You're poor

$299 is not a lot of money you poor fags

$300 is not a lot of money.

But it's quite a lot to pay for fucking nothing.

It is when you're saving up for the greatest sports car ever built

It's more than I'm willing to pay for Zelda.

It could buy like 150 bags of potatoes. That's a lot of french fries dude.

+ 60 for a game
+ 70 for a pro controller
= 430


RIP Nintendo

Most of Sup Forums fall into the 15-17 age bracket or are from third world shitholes like Brazil and Eastern Europe; of course a few hundred bones comes across to them as a king's ransom.

Is Miata the most comfy car ever made?

A rip off is a rip off whether you can afford it or not.

don't forget paid online lol

Plus pro controller
Plus extra storage
Plus paid online
Plus games

I had a NC MX-5 I bought with less than 10K on the dash. Daily'ed it for a year but had to part ways with it for something more livable. It's a fun car (especially with it's sporty 6-speed transmission) but sucks in rough weather and was just a bit too cramped for my six foot one inch 220 pound frame. Traded it in for a 1500 dollar loss (got 11K for it bought it for 13K) and used that as a down-payment on a Jeep Wrangler 4 Door MT Rubicon.

I sometimes miss my long lost Mia.

It is if you're 39, still live with your parents and have never had a job and can't get one BECAUSE you've never had a job and nobody wants to hire you due to no experience. And probably think "never worked at this age? Must have been in jail" which is what I've been told a lot of companies think when they see you don't have work history

How much dick do you have to suck to earn $300?

Asking for a friend

McDonalds hires anybody

s'cuse me

You're a hairdresser and probably love penis.

You should give me $299 through paypal then since it's such a small amount that you don't care about, right?

You'd think,huh? Reality isn't so pleasant

You are right. In the crudest sense 300 USD is not a lot of money. Even at 10 USD/hr that's fairly affordable if you aren't swimming it debt. But, the issues is value of that 300 USD. Nothing I saw in the press conference signified that I NEED to pay 300 bucks this March for that console. The launch window line up (from what we know) didn't strike my fancy and I have legitimate concerns about the quality of the hardware if Nintendo is selling these at a profit--as per usual with the company.

I can afford 300 USD right now several times over. But, it's wiser to wait for either the push to spend that money (more titles at launch, confirmation of specifications) or wait for the fall and nab a used one for a slight discount.

it's sad how nintendo cant seem to break that kids game company image. all the shit they showed looks like it was made for grade schoolers or a bunch of millennial retards sitting at a starbucks and staring at a small ass screen

Depends. I've heard stories from previous co-workers that prostitutes in TX rates wildly vary depending on attractiveness, age and cleanliness. I've heard BJs go for as little at 20 USD upwards to 100 USD if they're pretty.

"Your friend" would probably net like 20 bucks a BJ maybe 30 if you let the guy finish on your...i mean there...face or shaved asshole.

$299 is a not a lot of money but I wouldn't pay that much for a snickers bar I'll tell you what.


So, what happened?


stfu with this meme cunt, every console has paid online now itsa given,.

So that's why Europeans are huge console war faggots.

Based taste senpai

Kid pushed me into the way of oncoming traffic when I was in high school. Really messed me up. I was crippled for 19 years and was deemed unable to work. Didn't qualify for insurance so parents had to pay for everything out of their pocket. A few years ago they had finally saved up enough for the surgery I needed. I'm not 100%, but I can at least move around and presumably work now. Been trying to find work ever since, but so far, no such luck.

Well, that's a downer.

Good luck with everything.

lying fuck
>deemed unable to work
neet detected

The real question: What would you want from Nintendo in 2017? I actually enjoy that they still focus on family friendly gaming and have not succumbed to gritty color-depravity games despite the majority of the market swaying that way. I vastly enjoyed my Wii U for the ten or so games I played on it---which I knew was going to be the circumstance when I purchased it as a supplementary console to my PC and (then) PS3.

If Nintendo cut all of it's gimmicks and doubled down on GPU strength and third party support, it would lose it's crucial identity and face even stiffer direct competition from Sony and Microsoft.

The flaw all of Sup Forums commits is believing the Switch (or Wii/Wii-U for that matter) was made to compete with Sony and Microsoft. It absolutely was not by design.

>haha what are you poor
guess what, most people are poor

>Get degrees and shit
>Try to get a job in your field

Baby boomers were a mistake.

> killer app coming to PC
Literally no reason to own one

I already have a WiiU for Zelda so yeah, it actually kind of is. Would be like pissing away $300 at this point, really. Get back to me when NMH3 is actually out, then we'll talk.

Well, you can think what you want. It's not as if I can just suddenly prove it over the internet. I wouldn't have even said anything about my situation outside of "haven't worked in my life" if I wasn't asked

You will work more hours

Not him, but the system is fucked. My friend's dad gets disability just because he had a cut on his hand. He's still able bodied and can use said hand just fine. He's literally getting free money and doesn't have to work just because he exaggerated an injury.

I'm going to assume you're being honest and if you are, sorry to hear that bud. 19 years taken from you thanks to some kid is pretty fucking cruel.

What country?

Sup Forums is 99% poorfags
they aren't even running top of the line GPUs on their computer

>The others are Jews so it's ok if we be Jews now too!

Given that literally the only launch title it has is also on WiiU and PC I guess I'll have to pass

Oh shit my neighbors were a bunch of inbred fucks that got away with a lot of shit because they had connections. After my senpai moved their world finally came crumbling down. Serves them right.

You can be underqualified for many jobs while at the same time being overqualified for McDonald's.


It is for an underpowered system like the Switch

Also $70 for a fucking controller

The dude's not lying I tried applying to a few janitorial positions but nobody wants me cuz I' 4 years too old for that without experience. I have some skills but they're not worth shit it seems. :/

And this is how they get away with charging unnecessary fees.

300 is way to much for what they give you, they're still completely out of touch based on the prices of the console and the controllers. everyone is screaming at them to stop with the gimmicks and then they pull shit shit with the joycon controllers. i wouldn't be suprised if this turns into another 3ds except this time there's no iwata to take a pay cut and apologize for them being idiots.

Yeah I won't be buying it until there's a lot fo games for it
I would have just for Splatoon 2, like I did the wiiu
but paid online = no buy
I still play Splatoon sometimes

It's not that much when you can just ask daddy for a small loan of a million dollars desu

That's quite commie

Why did I have to live in this timeline?

When does it suddenly become a point of argument to act like a retarded nigger and brag about "bling bling"?

Fun fact, a lot of homeless people fake that shit. There's an old lady in my area who always pushes a cart around full of her stuff and she lives on the streets. Turns out she has a lot of dosh, but chooses to be homeless.

Just end it my guy

Why do you whites care about "muh console superiority"?

That's not even a remotely cool thing to suggest, even as a joke

I can't remember the last time I spent more than $10 for a video game and I still have a backlog that will take several years to work through. $299 isn't a lot of money, but it is a lot compared to the hundreds of games I could play right now for free.

Besides I spend all my money on board games.

you should do it twice

>Most of Sup Forums fall into the 15-17
That explains why there is so much hype around this.

>>manlets spotted

Post your age and job faget.

It's a gimmick that's not forced on you, the main gimmick is the portability of the console

And controllers for other consoles cost just about the same, I don't see why people are giving nintendo shit for it

It isnt worth $299. It isnt worth $199. It isnt worth $99.

You're mistaking people who dont want garbage with nintenyearolds who cant afford it with their autismbucks.

Fuck off underage

Explain to me how its worth it at launch when you have a Wii U and a 3ds.

I'll be waiting.

>It's a gimmick that's not forced on you
Its forced on me with shit performance, meaning nobody is going to develop for the thing outside of Nintendo contracts, which they arent going to have the money for when this thing flops.

>It's a gimmick that's not forced on you
it's forced on you through the price of the joycons and the pro controller. 70 and 80 dollars are ridiculous prices for controllers. they're getting shit because once again them wanting to implement a gimmick has affected the consumers in a negative way. and no new controllers for the other 2 consoles cost around 50, that's 20 or 30 dollars less than the switches which is not an insignificant amount.

>now its ok because nintendo does it
Fanboys are the most pathetic pieces of shit. Just shameless

Any capitalistic company:
>Our product sells bad
>We should lower the price
>Thanks company for offering same product for lower price I will buy your product

>Our product doesn't sell at a 100% markup
>Thanks Nintendo I liked one of your games 20 years ago so I will happily buy all your products day 1 at full price!


It is when I could get a PS4 with Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne for less than the Switch and it's only launch game that's actually a game and not a gimmick showcase.

Post your age and job faget

>tfw they'll probably charge $60 for regular Skyrim when it comes out
>tfw none of their prices on games will go down as history has shown unless they make a Selects version (which won't happen until 2020).

I am not poor exactly because i dont buy shit out of impulse not the other way round.

>and PC


Well yea because they're lazy and dependent on hand outs. Which is why America was in the situation it was with the economy under Obongo.

>charge the same as Sony and Microsoft for less powerful hardware despite being 3 years more current
>"we can overcharge for a shitty gimmick console for the third time in a row because we aren't competing with the real consoles ;^)"
Nah, fuck that. 15 years ago Nintendo was directly competing with Playstation and Xbox, and they still would be now without their fanboys.

Why didn't you just get on SSDI?