusion or Zero Mission now though.

Animal Crossing: I was a Freshman in high school, and hated life. I read about this game on IGN or something, and decided I would buy it and not tell any of my friends. It's comfy charm helped me through some stupid times at that age, and provided a happy escape from real life.

This is my favorite game of all time.

My first 3x3.
I'd probably think of something a little different if I put more time into it.
I tried to be more well-rounded, and this is a fair result, I think.

If I was forced to pick one, it'd have to be DOOOOOOOOOM