>Are you a gamer?
Are you a gamer?
there is literally nothing wrong with flannel
well uh technically nah
What are those? Socks?
I don't have any of that shit. Except the meme mouse and keyboard because I got them dirt cheap.
My pc case is far more conservative
Are those guitar picks or something?
>work outside
>wear flannel
>get labled a hipster
>those haircuts
No I'm not
Flannel is pretty comf tho
Came here to post this. If you stop using something good just because someone you don't like starts using it too, you're a faggot.
I hate those fucking gayman chairs. They look like inflatable seats for kid rides.
"Soylent White is made out of semen! They're making our food out of semen. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!"
think they are hair colors but im not sure
>wahh flannel is for hipsters
I'd rather wear comfy clothes than the pussy dryer known as cargo shorts.
What happened to the good old green and black?
What the hell is the top left supposed to be.
I've heard those DX racer and clutch chairs are dope but I dunno. They look really narrow or something. I like being able to sit at an angle in my chair and put my phone beside me and what not
i'm glad i'm not the only one who has just absolutely no fucking clue what the top left is supposed to be
i don't have the flannel, i do have the alienware pc. i asked my mom to ask my friend to make me a new computer. i came home from therapy hoping kind of to see him with a new pc. she spent like $1200 on a computer that my friend could make for cheaper. the video card broke in a three months.
Hair dyes
The only thing I hear about those chairs are that streamers get them for free so they'll shill them to their viewers. So I'm pretty skeptical about the advertising and therefore the quality of it.
Nothing wrong with cargo pants either. I actually saw a shit ton of grilles on fagbook defending them when some faggy fashion page said guys should stop wearing them
It was something along the lines of
>they look fine and girls always ask their man to carry shit for them so don't complain
I was honestly surprised to see such rationality from a bunch of women.
Yeah I've heard that theory but then I've seen guys at shitty smash bros weeklies who are garbage commentators and unlikeable people saying they're great. Either the organisers don't give a fuck who does the shilling, or the guys shilling are doing it reflexively because they see the big guys doing it
I maybe they're actually good. Tbh they look like bucket seats from racing cars. They're comfy to sit in, but your legs aren't high off the floor at all in a car.
My 80 bucks chair from IKEA is grand anyway
kek that kind of hair style, beard and flannel shirt wouldn't work with me because I'm far too ugly. I honestly do not understand the hatred that style gets, I suppose it must be because everybody on Sup Forums's a >6/10.
the spongebob one is actually rad
I have one. They're surprisingly well made in that I'm on year 3 with it and it doesn't even creak. It's worth it unless you can find an Aeron or something for half price
Is it a meme? Why do I see this alot?
Fucking jewish propaganda stop trying to push your overpriced shit on us
meals in a bottle are starting to come back into fashion or some shit
>the penishole placement
I keep hearing people talk about it as well but have never seen it for sale or know what it is.
It turned cosmo into Clarissa
its a "meal replacement"
what it boils down to is some kind of protein shake with added sugar and multivitamins, and they sell it for triple the price that the shit would cost at the grocery store
It's a $5 "nutritionally complete" milkshake for Silicon Valley cucks who are too busy working 70 hours a week to eat anything but this and pizza.
So you'd rather be sweating in long pants than shorts in hot weather? That's not choosing comfort, that's choosing discomfort to look good. Nothing terribly wrong with that, but it's not comfy.
Nigger there are shorts people wear that aren't cargo shorts. It's not just jeans or cargo pants bruh
I moved to Brighton recently, I can't believe how many people there are that pretty much look just like apart from the "gamer" stuff everything matches perfectly.
I often wonder if they do play games or what ones they play and shit.
flannel is god tier but plaid is questionable
>wear flannel
>go outside
>get hit on by lesbos
But user I'm a boy why would I get hit on by lesbians
Are those fucking racer chairs even worth the goddamn money?
Post socially acceptable shorts that aren't cargo shorts.
That only exists in a sports related environment
Btuh they literally make a pair of shorts that are exactly cargo shorts without the cargo part.
They're fucking called shorts
There is literally nothing wrong with Soylent.
As long as you don't mind estrogen analogues, right?
Well Sup Forums am I a gamer?
youre definitely gay so youre getting there
>LEGO fire earring
most lesbos don't look feminine at all
that fire lego earring
Are you fucking serious?
They are nice but no, not really.
Good way to look like a nigger or a grandma.
What is the penis hole for
What is it with Americans and their hatred for shorts? I mean I don't like them too but when I walk around in jeans during summer everyone asks me why the fuck do I do this to myself
I can't think of shorts that AREN'T socially acceptable, literally everyone in Europe wears fucking shorts
And what if I use prescription glasses? does that makes me a hipster gaymer from birth?
red+black color combination is a surefire way to tell someone is autistic
It definitely makes you a fuckin' NERD
>Are you a gamer?
AAAAWWWWWW YIIISSSSSS baby, yes I am! I'm always on the hype train and it's got no breaks, choo choo! Always ready for that next fine gaming experience among so many classics this industry produces. I'm talking about fine stuff that might as well be banquets such as Skyrim, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age Inquisition, The Witcher 3, you get my drift. Come at me, games! I'm ready to devour you anytime! OM NOM NOM NOM NOM!
Why would you wear a plaid outside of highland dress?
Did you mean tartan? because there is literally nothing wrong with tartan.
OP is checked, not tartan.
I see....
that's why I wear my underwear backwards
i know people in real life who are like this
OwO nice
I should wear them on my face then
Why does gaymer merch look like that? You know, with all the black and red and totally, totally rad designs... Why did it become a trend? I don't understand.
Not sure why "flannel and plaid" is "SJW". It's almost exclusively worn by Mexican gangbangers here.
That's not a gamer, that's a nu-male.
It's rad.
Most 'gamers' are teenagers with access to their parents' wallet.
Because it sells. Like everything in today's society, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, only that it makes the makers some serious money