
should I get this game?

What I want:
> classic cool Final Fantasy monsters
> Good XP system from killing monsters/doing quests
> Good levelling system where I see progress
> Any type of loot or gear that betters my character

What could ruin the game for me:
> combat overly easy "just hold O" the whole time
> too much walking around / pointless "talk to the inkeeper" quests

dunno how comparable it is to these games, but...
Games I loved:
> MGSV - amazing open world and gameplay made me not mind story
> Kingdom Hearts - loved the charm, simple RPG elements, and real time combat in final fantasy universe
> Soulsbourne - combat and simple RPG elements with noticeable changes in character strength
> WoW - loot and gear system

Games I didn't like:
> The Witcher 3 - shitty combat, stupid levelling system, pointless quests
> GTAV - boring story with only average gameplay made it way less fun than MGSV
> Diablo 3 - got bored holding one button the whole time at hoardes of enemies

Other urls found in this thread:


It has a tiny "open world," is open for the first few hours but then tightens up near the end, the combat is iffy, lots of boring driving, but it does have a decent story but its only like 30 hours long if you play some of the side quests. Near the end I just powered through to complete it.

Combat is pretty damn easy with the just hold O thing for most fights, but when you first start, you'll actually want to swap weapons around and use warp strikes (Triangles!!!) either to hit specific areas on enemies, get into or out of a combat, and to replenish HP/MP. The leveling system is pretty bland. You don't -have- to do side quests to stay at appropriate level for the story, just don't run from every fight. You need to farm AP like a motherfucker, but the holiday packs give you items that make it less painful (2 AP for A+ in time, 1 AP for A+ offense). There's a good variety of accessories, especially some post game which give your main character a cool auto dodge, but it's a lame ass parkour dungeon that doesn't fit in with the FF franchise at all. The absolute best accessory in the game has a 5% drop rate from a random drop ship enemy that is also a rare spawn. To get 3 to max out a character, depending on luck, it will take you many hours. I got one of the good accessory after 7 kills, but I haven't seen another since. If you liked the MGSV open world, this has it in a pretty similar vein. I'm pretty annoyed that you can't do real off roading with the car, though.

The story is kinda weak, but the gameplay is good and the characters are pretty likeable. I got the platinum for it about two weeks after purchase, so you can do everything in the game just playing casually. It's fun, but I would give it a 6.5/10.

what do u mean by iffy? I can probably tolerate like bad camera angles or something more than too easy just hold one button combat

cool thx. I dunno if a 6.5 is worth it, my alternatives are Skyrim, Odin Sphere, and Uncharted 4

In the beginning it was interesting because each weapon has certain uses. Then I kept running into lv 47s in the open world and thought maybe I need to be like level 50 to get through the "end" of the game. So I leveled up that much and it does become mostly hold O to attack. I don't think I switched my weapons at the end anymore and just constantly used potions so it became like too easy. Basically it was hold attack then potion when I was low.

>MGSV "Amazing Open World"
>most zones are literally Afghanistan, barren deserts

>classic cool Final Fantasy monsters
>Good XP system from killing monsters/doing quests
>Good leveling system where I see progress
>Any type of loot or gear that betters my character

Those are pretty standard things to expect in a Final Fantasy game user.

>combat overly easy "just hold O" the whole time
Not really. If you just hold circle without moving, dodging, or parrying, chances are you'll get your ass kicked assuming you aren't overleveled.
>too much walking around / pointless "talk to the inkeeper" quests
The majority of the sidequests are hunts where you kill monsters and claim the bounty on them.
The best sidequests are the buddy sidequests that you get when making camp.
The rest are NPC sidequests, which unfortunately are lacking.
Take that as you will.

>Doesnt parry
>Probably a retard who couldnt lock-on during Leviathan fight

>got bored holding one button the whole time at hoardes of enemies

Then this game isn't for you.

then this game is for you

>Good XP system from killing monsters/doing quests


>Then this game isn't for you.

>then this game is for you

>Didn't mention MGSV once...

OK then shithead, what's so bad about the XP system?

If you value your first experience with the game, just wait a year. We don't know how much better but the game will be better in a year.

>Thinking a RWD convertible can actually drive effectively on rough terrain anyways.
>OP listens to this idiot user

having to stockpile exp until you rest is a shitty system

only getting money from hunts is equally as monotonous

Not than user, but I really liked the levelling system in the end. I thought "oh shit, this is Oblivion levelling" at first, but I liked the fact that it tallied, and you could keep it for the posher inns that give 3x experience.
>finish main story
>time to get to level 99
>collect a shit load of Debased items and Rare Coins
>make a few Thunder EXP spells
>grind the Wyverns outside Ravatogh for a couple of hours, getting shitloads of experience and AP in the process
>sell their wings off for loadsamone
>bam, now I'm ready for the rest of post-game
AP grinding is a fucking bore though.

>The Witcher 3 - shitty combat, stupid levelling system, pointless quests
>the entire OP post structure in general

gee I wonder who's behind this post

>having to stockpile exp until you rest is a shitty system
I actually liked that mechanic as it made the experience more comfy. Plus the ability to use Expericast and double or even triple your XP when you stay at high in hotels in the game prevented it from being a grindfest, which is a huge plus in my book.
>only getting money from hunts is equally as monotonous
Play Justice Monsters and get the Windup Lord Vexxos you idiot.

thought I replied to OP... fuck...

wait until they release the full game OP, someone found an entire out of bounds continent recently.

no point buying half a game.

>Play Justice Monsters

yeah nah get fucked

that shit is terrible

Yes it's good.

We're finally starting to get some information on some of the changes they are planning to try and improve the game's extremely weak second half.

> classic cool Final Fantasy monsters
> Good XP system from killing monsters/doing quests
> Good levelling system where I see progress
It has these.

> combat overly easy "just hold O" the whole time
> too much walking around / pointless "talk to the inkeeper" quests
It has these.

> Soulsbourne - combat and simple RPG elements with noticeable changes in character strength
It is not this.

>We don't know how much better but the game will be better in a year

>they'll improve the game you guys

this is just sad

this is what video games have become

Then grind wyverns then like said. Their wings sell for 1600 a pop and the wyverns spawn like seven at a time.

>107 hours into the game
>still haven't found these batards
Also I have a hunt now for the Tonberry Knights. Should I be worried.

sounds like someone forgot to camp then got wrecked and lost all his exp


>lost all his exp


It's literally impossible to die in this game.

Don't you date try making this game sound challenging.

The game is already good and it's only going to improve from here on out with the new stuff they add

Would you prefer this to happen again, to never be fixed ever?

because you didn't camp to level up

>if you stock up on healing items you can't die
which applies to every game ever

At least we live in a world where SE can actually fix the second half of their games.

You goddamn young'uns don't remember.


If you loved the hollow and empty open world of MGSV then you might like XV.
XV has way dumber combat system than The Witcher 3, but if you just like flashy anime moves then you might like the combat in XV.
Also the leveling system has mostly passive skills to unlock. And don't expect to learn any cool magic that you could learn in most other FF games because basically you will be doing the same 3 spells with slightly differing effects throughout the whole game until you get the ring of lucii which gives you death spells and holy which are basically useless outside of the main story.

>all those tonberries

nah the fact that you can reach 0 HP and use a phoenix down on yourself is what makes this game a cakewalk

> classic cool Final Fantasy monsters
Kind of
> Good XP system from killing monsters/doing quests
> Good levelling system where I see progress
> Any type of loot or gear that betters my character
Lol, no

> combat overly easy "just hold O" the whole time
You CAN hold O but it's counter productive, combat gameplay is ok, despite camera problems
> too much walking around / pointless "talk to the inkeeper" quests
You really don't want to play this

>XV has way dumber combat system than The Witcher 3
Lol no.

It's also easy you dumb sack of shit.

Play it, get the Vexxos toy, sell it for 500K Gil.

You'll never have to worry about money for the rest of the game.

>MGSV - amazing open
>The Witcher 3 - shitty combat, stupid levelling system, pointless quests

I hope they patch it so that you can use the Regalia F in NG+
It wouldn't be hard at all to make boundaries that force U-turn you if you try to fly into areas you shouldn't be in yet.

Its too cool to be solely relegated to post game on a file where you've done almost everything there is to do already

Wait until Square does the huge patch to fix the story,and then wait until it goes on sale. The game is not that good.
>t. not a square shill

Hey maybe he just has a retard taste?

until you run out of Phoenix downs because you didn't have the gil to buy any because you weren't strong enough to beat hunts because you didn't camp to level up

And if you couldn't use a Phoenix down on Noctis you faggots would cry even more

I'd rather not have to subject myself to that terrible minigame. The base game itself is monotonous enough.

>"What's the matter? afraid to show off your scrawny body?"

He's right tho

It takes 40 minutes tops. Quit being a pussy.

>until you run out of Phoenix downs

literally impossible considering how easy they are to come by, and gladio finds one after almost every fight

>And if you couldn't use a Phoenix down on Noctis you faggots would cry even more

I would actually prefer if it was only your pals who could use it on you, and there was a time limit

>actually trying to make the game sound challenging

top fucking kek

>What I want:
>> classic cool Final Fantasy monsters
The only "classics" I saw are a few summons, a Tonberry, and I saw a cactuar (once).
>> Good XP system from killing monsters/doing quests
Absolutely not. The easiest way to get XP is by grinding rare coins and making expericast magic. You can go from level 50 to 99 in like 2 hours. Questing/hunting would take 10x longer.
>> Good levelling system where I see progress
Maybe... but barely. Combat felt the same at the start as it does at the end except your party members can learn a few different teqniques.
>> Any type of loot or gear that betters my character
The only good gear is generic like "slightly increases strength" "mildly increases strength" It's boring as fuck.
>What could ruin the game for me:
>> combat overly easy "just hold O" the whole time
Don't play the game.
>> too much walking around / pointless "talk to the inkeeper" quests
Absolutely don't play this game. This is 85% of the quests in the game.

Not shitposting, I got the plat in this game and anyone else who tells you anything else is a lying cunt. The puzzle dungeon IS fucking awesome, though. Too bad you have to beat the game to get to it.

Xenogears may have the shittiest second half of all time, but gosh darnit, don't I just love the damn game.

>that pic
Kek. I agree, it's a shame the Type-F doesn't get much screentime. I think it looks so goofy and Japanese, it looks great (the fucking mecha legs make me grin like a moron everytime they unfold).

I just wanna fly to Angel Island, SE. Make it happen.

you're bait tho

>but gosh darnit, don't I just love the damn game.

I kind of think I'm starting to feel that way with FF15.

not to derail my own thread, but when I say I loved the MGSV open world, I mean I love that I can approach and exit every mission from any angle. I don't mean I loved just riding on the fucking horse and looking at the mountains.

and I definitely stand by the witcher shit, that game sukkd big time. only three skill trees, one of which was completely useless, and leveling rarely made my character actually seem like I was doing more dmg. I remember spending hours doing this weird shit quest where I had to put on a play and other retarded walk to location x and watch a ten minute cut scene then do 12 other things before actually fighting the spooky monster

>The only "classics" I saw are a few summons, a Tonberry, and I saw a cactuar (once).
Well you're a fucking liar. Everything else is opinion, but this is flat-out not true.

FFXV is plainly unfinished, this is true. But what's there is good, and I enjoyed it for the most part. Once the chapter 13 stuff comes out, and the character DLC and finally the new cutscenes, it will only get better.

>You guys...

>What I want:
> classic cool Final Fantasy monsters
> Good XP system from killing monsters/doing quests
> Good levelling system where I see progress
> Any type of loot or gear that betters my character
No. It's merely just:
> combat overly easy "just hold O" the whole time
> too much walking around / pointless "talk to the inkeeper" quests
And more awful shit.

stop bullshiting. if you couldn't use phoenix down on Noctis you would all collectively throw a shitfest


Get Odin Sphere, KH 2.8, Gravity Rush 2, or Uncharted 4 instead.

>But what's there is good, and I enjoyed it for the most part.

Yea, it's a really weird game to feel good about. Lots of flaws you can easily point out, but at least as much stuff that is damn good.

You're full of shit since 80% of the monsters in the game are straight up Amanos old classic FF1-4 monsters or monsters from 5/6

I answered to the best of my knowledge, and those are the only ones I recognized. I'm not a FF Fanboy (but I do love a few of them) so obviously I haven't memorized every enemy in the entire series. Doesn't change the fact that the game is terrible.

oh boy make more assumptions

in the endgame you don't even need pheonix downs for Noctics. He is automatically revived by the dog

so you were bullshiting

Fair enough.

You probably won't enjoy XV if you want different ways to approach battles or if you want a leveling system that isn't mostly passive abilities. Gameplay essentially feels the same through the whole game and there is even less variety in building your character(s) than in TW3 because you can just grind AP and get all the abilities you want really early on.

Even Kingdom Hearts games have more involved leveling and character building system than XV.

Just from fucking around the mash O is the thing. But always fiddle the stick and have allot of potions just in case.
You walk in the night to take the demons or whatever. Or when you meet one u-turn the car and drive for 30 sec or less U-turn back the same way.

umbra only revives you once and he only does that because of the level 84 demon wall there that will kill you in 2-3 hits even if you're level 99.

>I-I've played a f-few FFs!
>doesn't recognise fucking Behemoth
Yeah, sure.

Carbuncle only revives you on Easy mode, you absolute fucking shitter.

Not him, but the game is unfinished. Square has said this multiple times. They are working on patching the game and will release it over the course of this year. That being said. The summoning system is a joke. It's completely random, and they do barley any damage at all. There are lots of fiends from previous FF games along new ones. The battle system consists of pressing buttons that's it. There is no strategy to battles. It's a mediocre game

If you hold O and then a direction on the analog stick, Noctis does different moves which is pretty nice. If you hold the analog stick in the opposite direction of the enemy you're facing, he throws the dagger at them from far away, Ignis-style. The guide goes into shit loads of detail.

"Behemoth" looks like a generic big monster so I didn't even know it was a "classic". Pretty shitty monster for being a classic.

>thinks anyone remembers any summons' names

You're funny.

>Wait until Square does the huge patch to fix the story
Excuse me but didn't they have 10 years to make this game? What exactly do you mean by that?

>Summons do barely any damage
What? They kill most things in one hit except post game.

If you wanna get technical about it...no, not really.

>10 years
They only used 3 years. They just wanted to excite people by announcing FFXIII and FFvXIII at the same time.

FFXV has way more combat variety than W3, this is just wrong

it's been in the series since the NES games so I don't know what your definition of classic is

Oh I see, you're just shitposting. I thought you actually wanted to talk about FFXV and the fact that 95% of the monsters are obvious callbacks to Amano's original artworks.

Tickity tock it's shitpost-o-clock.

Square never said any such thing. Adding additional content to expand on side stuff =/= unfinished game.

You haven't even touched the game so stop posting.

I think he is calling you a shitter for playing on easy, and not because you didn't know Carbuncle's name. In that case you would be a shitter. Easy mode is for faggots.

So you were just shitposting.

>plays on easy mode
>y-you guys remember names lol!!

> combat overly easy "just hold O" the whole time
> too much walking around / pointless "talk to the inkeeper" quests

If I didn't know better (and I don't) I'd say you're trolling, because this is literally FFXV's quests and combat. Oh, and remember how XII let you have more than one active hunt at a time and there was some occasional story thrown in? Kiss that shit goodbye here, because it's one at a time hunting (though you can have multiple active fetch quests) and it's a simple matter of accept bill, go kill, return and collect the reward with no further dialogue.
Combat gets a little tougher when you fight on sloped inclines with foliage because the camera eats cock, but after you unlock Gladio's Impulse skill, the difficulty disappears. Also, there are no healers, just you spamming as many items as you need/can afford.


>"We're hoping to delve deeper into the story, adding scenes that will give you new insight into character motivations, such as why Ravus walked the path he did," he said. "We will need a little time with these, as they'll need to be localized and voiced in other languages, but we'll let you know the details once everything is set."

Don't get this game.
Onii-chans suffer trying to protect their imouto from shitty prophesies, sacrificial lamb tendencies and spoilt princes despite being a mortal, non magic man with no screentime and constantly dropping the ball with him as a character.
Poor guy.

Fuck tonberries.

Classic doesn't just mean "it was in the old games" you retards. If it was so shitty that I can't even remember it then it was hardly a classic.

Of course he plays on Easy mode if he can't remember basic information.

I didn't even like FFXII's hunt quests if I'm honest, the FFXV one is just as tedious. I wish they'd have left the hunts in, but gotten rid of the crappy driver/hunter mini-quests and just put like one or two really good side quest chains in there.

Ravus had a hard life.

Wait for the goty/ PC version, everyone says is an incomplete game, why in the hell would you play an incomplete game when there are thousands more worthy of your time and money?

Wow look another shitposter who knows nothing about the game, and has never even read an interview with Tabata


But phoenix down is kinda expensive. And i think that game will have a hard mode, like the secret dungeon of the tower. Dude, that was like Dark Souls.

That says literally nothing about the game being unfinished you utter fucking retard.

Wow look another retard who can't fucking read.

Adding in extra bonus story stuff as additional expansion content =/= unfinished game.

Are you just fishing for (You)'s now?