Elphelt is cute! CUTE!

Elphelt is cute! CUTE!

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/boards/v.vg/text/no baiken no buy/

And May is 100% sexy

inferior valentine


I want to grab her butt

You don't say

I NEED to grab her butt



That image is so bad.


Delete this right now you fucking maggots, May is NOT for lewd

what about her?

>that 2 frame animation

so this.... is the power............ of team red......

Make me pussy.

>Pick up Revelator on PC
>practicing combos, enjoying it
>realize there's no point since I will never be good enough to play with people who are very good, and nobody who isn't very good plays the game (on PC at least)
>drop it
Didn't help that I wanted to main Ram and Elphelt who aren't exactly beginner friendly.

So cute to lose the Solbowl


best girl

Why is there still no Bridget?

meme character no one actually played
think ingrid or Q in street fighter

oh good it's the daily /e/ spam

fucking autists

El's looking for love now that Sol has Aria back and Ram has Sin, do you have with it takes to handle her love?

She is, but she isn't the best girl in my opinion.

>Dark Skin
>Dem feet
>Dominant, yet cold and calculated personality

If you don't want to lethally ram Ramlethal, I don't know what's wrong with you.

is non-lethal ramming still okay?

Jack-o is my favorite but all the Valentine flavors are nice desu

Tell May to stop being lewd

Ram fag here.

Jack-O is probably my second choice, though I will admit that Jack-O's theme is probably the best theme in all of Revelator.

Dat white hair though. HNNNNG

it was a damn good song for it not to get boring for the 30 mins it took me to do the tutorial

that's a cute foot

but i want to headpat and feed hamabaga

delet this
do not sexualize the may

Anyone planning on watching this? /ourguy/ FAB is going to win. Guaranteed. Screencap this.

this thread makes me want to start maining May, but her short range puts me off.
I also want to main Faust but his moveset puts me off making me not hit for shit.

My mains are Sin and Kum
also enjoy playing as Dizzy but im garbo at her

Fuck forgot link.

>Xrd comes out
>No one plays it and posts waifus instead
This is why I still play Slash

The online is actually quite active.
if we compare it to the online for Blazblue.
a friend got me into GG since its more populated than BB

>not a single mention of Baiken
Y'all are plebs with shit taste.

Ingrid is set to be in Season 2 of SFV though.

US East Coast Lobby PC Version
Room ID: 0i45

you mean Omito

Shit, some family drama came up. Unfortunately I have to disband the room. Sorry anons.

Family drama is nice.
do tell user

She needs to stop flashing her sexy armpits

>bare armpits

this is becoming more of a fetish of mine every day. so lewd

>tfw suck at gg
>tfw just end up fapping to the characters

FAB is joy.

>tfw I'm a fairly shitty Ky and a really shitty Millia and I want to play May
wish I owned the game myself, sick of only being able to play at my friends' place

Who is best boy and why is it Bridget

wow why dont people take guilty gear seriously

I wish El had casual clothes like Ram does

Yes thats a cute anime girl

boards.fireden.net/_/search/boards/v.vg/text/no baiken no buy/


I hear you, OP. There's a lot of characters that I like, but there's always at least one factor that puts them off for me. I main Ky in +R, but I feel like I should be playing someone else besides the beginner character. I also liked Baiken and Robo Ky, so I might try them.

My twin sister needed to talk to me about something in private. Everything is okay now.
What are you on about? The waifu faggotry? Sometimes it's annoying but don't even pretend it's the only fighter that has this.
I wish her casual clothes would be "mom" jeans and a (as copyright unsafe as they could manage) Guns N Roses t-shirt that just barely fits.

Thw waifu faggotry is worse in Blazblue than it is in Guilty Gear.

As someone who started playing in sign and never bothered with the story mode, why has nobody married elphelt? Is everyone in xrd impotent?

She got like whisked away to the Backyard and they spend most of Rev rescuing her I think

Take these shitty threads to

Sorry pal, but pic related is more cute than /c/ can handle.

Sol, Stop holding your daughter like that and let her get dressed

>sprouting tree pubic hair

Kind of classy, honestly.

Look at the hips. No sex I think the artist was implying the balance between Sol's guilt, desire for revenge, and he few people he's connected to, Ky and Dizzy, reeling him back. Or I could just be a massive autist, over-analyzing H art dating back to GGX
It's her Gear Mark. Pic related

IS Sol Badguy as virgin?


>No Jam
where did the taste go in this thread?

Aria was pregnant when she was turned into Justice, so no.
Basically an antisocial nerd finally got laid in college. But then his only girlfriend ever was "killed" and now he has all the time in the world to think about that, and a single person to blame. That's basically Sol.

Literally the best part in the entire series.
Look at his eyes.

Is that the canon spot for her gear mark?

>ywn fuck your rivals 3 year old daughter.

I don't know,we can rule out quite a bit of options thanks to her original outfit. Testament's was on his left ass cheek so anythings possible.

I hate Jack-o

I wish it was canon. Womb tattoos are hot as fuck.

Same, womb tattoos are the best. It's not even a domination thing. I just like the idea of a visual cue to point to and say "it's that deep in."

No gg girl is cuter.

Like a belly tattoo?

Close. Almost as hot.