Nintendo Switch Official Tier Thread 1/13/2017

If you're just waking up, thanks for joining us. Here's how the conference went.

>God tier
Breath of the Wild

>Awesome tier.
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2

>Ok tier
Fire Emblem Warriors
Skyrim Remastered

>Intrigued but not impressed
Shin Megami Tensei in Unreal 4 Engine
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Mario Kart 8

>Disappoint tier
1 2 Switch!
No More Heroes 3
Octopoth something 2D/3D game
Dragon Quest stuff

Other urls found in this thread:|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|featured|des|-|-

Your tier list is shit

That's your opinion and I respect it.

Let me try:

>Elder God Tier
Breath of the Wild
Fire Emblem Warriors

>Acceptable Tier
Xenoblade 2
Shin Megami Tensei

>Forgettable Tier
Skyrim Remastered
No More Heroes 3

>Garbage Tier
Super Mario Odyssey
1 2 Switch
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Dragon Quest

Plz r8

>God Tier

>Awesome Tier
Super Mario
Xenoblade 2

>Who fucking cares tier
1 2 Switch
Fire Emblem Warriors



anime girl with a half-perplexed, half-disgusted look on her face.jpg

The outro images to Outlaw Star have always been really unsettling to me, anyone else ??

Just came to post that is that some Outlaw Star art?

My nigga

Same reason I came here, lol

i came for the outlaw star image



Do you think SMO, will be like 3D World / Galaxy with a sandbox hub world and external levels or like n64 with sandbox hub and open world levels?

Also I really hate it that there is no Kingdom hearts, if they would have announced it day 1.

>ARMS above mario odyssey and xenoblade
>"dragon quest stuff" at the very bottom
>"octopoth something"
>Dragon Ball Xenoverse above Mario Kart



actual tier list

>God tier
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (due to personal bias)

>Awesome Tier
Splatoon 2
Dragon Quest XI
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Shin Megami Tensei 5
No More Heroes 3
Octopath (new square franchise)
Disgaea 5 Deluxe

>Ok tier
Skyrim Remastered
Fire Emblem musou bullshit extravaganza

>Bad tier
1 2 Switch!

nothing else matters.

You're not the only one, felt the same when I was a kid.

I forgot to add it, but ARMS goes right above Disgaea 5. i am still skeptical about it, but a lot of it reminds me of the way they advertised splatoon originally so im staying positive

>No More Heroes 3

DQX not mentioned because I highly doubt the US is getting that. if we are, it is at the top of Ok tier because im not sure how good of an MMO is it.

Last pic. This one makes me want to play an adventure game where you just explore a lonely, desolate world.

Or Metroid Prime again.

Do I really want to sell my PS3 to buy a Switch?
It has lots of digital games installed so that adds a lot of profit too.

Problem is, I'm not so sure if I'll miss it or not.
My last home Nintendo console was a SNES and then I just bought its portables, having spent the gens with Sony for the bigger consoles but now, the Switch really looks sweet.

Decisions, fucking decisions.

>God Tier
Zelda (fishies)
Xenoblade 2
SM Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Bomberman R
Puyo Puyo
>Cool tier
FE Warriors
MK8 deluxe
Disgaea 5 with extra shit
>Ok tier
Dragon Quests
>couldn't give less of a shit tier
Has Been Heroes
1 2 Switch

>no bomberman

Don't sell your console bro. =(

If you sell it, there will always be that residual "what if" in the back of your mind. I gave away my Wiis and I regret it. (I had two because I played Brawl on one for so many thousands of hours that it started to develop stuck pixels).

just put DQ in the last category since putting it in the Ok tier obviously means youve never played the games or just dont care about them

>Definite buy tier
Wow it's fucking nothing.

>Interested tier
Super Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

>Not for me tier

>You didn't fucking show anything tier
Fire Emblem Musou
Project Octopussy

>What the fuck are you thinking tier

I have played them, I just don't get as passionate about them as other people. They're very good but it's not one of the franchises dog the every flicker of.

Also I don't care about the port ones I've already played. Dampens my enthusiasm a little.

fair, it seems like XI is going to be the best one since VIII tho with actual party member personalities and keeping turn based combat alive when every other franchise is jumping on the ARPG train. I could understand DQX in ok tier since its an MMO but i think XI deserves to be much, much higher on the list

I haven't seen anything about it since before today, I didn't know it existed. It's just one of those series I buy and play the shit out of when I see it on a shelf but don't actively search out news for.|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|featured|des|-|-

Highly reccomend getting hyped for XI then. it's taking the "open world" route many JRPG franchises have been trying recently (xenoblade x, FFXV, even breath of the wild) only the combat is completely turn based and it has a party of personality-based characters rather than the create-you-character BS that IX had. I have a feeling the PS4 version will be the superior version but DQXI is probably going to be one of the best JRPGs of this gen up there with P5

Thanks. You're a true asset to the team.

Now if only I could find the source of that Zelda pic in the other thread.

and where does the 1 second flash on the screen of F-Zero land on a list?

I always loved them. They made me want to go on an adventure.

that was actually fast racing neo, a wii u-ware game that is likely getting a switch game. im sorry user

What one second flash of F-zero?

That sounds pretty good, I'll probably play the shit out of it too. I have a habit of latching onto a game and just sucking it dry (Sentinels of the Starry Skies kept me fed the longest, ironically enough). I'll put it in the top tier then thanks.

god damnit

IX was still a great game with the sheer amount of content it had in postgame, but im glad XI is bringing it back to the same template of VIII with actual named characters. the only difference it seems is that the combat takes place in the overworld, rather than switching to the first-person view the combat is known for. many people havent been talking about it cause no US release date yet but no problem, im hyped!
