What are some enjoyable things to listen / watch while playing vidya?

What are some enjoyable things to listen / watch while playing vidya?

i listen to kpop if i'm not playing something worth listening to.
Pretty good would recommend

hmm got any particular group you'd recommend?

Ugly face t b h.

Depends what you like.
Personally i like Gfriend and April. IU and Twice are also pretty good and popular. There's a youtube channel called 1thek that posts tons of kpop stuff, just go look through their videos and find stuff.

Amateur porn is my go to.

have you tried watching the game youre trying to play?

>poor taste detected

what is multitasking

a stupid meme word used by millennials who need to be overstimulated and can't focus on one thing at a time.

well... looks like somebody was on /wsg/ lately

What thread?

Women screaming and crying.

people that listen to their own dog shit music while playing games need to be rounded up and gassed

>Install rebel rebel galaxy for the first time
Well, I think I might use the same music I listen to while playing Elite Dangerous
>Blues Saraceno starts playing as the menu loads

Honestly tho, Rebel Galaxy wasn't the best game in the world but the soundtrack was superb

i like to listen to post rock while playing jrpgs, it makes it feel more deep

>You will never wake up to this
Why even bother?


Stop fapping to underage.

>fist on blade
>never cut your fingers

Top tier knife wielding.

More vidya.

I will never have a gf this cute. I dont want to live anymore