Zelda VA in Japanese (MIN 2:35)

>Zelda VA in Japanese (MIN 2:35)

>Zelda VA in Spanish (MIN 2:35)
nintendo.com/es_LA/switch/ Click on the Trailer

>Zelda VA in English (MIN 2:35) JUST

What went wrong?..

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Amerilards dubs does it again.

>Zelda has Mexican dub


>Mexican dub better than English
Please tell me there are English subtitles

>Mex-Spanish Dub
Woah, what the fuck.

> Latin American dub
> Done by actual good VA
> It's better in every way than the shitty English VA


I at least like that the english dub Zelda's crying didn't sound so over dramatic and ear wrenching.

Latin America as a fairly robust dub industry as every american movie/tv show have to be dubbed. This is no surprise.


>mex dub instead of glorious Spaniard dub

ahi carajo

yeah half the DBZ shit on youtube is spic dub. I never would have known. it is actually pretty good

I will buy the Japanese and Spanish versions.

Everything went right. In other news.


Zelda XV

But this is Nintendo we're talking about

They almost never dub anything here

Wow, Europe's cover art looks like shit compared to the US.

>Spaniard dub

>switchfags will have to play the english version
>meanwhile i play the definitive version on wii u
Feels good

> Woman
> Complete emotional breakdown
> Utters a simple whimper

No, user, that's not how emotions works.

Can't wait for NoA to jew me out of both jap and the now great spanish dub.
At least region locking is said to be done away with.

might export murica version just for the cover

>Zelda VA in Spanish

Holy shit pitbull is voicing the deku tree?!

Nah, it seems like they just got through getting their shit wrecked. Having a more defeated and downplayed expression sounded better, not everything works in extremes.



A Mexican guy living in Japan is playing Zelda Switch right now


Depends on the person actually, some just sort of break at that point to the point where tears happen but the voice strains itself and basically goes silent.

One of my exes was like that, if she got too emotional, she'd do that whimper that Zelda does and it'd just sort of go silent for a bit while she sobbed.

Women are weird man, they don't make any fucking sense.

> Has failed as a princess to protect her kingdom
> Her father is probably inside the castle trapped with Ganon
> Hyrule is about to end because of her failures
> She has to resort to the hero to do what she must
>"Sniff, I'm so tortured by this..."

No, user, the scene needs the emotion extreme, seems like an important point for Zelda as a character.

>spanish dub
>no jairul

That is weirdly beautiful, I don't understand...

Zelda sounds familiar.


>every american movie/tv show have to be dubbed.
Why? Is there some crazy law?

thats decent considering its also portable.

Bloodborne also has a LatAm dub. It's Ok, I vaguely remember Micolash sounding great, but other few sounding a bit bland.

>spanish dub has octavio rojas

Because our TV industry is shit, heck BR is actually growing in the animation area and the best thing my country can make is fucking Chavo animado and Huevo Cartoon

For it to also be portable at the resolution, props to them. Should be at least 1080p docked, but Nintendo, what can ya do. At least they're slowly learning.

Oh, so they dub everything just to create work?

Japanese > Spanish >>>>>>>>> English


41 seconds ago he also tweeted.

>Should add one thing about this: he also said: "the console can do 1080p without a problem while in dock mode"

The best part of this is that 90% of you who claim to care so much about the VO will still buy the game when it doesn't have dual audio.

Basically and even then it's not growing they go and hire fucking youtubers to dub shit now

> that screen

I was a little worried, but the screen brightness and clarity look fantastic.

english voice actors do not know how to show extreme emotions in their performances
crying, screaming, even just yelling
always sounds like they are holding back

Por que chingados esa vieja pronuncia Hyrule como irule?

Quien le dijo que eso sonaba bien? No deberia cambiarse la pronunciacion!!!!

Not surprised desu

Mexican VA's are Japanese tier
Also they are so fucking famous

As much as I'd prefer higher res, isn't 720 on such a small screen pretty decent in terms of ppi?

conozco ese sentir


Part of the reason is that they can't stay in character/the voice they're using while also showing emotion.

Like Chris Sabat can definitely do it for instance, but like David Hayter can't while also keeping the voice. Sabat and DBZ voice actors are weird exceptions to the rule.
Its 900p undocked, 1080p docked.

The screen is bright af

La voz de Zelda es muy MUY familiar, pero no logro identificarla

Fun fact, the mexican dub for the simpsons carried the show to the point that, despite many people here believing it went to shit by season 8/9, most spics consider the decline to have started on season 16 (when VA's were changed), some as far as season 19.

This is a fucking damn good trailer. I went from not caring about BOTW in the slightest to being full hype. Hope I don't get squidward sworded agin.

Weebs don't want to believe this, but the Japanese VAs over-act everything. Everything is either subtle and somber or screaming into the microphone. Weebs just like to imagine that they're listening to the best acting ever when it's Japanese just because they don't understand any of the words. In reality Japanese voices are very hammy and don't sound natural at all compared to how Asian people actually speak in real life.

Wonder if needed Nintendo is somehow planning to make a Zelda movie in the future. And they're testing out how well their voice actors are received.

pretty much

golden era simpson even had localized jokes for latin america

the cry is def better in jap


>Nintendo actually make a Latam dub.
>It's actualy very good and better than the English ver.
Im actually very surprised, some games here actually didnt even have a spanish localization. The only thing that i found bad is

Which is fine. Why do they have to sound natural? It's just not how Japanese drama works, because normal voices are boring.

What's up with the WiiU version? any news?

I'd rather have voice actors that over act instead of ones that under act

US dub is pure garbage, shitty zelda doesn't even know how to fucking cry.

Link is looking kind of horny
its like he is waiting for something

enjoy your censored voice acting

All English VAs need to be shot this does it.

I thought they had a made up language in the trailer they showed on the stream.
Was I mistaken?

Tenez razon. Jairul hubiera sido mejor.

releases same day, and they said previously that the switch version wouldn't be different
chances are it'll run better than the switch version, too

Considerando que Ike en Sm4sh es "y que?", yo diria que pudo ser peor

You don't have to be fluent in Japanese to realize that most Japanese voice acting is extremely hammy and silly sounding even when it's supposed to be serious. The English equivalent would be American cartoons made for young children.

the engrish dub sucks ass

plz tell me i can get the jap va?

no, no es leyla rangel

>using the word actually FOUR times
Get it together

But yes, this dub is looking pretty damn solid.

Yeah, and that hammy acting sounds better than normal speech. That's why they do it, and there's nothing wrong with it. Why does everything have to be subdued?

Me recuerda al doblaje de Star Wars. Donde pronuncian Jedi como "jedí" en lugar de "jedái" que suena mejor.

Creo que en el doblaje de las precuelas y las series si lo cambiaron a como me gusta.


Mexicans have a really bad hangup about their language. They'd sooner not watch a movie or play a game than listen to it in any language that isn't Spanish.

>Sup Forums dub autism is infecting Sup Forums

latin american dub in a Zelda game? that's gonna make my brother really happy.

El español neutro se les fue de las manos
> Rey Dédédé

Japanese and english voice acting are both bad 90% of the time, but they are bad for different reasons
for most, the reasons english voice acting is bad tend to outweigh the reasons japanese voice acting is bad

>this thread
t. EOPs who can only understand 5 words in japanese

Just one more reason they have to go back.

Suena demasiado parecida a ella, sobretodo cuando dice "todo lo que he hecho hasta ahora", por que Hermione ha tenido momentos de debilidad así y suena parecido a ella.


Not me. I prefer to consume media in its original language. Even if I have to read subtitles.
People who don't want subtitles are just lazy or uneducated. Can't read fast enough, lol.

This is what an Asian woman screaming is supposed to sound like, dumbass. Your Chinese cartoons are not reality.


We aren't gonna know if we'll be able to switch between voices until the game comes out, am I right?

normies don't like reading subs, that's all

Here's a list of all the Zelda games where you get to choose what dub you listen to:

But nigga thats kawaii

Sounds fine. This was a good design decision that should have happened 15 years sooner. Get over it.

en la version española de Fire Emblem 10 pronuncian el nombre de Ike como y-qué

The new Godzilla movie is coming to Mexico this weekend and it has Mexican dub

Can't wait

I a really like the Spanish one the most. But both it and Jap VA do good jobs.

English trailer is trash. Deku Trees VA reverts back to a regular voice midway into his line, it's pathetic.

They didn't call it the Switch for nothing.


The problem with normies isn't reading, they read constantly. The problem is that they get triggered by exposure to anything foreign to them.

The Jap VA sound like shit though, dumb weab.

Even the Spanish dub is better than the English holy shit. Fucking Anglos get good already.
>mfw I've mastered English, French, and Spanish