Some faggot on Sup Forums made a thread saying FFXV's OST was ''phoned in'' a while back...

Some faggot on Sup Forums made a thread saying FFXV's OST was ''phoned in'' a while back. I've actually seen a lot of shitting on the soundtrack. You faggots are objectively WRONG on this matter.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not including the best score in FFXV and possibly FF history

Ah forgot Valse Di Fantastica

I originally thought this was Altissia's theme. Honestly I can't remember it playing in chapter 9 at all. Was it in the background or anything when you walked around the city?

There's a toned down version of this that fades in and out sometimes on the open world, but I don't remember hearing the full fledged version.

Or maybe I'm just associating this song with Altissia because it plays there in the Platinum demo?

>OP posts a thread just to prove some faggot from weeks if not months ago
jesus can't you just enjoy the game yourself, rather than trying to prove yourself to some anonymous literal nobody on a japanese anime imageboard?
Get a grip.

It's not just this one nigger who dissed the soundtrack. The general sentiment on Sup Forums since November seems to be that the soundtrack was either shit or nothing special.

The whole game was phoned in you idiot.

it played randomly when walking/driving around the open world

user, people can have different opinions to you, you know that, right?

the basic battle themes, but mostly the duscae one, remind me too much of kingdom hearts

It was just faggots like this fuck who were trying to downplay the game right when it came out.

OST is legitimately one of the best FF OSTs ever.

Its just niggers shitting on the game just because
Ignore them

The soundtrack is just forgettable besides Somnus, but even that has been around for over a decade now.

Say what you want about XIII, but the OST was far superior.

Kind of unrelated, but where can you find this in game? Saw someone post it on tumblr and I havent gotten an answer yet.


I like the OST, but i hate how it's used in the game. Some tracks play for like 20 seconds once in the game, some just for one section while others like Omnis play way too many times for way too many big enemies


I fucking hate the deamon battle theme and how often that shit plays. I was so happy when I encountered non-deamons in the dungeons just because those songs are played less often.

Huh, looks like photoshop honestly

The area from the Platinum demo/ the area when the game is still installing

It's mostly just generic orchestra stuff. Nobuo Uematsu was great because he wrote memorable melodies to go with the orchestras. This stuff lacks any memorable qualities.

Is that second song not literally from elder scrolls? What the fuck kind of plagiarism is this

No. Every battle track, theme, overworld music and character track in XV is more memorable and objectively better than any of 13s shitty music.

XV has without a doubt the strongest FF OST.

FF13 has nothing besides blinded by light and that shit got old after hearing it once. Get out with that shit taste.

When fighting ifrit/after you fought ifrit

I'm pretty sure that's the Citadel. I vaguely remember coming across this when the game was installing and it lets you fight goblins in the daytime outside the citadel. Kinda a spoiler though I guess. I'm not sure if it's still there for the Ifrit fight.

this is not even good bait

There is more melody in XVs OST than uematsu ever does. Shimomura is stronger at melody than he's ever been and his stuff is generic compared to this game.

Fuck off 13drone.

get your ears checked

following common chord progression =/= plagiarism

no they sound almost identical, like the mgs theme and that russian song they copied it from

How is this allowed
My three tracks I like the most.
I thought this sounded more like a KH theme, like Destiny's force or something..
Only the battle themes.
Rest is hit and miss at times, shit like the reprises of Somnus was nice, some of wanderlust but at times it didn't play well to be noticeable, mainly execution. Hell that's the thing. Execution.

music student here. the music is shit.
yoko just puts as many fucking sounds as possible in one track to give you the impression of being an epic song, but its just nothing special.
there are 5 tracks memorable like noctis theme, somnus, valse di fantastica, that other exploration thing and the battle theme against the imperial soldiers. that's because the counterpart to the melody isn't played in the same time as the melody. that's whats making songs memorable.

Well Sephirot's theme and World's collide, so...

You really shouldn't be the one calling others drones, i mean you can like XVs OST all you want and i like it too, but calling Uematsu generic is just retarded

What is with XV fans and the mentality that it's only allowed to like one thing

Well when it really comes down to it, I think we can ALL agree that xenoblade chronicles X had the superior soundtrack...

No they don't, there is a 50% difference between them.

Never heard it

Here's your (You)

Enjoy wasting money on your music useless music degree you fucking faggot.

What's with antiXVfags and the mentality that you aren't allowed to like XV?


I never said XV is bad kid, see that's exactly what i mean you guys always project some shit onto others. It's just that they're way too aggressive for now reason and always parrot posts non stop.
I like XV and i like the OST, but i won't suddenly shit on everything and evryone in existence just because of that

except that its music and maths for teaching you fucking useless neet

The irony

Boring fucking songs with no identity.

>Being this mad about a shitpost on a dead thread


>someone says XV is shit
>person says XV isn't shit, other thing is shit

So useless.

Yeah that describes FF13 and most other FFs. XV music on the other hand are energetic, intense, beautiful and eventful music with identity. Glad you agree.

It's nice to know you're deaf user.