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dumb faggot lmao
Pay respects to Sony?
Sonyggers will NEVER EVER play
>Xenoblade 2
>Zelda BotW
>Splatoon 2
>Fire Emblem Musou
>splatoon 2
>new smt
>xenoblade 2
at least it has some games.
>Fire Emblem
>worth getting hyped about
You're excited for the death of Smash V?
Not SMT5.
Also not exclusive.
It's an anniversary spinoff you fucking morons. They fucking said it in the fucking stream.
>paid online
>Fire Emblem Musou
it's shit
>Paid Online
>2.5 battery life
>launch games are 1, 2 Switch (not bundled with console) and a Wii U Zelda game
>Wagglan 2.0
b-but it has new entries in all my favorite Nintendo IPs, NINTENDO WON!!
>Xenoblade 2
>Fire Emblem Musou
I hope you know nip because you're not going to get the same version as them.
Wii U 2
Hardware wise it's a mess, paid online is a stupid idea too, but damn that new Mario game looks fucking sick.
It's polarizing. It featured such great and such awful news.
No, that was the shit translation.
It's SMT V.
It will be exclusive, like all SMT games since Nocturne.
>more mario and zelda ft. some one week novelty gimmicks
I'm gonna get Switch, and even I think this looks like rubbish.
>paid online
>Literally Mario 2016, because Sonic 06 wasn't enough
Good thing for region free ;)
>We live in a world where a Nintendo console in the no gaems machine and a Sony console is the only one with decent exclusives
1-2-Switch and Zelda.
Did you just list wagglan shit as a system seller?
>that SMT teaser
>that Mario trailer
>that fucking BotW trailer
>Xenoblade 2
Fuck, I was hoping it would be shit so I wouldn't want to buy it, now I have to get the damn thing.
time for a vote Sup Forums
Nintendo shares are headed for its lowest level since Jan. 6 as the presentation finished.
Nintendo shares hardly budged on Zelda news, but the Switch's fate may just as well depend on how good Zelda Breath of the Wild will be.
The fate of Nintendo rests on Zelda.
I'm not familiar with this vocabulary.
>Paid online.
Totally saw it coming by a million miles.
Fuck you modern videogame audience you did this!!!
Not even based cartridges are worth buying.
I'm buying a fucking wii u.
>Literally 1 launch game
>2 1/2 hrs of battery
>Paid Online
>Another gimmick cosole
Nintendrones are defending this.
How do they have no games at launch again? They had to drop the price on 3ds to save it, and Wii U never recovered. Are they actually just stupid?
Nintoodlers on suicide watch
...until the new Mario game drops. Absolutely no reason to buy a Switch at launch. I'll be able to get a used Switch for cheaper by then and actually have games to play. If it launched with either new Mario or new Zelda and it was 250, I'd buy. Otherwise, F.
>Literally 1 launch game
>it's also coming out on another console
>Obscure games for weebs
>Most popular there is Zelda
That extra $50 sure is gonna break the bank
Pottery! Sony and exclusives can't coexist on the same sentence since Sony is just a salesman.
Not Zelda, marketing. You can sell smoke with good marketing.
I'd pay 200 for a switch without all the gimmicks.
F for the Metroid franchise
>two unneeded reboots that will canonically fuck up the original stories severely and hurt the outlook of the (originally good) games
>two literal whos
>the worst Zelda game with the ugliest Zelda ever seen and VOICE ACTING
I can't wait to see how they fug up SMT V as well
>Weeb shit
SMT V (Also on PS4)
Shitty sequel
Also on Wii U
wagglan garb
wow im so jealous
>Xenoblade 2
I'm sorry
I bet they're REALLY upset about any of this except Zelda.
I don't give a shit, that fucking SMT trailer gave me chills, and Zelda is looking badass as fuck.
I'm getting my hands on this shit, I don't even give a fuck about paid online. It's not like any of the games I'm interested in are online anyway.
>Also on PS4
You mean like Persona 5 is also on PC?
It just keeps dropping.
Not to mention that its a Wii U ported game.
I'd jizz if Persona 5 and SMT came to PC honestly. I played most of the Persona and SMT games on emulators anyway.
Still getting a PS4 and a Switch for both of them since I'm not holding out on PC versions.
I have a PC, and a PS4 and a WiiU I barely play. I never asked for this, and I certainly don't want it.
Outside of Zelda, this is the worst launch lineup I've ever seen.
The price is too high.
No Animal Crossing game even teased.
No Metroid.
Saving my $ for a GTX 1080.
Fire emblem, Xenoblade 2, Zelda, smt, that new square game, maybe nmh 3..
I'm probably gonna grab all of those, but these are by no means reasons to pick up at launch. Did I miss any?
It's more about how I can buy a xbone or find a ps4 for cheaper than that. The biggest reason I'm not buying is because there are rarely reasons to buy a system at launch and what Nintendo is offering up is basically a console in March with games in October.
Jesus what a fucking disaster
normalfags aren't gonna touch this thing
>muh $300 zelda tablet
not to mention only like 3 games in the fall, nintendo had N64 levels of hype for this thing and blew like the dumb gooks they are
They're not launch titles except Zelda, and that's not even an exclusive.
>Paid online
I wouldn't have a Problem with this because I pay it on PS4, but the fact that the Switch can be carried outside how are you gonna play online? Fucking dumb shit.
>battery life
Anyone who complains about battery life needs to shut the fuck up. Be honest, are you really going to take it out with you? You'll just play it in dock mode most of the time.
With wifi
Are you dumb?
Investors are dumb as fuck and just want Nintendo to completely drop hardware and games that aren't mobage. The only time their stock actually goes up is when they release mobile shit.
Hell, their stock was greatest whenever Pokemon Go was a hit, until investors realized Nintendo didn't actually make Pokemon Go.
>Nintendo Stock Slumps As Investors Realize It Doesn’t Make Pokémon Go
Why would you support such a terrible business practice? Nintendo has easily the shittiest online functionality of the big 3 and there was nothing shown that implied it would be improved to compete with Sony or Microsoft
>trying to defend this
>This is Sony's legacy to the industry.
Has this medium imploded Sup Forums?
Yeah. I'm DEFINITELY not getting a switch at launch. But those games are the reasons I'll be getting one at all.
Guess what happens when gamestop / best buy / amazon announce they've run out of pre-orders in two days.
Lol, 3g services like the vita?
They said some jap cellphone provider is working with them to create a good infrastructure.... I don't think it'll be all that great but whatever.
user, what if I want to lay in bed? And game. Just imagine the wiiU battery life and how shitty the life was if you had the screen at 5 with power saving turned off. It sucked having to get up each time to play it on charge. Luckily it charged pretty fast.
>They said some jap cellphone provider is working with them to create a good infrastructure.... I don't think it'll be all that great but whatever.
If you don't think it will be all that great then why support it you cuck nintoddler
>normalfags aren't gonna touch this thing
which is good, because nintendo will only have 5 available at launch.
>We pushed this system back to 2017 and missed the holiday season to make sure software was ready
>Still no software ready
>Guess what happens when gamestop / best buy / amazon announce they've run out of pre-orders in two days.
lol so nintendo is only making 5 of these at launch?
>hehe Nintendo pulling another shortage of supply crap will save them
Face it user, Switch is a disaster, right off the fucking bat.
Gonna laugh my ass off when this baby hits wii launch numbers and you're crying about the bubble about to burst.
Who said I'm getting a switch faggot?
Im getting a ps4 pro during holiday.
Will the Wii U version of Zelda be the best?
I guarantee you that will not happen and you are delusional if you genuinely think this thing will pull Wii numbers
P5 is better
>Xenoblade 2
rather play yakuza 0
>Zelda BotW
rather play GR2
>Splatoon 2
>Fire Emblem Musou
fate/extella is better
>hehe Nintendo pulling another shortage of supply crap will save them
you know, they've pulled this trick one too many times. I think people are sick of this shit from Nintendo. They're haemorrhaging loyal customers because of it.
Cell phone tethering.
Granted depending on your carrier, it would be a shitty experience. Played FF14 through my phone service for a month while Comcast were being faggots about getting internet to my new apartment. It worked out alright.
Nigga, there's nothing to defend. Shares don't mean shit except how a bunch of businessmen value a company. Their interests are making money first and foremost, not making good games or things that people who actually play games would want.
Mobile games are big, and investors want more shit like Pokemon Go, not games like Breath of the Wild, Shin Megami Tensei, or Skyrim.
It's like how Comcast's shares have been steadily rising over the past five years, despite consistently being voted the worst company in America for the past five years.
Seriously, fuck Comcast.
>Fire Emblem Musou
I'll stick with Berserk and Fate, thank you.
Not many people will be buying switches like the wii. Just trust me, I do analytical work at my job(which I hate).
Anyway, Nintendo kinda shot themselves in the foot with the 300 price tag. This'll discourage people from buying one for sure.
I'm glad they sorta tried to touch up on the mobile aspect of the thing instead of the "console" part. Let's be real, this shit is just a handheld. Instead of calling it only a handheld, they added a twist by incorporating docking features and calling it console like.
Now, having paid online is one thing they royally fucked up on. By making the online free till fall, they've angered everyone. Considering Nintendo was never on board with online play as much as Microsoft or Sony, this will just hinder them. You can't just have online be free and then take that away.
What they could've done was do what Sony did with ps+ back on ps3. Let playing online be free but add a subscription service that gives users an incentive to pay for. That could be tricky but Sony did pull it off well back on ps3.
Are you seriously going to hind behind the everybody wants Pokemon Go argument?
Nintendo should have their stock soar after a presentation like this. But no because the switch is a major disappointment to the general consumers of Nintendo. The stocks reflect that.
I admit, but I also think, it isn't dead on arrival, like everyone else claims it
it might be a bigger success than the Wii U, but don't get your hopes up, the first year will be awful in sales and games like the 3DS
no problem, my hopes aren't that high
and call me a delusional Nintendrone, but I will get this console
I'm sorry to hear that
how long till switch gets hacked?
I will say 4years
also SMT V is not exclusive and Musou is trash, it will also be nu-FE musou so enjoy your awakening trash.
>combine both all your software production to one hardware instead of 2
>somehow your output manages to be even worse than each individual
How is that even possible.
With all their teams working together they should have at least managed to get 1 big game out every month.
Actually, looking up Consumerist's ratings for the past five years shows Electronic Arts as worst company in America more than Comcast, but my point still stands.
You're misunderstanding the fact that investors and consumers want different things. Pokemon Go is cheap, available for every device, and makes a shitload of money. That's what matters to investors. Not the actual quality of the game. They don't want consoles or console games, they want stuff that can maximize profit margins, and it's easier to maximize profits with games that are relatively easy and low-cost to develop (so development costs don't cut into profits), cheap or "free" to maximize their potential consumer base, while simultaneously jewing over the average consumer by any means necessary. Games like Pokemon Go fit that to a T.
Investors are business men first and foremost. They want a monetary return on their investment, and if they don't think they'll get much from it, they'll bail.
Also comparatively to the two companies I've posted, Nintendo's share price is actually more than both of them. Even both combined. 23860 Yen is about 207 USD to Comcast's 71 and EA's 80.