Post yfw Nintendo dun' goofed...


Off to reddit with you


I'm not laughing. The last console to hold out against paid online is through. This is disgusting. This just makes me double down on my belief that consoles are a fucking blight.


It is surprising though. Only reason they can't pull that shit on pc is because consumers have the edge.

>t. assmad nintoddler

Good this means consoles will finally fuck off, once there is no competition Sony will eventually have to move to the PC


I agree PCfriend, this validates my belief that it is our holy duty to shitpost every consolecuck thread for the glory of the master race.

PS4 + PC best combo.

PC + Nintendo best combo

GTX 1070 + Switch all day err day

hell no.

I really wish they just made games for PS4 XBONE and PC instead of also try to make a console. anyone else feel this way?

idorts post yfw people can't afford a switch

I hope, Sony and Nintendo need to become Steamlike platforms and Xbox platform needs to improve. I have a gaming pc but 99pct is garbage.

I'm disappointed t b h

I've got a gigantic back log that i've gone beyond such things. At this point I'll be ready by the eventual $99 price drop.

I will get it, I just dont have the cash

Also PCMR is such a cuck term

Idort here, first console I will skip. Wouldn't give fifty bucks for it.

First PS4 and now the Switch...

Now, how am I supposed to defend consoles against the PC Master Race members?

>paid online
>no games

>unironically using PC mustard meme
>having that image saved

Tell me about all of the PC exclusives that aren't isometric CRPGs/4x games

Better yet, tell me why I should care about 60 FPS in single player games with no skill floor. Shill me that video card one more time.

PS4 users are hyped for high profile fresh new releases while PC master race is hyped for...for...for what exactly? Vita ports?

>against the PC Master Race members
Why would you actively engage with such autists?

True, but from now on having the PC is cheaper in the long run than all the consoles. Even if you paid $1000 for your PC, the online pay is free... unlike the consoles.

This sucks.

this nigga knows what's up

fuck off reddit fag

Same reason he engages with others around this autistic site.

At least a Switch is cheap.

>once there is no competition Sony will eventually have to move to the PC

>only 60 fps

Damn this pleb

>T. Not a real idort

You can future proof as much as you want but PC doesn't get killer apps. It's only multiplats, indies and broken Early Access titles. And the titles worth playing are all atleast 6 years old or don't require a strong PC.

Am I still part of the PCMR if I bought a pre built?

>only 60fps

You have no idea, holy shit


My Wii and Wii U and 3DS are bookstands, I'll pass on the title of idort after that.

>tfw likely gonna play Breath of the Wild just a few months after launch at 4K


>SMTV is listed as HD Project and is developed using Unreal Engine
I don't care whether Nintendo fucked up or not but this gives me hope for SMT on PC