>Amazon pre-orders open in 3 minutes
Amazon pre-orders open in 3 minutes
>stay up till 4am
>not on sale till 7am
>1 minute late
Note: Please be advised that Nintendo Switch will be available to pre-order from 07:00 AM Friday, 13 January, 2017. Due to limited stock we are only able to offer one unit per customer per address. We will be fulfilling customer orders in the order in which they were placed.
AKA don't even bother.
Was it ever really up?
Got mine the very second it went up user.
>no BotW not even special editions
>amazon EU
Not in America
oh, that's europe. I'm in burgerland.
Why would anyone preorder a one game console, seriously?
Yeah? that's attached to anything I order from them.
Just keep refreshing user perhaps it's just delayed a little longer in burgerland.
That's what I'm waiting on. I'll be able to find a Switch, but the Master Edition of Zelda will be almost impossible.
Aside from being a handheld fanatic and wanting to play the best version of BoTW outside of emulation it's an investment. I'm surprisingly hyped for several games they announced. It also helps that it's pretty cheap.
There are people on Sup Forums who actually do have jobs and can afford to play games/buy consoles when they come out without having to worry, that's why
Is this why millenials can't save money
I'm 22, in college and already have $16,000~ in my 401k. I have expenses like college and rent I have to pay for, but I have a certain amount of money set aside each year for purchases like this. If you know something is going to come out, why not start saving up for it so when it comes time, you can buy it.
Your situation is rare, it isn't normal ya know. Not saying you are wrong but most don't have $360 lying around for one goddamn game
All you have to do is just not spend money frivolously. If you're going out to dinner why buy a $3 coke when you can get a can in bulk from a store at home for $.50 or less. That and scholarships. I mean my aunt helps me out and sends me $1,000 a year for christmas, but still. It also helps not having to pay for a cell phone. Shit's $600+ a year. Instead of having a cell phone for a year you could buy a switch and 5 games.
>If you know something is going to come out, why not start saving up for it so when it comes time, you can buy it
This. Hell it comes out in March so that's plenty of time to raise $300 even if you're poor.
It's all up on Best Buy.
Now if I can find a copy of that Zelda Master Edition to preorder.
I'm looking forward to seeing how much the scalpers try and charge. They struck gold with the Wii, but they got nothing on the WiiU.
>Preordering a console 2 months in advance with a launch line up of garbage
Not mad, just loling because you're all retarded