Who /conflicted/ here?

Who /conflicted/ here?
On one hand, the Switch looks like it has a decent launch lineup, and things aren't as super gimmicky as they were last time around. I'm honestly impressed in the amount of miniaturization that went into the joy-con thingies. On the other hand, prices for extra controllers are outright exorbitant and we're getting stuck with paid online without even getting really any of the perks of it (You only get the freebie game for a month, for example). Should I just wait for third-party controllers and more games to come out?

Other urls found in this thread:


>decent launch line up
>1 game


>decent launch lineup

With the few amount of titles available at launch you have no reason to get one at launch. Wait and see if it's an actual competent device with robust online and a region free setup that actually does what you want.

Personally I'll wait for Splatoon 2.

I want to fuck Shaymin

>decent launch line up

Yea. Zelda is the only draw for me at launch, but I have a wii u so I may just do that. I'm still a bit conflicted about potentially playing an inferior version though

>that one pic where it has a tattoo on his ass

God yes

>On one hand, the Switch looks like it has a decent launch lineup, and things aren't as super gimmicky

>one decent launch game
>ice cube remotes
>cowboy party games for normalfags

get the fuck out of here

Reminder that all launches are shit. PS4 launch was ports and Knack, and the Bone launch was ports, Killer Instinct, and Dead Rising 3.

If I were you I'd set up homebrew on WiiU as soon as possible and steal Zelda from their servers at launch, then you can rebuy it once you decide to get your Switch.

I'm literally only getting it at launch for Zelda as well, but I've got plenty of disposable income. Either way I would've bought one before a significant price drop anyway since there are decent games slated for the rest of the year.


Not a bad idea, honestly. I hadn't even considered that. I may take your advice, thanks there user

I'm hoping there's a price drop right before the holiday season or something

But also whenever xenoblade comes out I'll be forced to buy it so if by some ridiculous miracle it does come out in 2017 I guess I'm paying full price

Bomberman is pretty much the only thing from launch I'd want that's new, other stuff I might want is ports of things I already have or wanted but never got to, like Puyo Puyo and Setsuna

Xenoblade 2 and Mario Odyssey look great and come this year so I'll have to get a Switch by the time they come out, Inazuma Eleven Ares will probably be on Switch too and no region lock means I can import it without another system, but either way none of that is a reason to buy on launch

post the full. do it

Yea this exactly



this is some really delusional shit, I stayed up all night excited for this thing too

>decent launch line up
>two Wii Sports tier games
>Mario Kart not out for a month
>Splatoon 2 doesn't even have a fucking date, just "Summer"
>Mario doesn't launch until the fucking holidays
>everything else is a WIP

you absolute madman. Fuck yes

wtf I love shaymin now

wtf I love shaymin now

wtf I love shayim now



the other form is hotter than skyeform imo, both are nice though

I'll grab the Switch post-price drop if it has enough games that don't demand online to have replayability, and hopefully by the time that comes around NISA will have unfucked Disgaea 5 so it doesn't literally blow up your system.

>you will never suck that pink boipucci

How do I even cope, user

It's worse than that. Of the two Wii Sports tier games (ARMS and 12Switch, right?), ARMS isnt' even a launch game, but a "Spring release" game.

Switch is launching with 1 Exclusive Nintendo game, and it's a fucking minigame collection.

It's /trash/'s pokemon server

ARMS clearly wants to be the next Splatoon


more delicious pokemon bois

fapping to this thread, moar. Any bulbasaur ?