Why the fuck are you fags posting porn on a blue board? where the fuck are the mods?
I'm at my fucking work and they monitor this shit.
Why the fuck are you fags posting porn on a blue board? where the fuck are the mods?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not browsing Sup Forums with Thumbnails set to not load.
Get a load of this retard
I don't understand why Sup Forums has SFW boards. There isn't a major corporation that would take kindly to an employee browsing Sup Forums, even the blue boards, on a work computer.
get back to work fag
Stop browsing Sup Forums at work you fucking idiot.
>there's one coworker, a 55 year old dude, that takes two one-hour long shits in the bathroom every fucking day at work
>always at the same time: 10AM-11AM then 2PM-3PM
Fucking hate that guy
Looks like he has it figured out. He gets paid to shit for 624 hours of the year (assuming he works 6 day weeks every week)
>mfw i take several 5 two minutes trips to bathroom every hour
Sounds like he needs more fiber in his diet.
But he's on commission. He could be selling instead of shitting.
Why is his nose so large?
>browsing an imageless image board
The mods are right here man. I made a thread about playin gmaes together and it was deleted before I even left the page/refreshed it.
The janitors and mods don't give a fuck about Sup Forums, just what they are interested in seeing.
You keep of picture of Triple H on your computer at work?
Maybe he works for the wwe?
Get back to work, faggot.
Is that required? Do they have to pray to Triple H at certain times of the day?
Better safe than sorry
>not carrying a flash drive full of reaction images and gifs everywhere
Just make Sup Forums a red board already...
maybe don't browse Sup Forums at work or go to decent boards
Maybe because this isn't a porn site you complete fucking moron?
Go have a look at Sup Forums, I guarantee you there's way too many threads about porn or sex.
No. It's already just shy of Sup Forums 2.0. DO NOT DO THIS.
>go to decent boards
name one (1) board on Sup Forums that isn't shit
The one saving grace of pro wrestling is that it makes for good reaction images since the acting is so bad lol
>Maybe because this isn't a porn site
Sup Forums is a free for all. Sorry your puritan eyes cannot stand seeing sinful flesh.
>at work
>can freely browse anything
The fuck kind if shit tier company do you work for?
Medical billing.
Did you get promoted OP?
I don't know why this isn't a red board yet
I also don't know why you don't use mobile data on a phone or something instead of your fucking works network, are you retard?
>inb4 thanks got promoted / fired post.
I don't know this meme.
We can't have phones on the work floor.
>I don't know this meme.
Ok. Well. Off you go then.
Not him, but I get to spend a lot of time on my laptop for my job (both on and off). I work 4 days out of the 7 in a week, can't go out much since it's on a site up north of where I live.
Fucking this.
Sup Forums has lost its way lately, and so has Sup Forums, and mods and moot and hiromoot are too blame for this too.
>Fucking this
Not, not fucking this. There is a purpose to blue boards. What could you possibly need a video game board to be red for?
I dont know why there isn't an NSFW Sup Forums yet, or why nudity from vidya isnt allowed like it is on Sup Forums.
Or is /aco/ the place for NSFW Sup Forums content now?
What kind of qualifications do you need to do that?
Sounds based. I'm jealous man, I work 60+ hour weeks and often ~80. Sometimes I don't even get a break all day. This is the other end of he shit spectrum.
you can't blame moot anymore, its been a while.
>work slave
>not a NEET in 2017
You want your blue board safe space experience go to reddit or neogaf, Sup Forums never was that type of place before the influx of mods/jannies and more mod pressure on Sup Forums that started in 2012 and 2013 where mods who had no idea how Sup Forums worked were fucking everything up
Like nipplemod on Sup Forums
Sup Forums's blocked at my work, it refuses to make a tunnel.
So I read reddit instead, with images turned off, and on the left half of my screen, with work open on the other half.
Being in software, it vaguely looks like you're looking for a code solution.
Having a bit more anonymity on my phone, I use the workplace wifi and my school's VPN to browse 4chinz while I'm on the can.
>use school VPN at previous job
>works great
>bypasses web filter flawlessly
>use VPN at current job
>bypasses web filter flawlessly
>can make tunnel out of intranet on about half of previously inaccessible sites
>mostly use on my phone
>decide to use on my computer
>works alright most of the time
>use for two weeks
>one day
>connect to VPN
>enter URL for some normally unreachable site
>interrupted mid connection
>"Logging off... Thank you for using (user's University) VPN"
I got the inkling that someone knew what I was doing, because there were other quirks going on.
Haven't used it on my work computer since.
I've been here since 2006. Please fuck off, newfag.
>I'm jealous man
Don't be. I'm stuck in a dorm 4 days of the week because it's close to -30 C (-22 F for burgers) CONSTANTLY outside. It's a three hour drive to the nearest town so I can't even easily buy alcohol.
Everyone who's new to my profession gets stuck with half a year of site work. One day I'll be done with this shit.
Hey Sup Forums, I just got promoted! Boss said something about a sudden vacancy in a higher position.
Lmao 2007, I'm no more a newfag than you are.
If so then you know what Sup Forums was like before 2012, or maybe you've forgotten, or maybe you were one of those no fun allowed faggots whining - CONSTANTLY to moot to add more mods to Sup Forums, well congratulations you got your fucking wish and Sup Forums is worse than ever.
2011 Sup Forums was last good Sup Forums, you know it to be true, faggot.
>posts anime
Delete yourself
>promoting rule violation
Ufuu fuu
Why wouldn't you want any lewds? Are you a SJW cuck?