NA launch lineup
>1, 2 Switch
>The Legend of Zelda: BotW
>Just Dance 2017
>Has Been Heroes
>Super Bomberman R
>Disgaea 5 Complete
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>Rayman Legends
>Skylanders: Imaginators
>I Am Setsuna
RIP Switch and Nintendo.
NA launch lineup
>1, 2 Switch
>The Legend of Zelda: BotW
>Just Dance 2017
>Has Been Heroes
>Super Bomberman R
>Disgaea 5 Complete
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>Rayman Legends
>Skylanders: Imaginators
>I Am Setsuna
RIP Switch and Nintendo.
How is this not awesome
Am I supposed to be disappointed? Seems alright for a launch lineup
I agree, but only one major first-party title is a let-down.
I'm just going to assume Nintendo's other systems launched with more.
>>Disgaea 5 Complete
Wait, hold the fuck up. Disgaea is jumping to Nintendo?
>Disgaea 5
>Puyo Puyo
Seems fine to me.
Seriously, how is this bad? I'm fucking going bananas
>tfw I bought a PS4 just for Disgaea
me too man, thought the IP was dead
I just hope it's $20 or something, would be annoying if they sold it full price.
Whew dude, that's really worth the 300 bones
The Dragon Quest Heroes bundle was confirmed launch with exclusive characters.
>Rayman Legends
Still less shit than the Wii U launch lineup.
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
All they had to do was release on launch
Mario game
Zelda game
Pokemon Game
Wii Sports type game
And this would sell well but instead they spend months refining the waggle and ice cube simulator
>RIP Switch and Nintendo
Haha, no.
I will take this comment everywhere I go because it's the truth.
Nintendo should've stopped after the DS/Wii and became Madcats 2.0. They are terrible at consoles and are only interested in selling controllers.
Literally nip-vision short-sightedness.
Switch is dead.
Could've had these controls on the PC and any other system.
But Nintendo is going to lock this tech on their system and everyone else has to suffer from shitty copycats.
Fuck Nintendo.
The launch window is pretty good. MK8 coming in April and Spla2n in Juneish
I'm quoting (You), by the way
because everybody and their moms would expend 550$ at lunch for it? you sound like a kid.
Stop projecting, user. It's making everyone else here look bad.
It's a port
>$300 for a portable
Oh boy. People will just get a PS4 instead.
Nintendo games never drop in price, so it dosent even matter when they jew the schekels
In for Zelda and maybe Has Been Heroes / Bomberman
Just like every console launch
Sony had exclusives for the PS4, oddly enough.
They'll never get a dollar from me after all the horseshit they pulled with upscaling shit to 2006 youtube quality and reselling it on the wii u
Shit line up. Ill just buy a ps4 and persona 5 next month
Call me when smt 5 releases
Why would they buy the same console twice, user?
Except every one of his games has always been on a single Console.
>Inb4 all the party Bombers are the same game
>vita was 350 on launch
>Legend of Zelda
What did he mean by this?
Not one single fucking exclusive piece of software WHAT THE FUCK ARE NINTENDO THINKING?
Have they gone absolutely mad?
There is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to buy this console?
Yeah, real classics like Knack...
No it wasnt. That was that shitty at and t model.
Snipperclips looks CUTE
It's on multiple platforms, namely the Wii U and Switch, how dumb are you to not understand that?
>no it wasn't
>it was a special model of the thing I just said it wasn't!
user, it's been 4 years, stop.
It's unhealthy.
>B-Based Sony will give me godo games for my PS4 i swear he'll be back from the shop sooooon
Port by Nisa, enjoy the console exploding in the first 5 minutes
>mfw NISA somehow fucks up Disgaea 5 Complete so badly it converts your Switch into a nuclear bomb
>>>The Legend of Zelda: BotW
>>Super Bomberman R
>>Disgaea 5 Complete
>>Puyo Puyo Tetris
zelda is a multiplat
You want the version that runs at 11 fps on a phone?
why would I play it undocked?
>Disgaea 5 Complete
Eat shit, Sony
Not even Sonyfags pretend to care about Disgaea, don't you start.
>Game coming out on Wii U
>Actual new game that'll be pretty neat
>Game released in 2015
>Game released in 2014
the dock is a power supply
Hey fuck you man, I'm buying three of those day 1. Maybe 4, since I don't have I Am Setsuna yet.
>only wanted a PS4 for Disgaea
>now it's on Switch
>Disgaea, Smash, Splatoon, Zelda, all on the same platform
I can't stop drooling, based NIS.
has there ever been a console with a strong launch? It takes time to establish a library
since when is zelda multiplat?
>better version
>DLC included
>implying I know ching chong
Wow indeed.
There was a port of Disgaea 1 on the DS, if you recall. It had Prinny commentary for the story on the bottom screen.
You know the Wii U exists right? I honestly won't blame you if you didn't
>Cast Terra Fire
>House ignites
We VR now.
Bomberman and Puyo Tetris will be fucking great for anyone on top of Zelda, and I'll be getting Disgaea 5 too since I haven't picked it up for PS4 yet
>$50 dollars more than the Switch
>more powerful
>has 3g
Fuck off drone. No one bought that version anyway, but $50 for internet access anywhere in the country? The Switch doesn't even have fucking voice chat at launch, and it's a home console in 2017.
>no one bought that version anyway
I did actually, in Italy it came with wipeout included