Why are they making a sequel to a massive flop anyway?

Why are they making a sequel to a massive flop anyway?

try harder please

The porn was successful enough

>sold the same amount as Uncharted 4

>New Hub.

This thread is extremely retarded

Its like all of the things I hate most about cities in one picture.

Eat those dicks and crows yet?

>All those crossings but nowhere for any sort of vehicle to drive making the crossings pointless.
I never noticed that before

It sold a Metric Fuckton and will probably still be alive until Spla2n launches.

Why are they making a sequel to a massive flop anyway?
It's just what Nintendo does.

so more porn will be made

I like the city hub. Its unique.

It's a flop in the traditional sense but in terms of how many Wii Us are out there it was incredibly popular. The attach rate in Japan was something like 50% for it (as in 50% of Wii U owners also own Splatoon) which is CRAZY high.

>People buy nogamesbox
>One of the three games on it has 50% attach rate

Wow I wonder how that happened.

>no Callie in the trailer

already an improvement tbqh



>4.5+ million units sold worldwide
>Incredible popular in its country of origin

callie is dead

>Splatoon in Mario Kart
>Second game announced
>Smash reveal and inevitability.



Marie tried to kill Callie so she can become even more popular and she now rules the world with her mediocre music she uses for brainwashing. Callie managed to survive and freed Octavio so she can save the world.

The entire game you're working for Marie until the very end when you finally take off the headphones and you listen to a remix of Calamari Inklantation done by Octavio and Callie while fighting final boss Marie with octolings helping you out the entire time.

>best squid sister is gone/dead
why is it that every single character I like always dies

time to add another one to the list

Splatoon is big Japan, that's why - little kids love it.

And everything was lovely once again

So is there gonna be a more fleshed out Single Player campaign?

Considering that the scene with Marie looks like an actual cutscene, I think there's some chance that'll be the case.

>That one user who thought Splatoon would only sell 200k.

The game sold more fucking copies than Blunderborne lol

You know I wonder this at times too.

Damn where can I get a shirt similar to the squid in the bottom right?


marks work wear?

Other than the removed arcade machine, what's the difference from the old hub?

>sweaty used loli spats
