Best and worst parts of tonight

>xenoblade 2

>paid online
are you kidding me? I though you were smarter than supporting the most cancerous buisness practice plaguing the industry nintendo, PAYING PEOPLE TO PLAY SMASH, MARIO KART AND POKEMON? This alone is the absolute worst thing about the console, $300 was one thing but you've gone too far this time, not worth my damn money

anyone else torn like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

not buying because of that shit
i do not buy jew products

How about you stop being poor?

Fuck off, the money for the splatoon servers and other games servers must come from somewhere.

As long it cost no more than 10$, it will be ok.

Why are fan boys allowed in 2017

One year on playstation and xbox costs $60, and seeing the controller costs how will it be any different?

>Literally only big launch title is Zelda
>No Pack-in game, 1-2-Switch would have been a decent one since nobody's gonna buy it anyways
>MK8 Deluxe isn't a launch title even though it has literally no reason not to be
>Skyrim, which could have been a pretty decent third party launch title, is currently listed for fucking Fall 2017 and isn't even confirmed to be the Remastered edition
>No Splatoon or Mario Odyssey until later this year
>paid online for a portable console so honestly who fucking cares

This thing will either be dead on arrival or take like a year to pick up steam like the 3DS

>how will it be any different?
The free trial gives them both time and figures to work out a price that isn't shit.

Post you job, faget.

Region free was the best annoucement. No more bitching about localizations.

Paid online is stupid. Nothing more to say on that.

why the fuck is it so hard for nintendo to release multiple games at once? They release one or 2 good games, then make you wait 7 months for the next release.

>Fuck yes NMH3
>the rest of the conference

Even the decent looking games that are coming out are taking too long to get there. Switch NEEDED to hit the ground running. Gonna need more than Arms, 1-2-Switch, and a new Zelda that's gonna be multiplat.

300 dollars is just too much for me and there is just way too many ps4 games to play in that timeframe WAY too many, i might buy one when theyre 199 and xenoblade 2 is 29 bucks
until then no way i am buying a switch

it doesn't even have a fucking exclusive launch game
Zelda is on the Wii U identically

Right, I keep forgetting that happened. Would've been sweet on WiiU as I would've imported an EU copy of Fatal Frame 5.

Paid online really kills the interest of Arms and Splatoon 2.

Paid online happened because software as a service is the top tier tech meme right now. Why sell your consumers a product that they keep forever when you could charge them a monthly fee and get guaranteed income?

Exactly! Nothing was more irritating than FF5 having a physical copy in one region, but not in the other. Also, Europeans don't have to wait months later for games that come out in North America (like Atlus titles).

Aint shit you can do about it.

All your alternatives do the same shit to their customers. Blame Microsoft.

>thinking this money is needed for servers

They're only doing this because Sony and Microshaft are doing it.

The only people complaining about paid online are poorfag pcfats with toasters

It's not about it being right or wrong, it's an inevitability. Nothing to blame besides consumerism proving it profitable last gen

>make the default controller really shit and nigh unusable by people with big hands so they have to pay 70 dollars extra for a good one

It looks barely bigger than the Vita.

Two people playing like
at 1:40 is simply not possible with that small of a screen.

Am I one of the few people that thinks that xenoblade 2 is gonna be shit?


This doesn't sound bad at all.

>I put my vita next to a screenshot which most likely isn't even actual size
Are you fucking retarded?

Instead of moving onto a new title, they seem to be going back to cash in on Xenoblade Chronicles after receiving opinions from Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Maybe, but I don't think that will make it bad.

I'm not sure why it's upside down but I just thought people would be smart enough to look at the hands. Obviously this pic is not a perfect representation due to the Vita being closer to screen.

You can see how small the height of the device will be in
at 43:12. Unless both of these people have huge hands, the thing is not going to be as big as your standard tablet.

someone is actually interested in arms?

>paid online is ok now since nintendo also does it
Fanboys and brand loyalists are pathetic cucks. No one can be this shameless, this two faggots have to be paid shills.

Why should Nintendo care?
People buy it anyway.

> best
region free
xenoblade 2
nis support
fire emblem musou

> worst
doing a mssony with paid online

>No more bitching about localizations.
what is language barrier?

>Splatoon 2
>FE musou
>No More Heroes
I'm sold.
>Xenoblade 2
Eh. I'd rather have more X. I'll take it, though.
I don't know, I just don't feel that hyped for it.

I'll definitely be getting one, but probably not at launch, I just don't see any reason to.

xenoblade x was the test title to see if they could fuck around with certain things

they saw what worked and what didn't and they're going to input what they discovered into the ACTUAL franchise sequel

Not really, I'm gonna get the games that look fun and enjoy myself. Yeah paying for online sucks, but what can ya do, at the end of the day Nintendo is still a business, a poor one the last few years, but still a business. They know people will play it to play Mario Kart, Splatoon, and Pokemon.

Do you think we're going to see one more event closer to launch, or did Nintendo show everything they had?

I mean, console releases typically have lackluster launch titles, but it seemed to me that a bunch of the stuff shown tonight wasn't going to be ready in time.

>liking X better than the original


just curious what year did you graduate high school?

(i thought it was said/implied that 1-2-Switch and Arms were gonna come with the system)