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looks fun
I genuinely think this looks pretty cool
It looks awesome.
All they had to do was allow you to move with the joystick, not this leaning bullshit.
Yeah, that's the one thing that is worrisome. But the dash and jump inputs are buttons, at least.
It's literally the movement of Virtual On. Just think of the joycons as Virtual On's joysticks.
Don't make me go back, I don't want to go back.
Seems fun but also look like it'd get old fast
Here's hoping for a surprisingly decent single player mode like Splatoon had. Also, at the start of the "live match" they had the players selecting different boxing glove types. I thought that was pretty cool.
Spring Man or Ribbon Girl for Smash?
I'm loving how this game looks, this is the Wii Box sequel we wished for
That guy's hair looks like toothpaste
This is what I'm worried about. It looks fun but it also looks like there's a content deficit.
maybe it will have a strong online support like splatoon
you know now when we hav to pay to play online.
Though honestly, it should be Ribbon Girl but it will be Spring Man.
Hoping the alternate fighters add some interesting twists.
Springman looks like he could be a descendant of Little Mac.
Wait a minute those spirals...
I can't wait for the sequel: 'LEGS'
The spin-off 'FINGERS' also looks promising.
>Stretch Armstrong's Punch-Out!!
I can't wait for the deep, hidden and dark lore
It's a spring. The joke is that he's spring-themed.
Seems like a game from the super nintendo days.
you know, one of those generic box-art games you see and pick up later down the line. At is somehow amazing gameplay-wise.
>Choose a fighting champion from around the world, equip your own combination of extendable arms, and then use a mix of button presses and quick hand motions to really take the fight to your opponent. Throw punches and guide them midflight to hit agile fighters, avoid incoming attacks with dashes, or trampoline high into the air to rain down fists from above. Power-up your punches to deal extra damage or curve your fists around obstacles to hit skittish opponents. Fill up your special gauge to dish out devastating combinations and finish them off. Unleash your inner fighter in this unbelievable sporting event!
>Fight via simple motion and button controls – Grab onto your Joy-Con with a unique "thumbs-up" grip and use simple motions and button presses to outthink your opponent. Toss and curve punches when you find an opening, and dodge a flurry of incoming attacks. It's fast-paced fun for everyone!
>Select from a variety of fighters – Select from brand-new fighting superstars like Ribbon Girl, Master Mummy, and more! Each fighter has their own special attributes to learn and master.
Fight in arenas with unique obstacles – Throw punches around (or through) mysterious liquid-filled columns in a spooky laboratory, or in certain arenas, toss fighters onto trampolines for epic aerial skirmishes.
>Choose your arms carefully – Each weapon has its own strength. Some are slow and do tons of damage, while others are fast as lighting, but will only serve to set up larger combinations. It's up to you to mix and match your arms to fit your play style.
>Cute robo scuba girl
Please let this game catch on
Which of the characters shown off will you main, Sup Forums?
ninja or fat robo girl
>those thing in the capsules in the BG
Arms are just DNA experiments aren't they
Not him. Do you see his Astro Boy hair? Makes me just want to shave it off.
Ribbon Girl
Honestly the game looks like it has the potential to be really fun and I hope it is.
Now I'm a jerk and everybody loves me!
the schoolgirl in the trailer was cute
really makes u think
>Huge buff white male
>Tiny cute asian school girl
What if the characters in ARMS are actually robots?
>a game people will get physically tired for paying too long
Neat concept. Still on the fence about buying a switch
is this shit free at least?
My main right here
>Hot girl with a cheerleader theme and sexy spats
>Kickass ninja dude with chains for arms
>Badass muscle mummy dude
>Cute loli in a mech
>MC, mascot of the game and obligatory smash representative is the most boring character and has a blue poop pompadour
>Loli mech pilot
>Joycons are actually super important
Man, /ctt/ is going to be hell this Tuesday.
hidden character
Look at it this way, Spring Boy and Ribbon Girl seem to be clones of each other compared to the other fighters, so they could both end up in the next Smash through costume swaps.
This is what we get in exchange for Girl Inkling likely being the Splatoon rep.
anyone getting strong Overwatch Vibes?
Loli in a mech Suit? Generic dude and girl characters? Green Haired guy who suspiciously looks like Lucio?
>that skirt
>those legs
>those spats
It's not even a contest.
It would get old pretty fast, like the sports wagglan titles and Punch Out for Wii. Will this have online play? That could be neat but would suffer from the same shit
Pass. Hope character designs get used in Smash though.
>He's to ARMS what DK was to Punch Out Wii
how are we sure yellow arms girl is a loli
>Spring Man
>Ribbon Girl
>Master Mummy
What are ninja and little mech girl's names going to be?
Anyone get Virtua On vibes when they showed how it controlled?
Little Mac's got a better chance of getting in.
>His special is a Star Punch which does a shit load of damage
You just posted him. Toothpaste boy a qt
You'll be able to switch between boy and girl just like with Robin or the Villager or Koopa Kids
>Dissing the pomp
You. Me. 1v1 when the game is out
can his arms stretch out just for you though?
Give him artificial arms to help with the distance
This will be played at Evo.
Dammit, you're right.
Hoo boy. An online Punch-Out with gimmicky motion controls that won't function as intended.
Only neo-Sup Forums would be stupid enough to think this game has a chance.
You wish. It will be a minor miracle if this game is even playable, let alone sells.
what a stupid fucking concept
Stupid concept? Nah.
Those eyes man.
Those eyes were BUILT for heart pupils.
Say that to my face, if you can reach it with your springy ARMS
>Sup Forums suddenly loves ARMS and wants to have its baby
what the hell happened
>no porn yet
What the fuck are the artists doing
because people who loved Virtua On woke up
Will this game have footsies? Kek
>little girl is a robot piloting a robot
>He thinks there isn't yet
You're a fucking idiot if you think this game is going to be half as decent as Virtual On.
Just because it has a similar style of 'twin sticks' doesn't mean the game will play the same.
Pic related will be more representative of this game than anything else.
I liked it the moment they started showing gameplay.
If the motion controls aren't actually shit, and this is the "technical" game they claim it to be, I can't wait to get into it.
Here is one
If they show some more modes/levels/characters/fighting styles ect, i think i'm game
It's a glorified Android game, the ones you buy for like 5$ with in game shop for cosmetics, etc.
Did anyone else during the short developer gameplay video that one of them was jumping most of the time?
more like overwatch is Blizzard's Splatoon
and Arms is Splatoon with punching
Wii sports, particularly wii boxing was pretty fun. This is a good improvement over that, but will still only ever be used for social gatherings. All those arm movements takes a toll on you.
I'll make some tomorrow.
another unrealistic expectation for the female body...
when will japanese game companies learn?
I wish I could time travel with you.
I need to know if curved punches can go around pillars, and will they make contact after going around
>no shitty racism subplot
>punch instead of shüt
>all characters confirmed 100% heterosexual
I don't see the correlation.
and how the fuck would that work?You can't use the joystick to move, and punch at the same time.