It's fucking DoA
It's fucking DoA
>he thinks people care about shitpost island
What is wrong with your currency, Aussies?
> basic summary is value is determined by demand
Nobody wants autism bucks.
It isn't that bad, it should be around $400
isn't that about the price of a wii u currently? it's actually pretty good
Its not just that we have weird fucking taxes for shit that make it like this.
$429 But that's with 4 games included.
Xbone S is $400 with a game plus movie.
>$300 USD = $400AUD
>¥30000 = $350AUD
>Australian price is almost $500
I hate this fucking country.
thats what you get for being sons of the worst criminals
That's $350, so what?
No one in Australia notices the relatively high prices given that we actually earn a living wage
>given that we actually earn a living wage
You're either not Australian or not living on your own.
Because cost of living doesn't exist right?
why the FUCK is the switch £280?
At least it is region free, maybe we could just ship it from somewhere else.
>Australian "dollars"
Why not?
£280, lad.
It's more expensive than a PS4.
That's at EB Games. The most expensive games retailer in Australia. Shop around but i doubt other retailers will have the console any cheaper.
isn't the switch $300?
AUD to Yen is the best exchange, if you can get it shipped from Japan for a reasonable price, you could probably save like $80-$100 on it.
>Ship by boat
>Gotta get through giant megalodon killer sharks and 1mm poisonous swarms of jelly fish each with enough poison to kill you in an hour
>Gotta load the shipment while getting attacked by flocks of emu's that can jump 10 meters and drive their 9inch dagger talons into your neck
>After you get the stock, gotta deliver the it with giant wolf spiders in the cracks of boxes, in shoes, under toilet seats and any place not hit directly by sun light
I call it the "bugger all dis, m8" tax.
Yeah? Are you surprised that US corporations pay 0 taxes and can afford to offer cheaper products domestically?
You forgot the part where the local tribe of coons beat the delivery drivers half to death for not giving them a durry and the Chinese openly attack the Japanese freight boats because China owns us.
Zelda looks really interesting to me. The open world map looks like i could enjoy exploring. Never played a Zelda game before. But i am not buying a Switch at these prices to play Zelda. I'll wait until there are Nintendo console sales on.
just import it lmao
our economy runs entirely on minerals and the real estate market
fuck you
at least you have free healthcare. I rather have that than affordable video games.
If you scrap your precious NHS you too can get 10% cheaper products
>US corporation
OK, "corporations that sell in the US", lawyer cunt
>corporations that sell in the US
>0 taxes
citation needed
Look up the Washington state corporate income tax
but to save you the typing, it's 0
>Open door to receive box from delivery bloke
>Instantly assaulted by abbos with clubs fashioned of pulled off branches drinking VB, asking for their share of whats in the box as reparations
>Off in the distance a bogan stops to watch you, before calling you a limp prick wanker
It's all that free healthcare and college.
>state tax
you do know there is federal taxes too right?
The best kind of economy
my mate got hit in the head so hard it fractured his eye socket.
it took 5 hours to get a chair
7 for pain meds
11 to get a bed
kicked out of the bed 3 hours later
told hed have to wait 6 days to speak to the surgeon and maybe get the surgery he was told he wasnt allowed to drink water for because it was going to happen any hour now
They gave him panadol to go home with cause someone fucked up and forgot to approve the endone he was meant to get which he had to wait 2 days for
>free healthcare
Nobody cares. You're worse than fucking leafs.
Which is a laughable 13% and you can be sure they have lawyers and accountants to reduce it further
point is. not 0%
Really? Coz I had food poisoning once and they admitted me right away, put me on an IV and wouldn't let me leave for 5 hours until I felt better. Seems alright to me.
Fuck this gay world
>10-13% is laughable
that is a fuckton. do some math with high numbers.
Why the fuck are you even considering buying it? Are you retarded?
You know there's nothing stopping you from getting private healthcare right?
It's lower than almost all developed countries outside of tax havens
By the way I'm not saying it's bad or they they should pay more
its definitely fuck ing DOA in australia
THAT IS INSANELY EXPENSIVE for the piece of crap that that thing is
Still better than USA. be thankful for having universal health care
How fucking old is that chart? I'd wager that it's from before 2008.
Speaking of the Switch, they didn't mention Smash at all.
Do you think it will be on the switch within the year or do you think them not mentioning it AT ALL means the switch will probably get a whole new Smash Bros.
Where do you live though? We had people leave the ER after hours of waiting.
Granted they did fuck something up because less serious people came in after and got in before we did.
Like wise for americans?
Oh I am but making some sprawling statement like wow you have free healthcare its so good is bullshit
Holy fuck nintendo what happened
>have pain in my gut, it hurts to cough/sneeze/turn over
>it's probably not life threatening so I won't say I need a doctor this minute
>get the appointment, 2 weeks away
>problem's gone by then
>get an xray and shit just to make sure
>appointment's 2 weeks away
>another week to get back to the doctors
>5 weeks to get a "it works for me :^)" tier diagnosis after it solved itself
It's not free, it's paid for in taxes and low quality.
>Live in NZ
Placeholder price