The switch is 349 Euro switch

At the fucking current rate it means it's $371,50, for those who want to know.

And in japan 29,980 yen mean $260.75 or €245.65.


>No region lock...

Well, never mind. And so long, gay reailers

Other urls found in this thread: switch


Amazone price. usually present the lowest price.

It's because Nintendo is well aware Europe is Sonycuck Central. They're hedging the price against the low amount of sales they're expecting.

Compare that to America which is far more Nintendo-friendly, and they can afford to sell it almost as cheap as in their home country.

So what's to stop the rest of us from just buying the fucking Japanese one en masse?

>They're hedging the price against the low amount of sales they're expecting.
Well, I might literally import my console from Japan.

>It's because Nintendo is well aware
Nintendo don't set the price in Europe. Retailers do.

You'd think letting independent store set the price for themselves would lower it down, but...

When you import something from outside of EU you have to pay toll and VAT. That is why shit is more expensive

Because Nintendo thinks all of you are retarded and wouldn't actually do that.

>Well, I might literally import my console from Japan

Go right ahead. I won't stop you.

Even then, Japan's price is still lower. Thereis literally a 100€ of difference.

You can't buy a US version, it won't be cheaper. Import taxes will make sure of that. If you buy say an American one for 299, the shipping will be 40 to 60 already and ontop of that you will have to pay 11% to 20% taxes.

This is why Nintendo is dead in EU.

>Because Nintendo thinks
Nintendo don't set the prices in Europe. Retailers do.

It's why it's why the euro price wasn't given during the direct.

>You can't buy a US version, it won't be cheaper. Import taxes
But With Japan there is literally a 100€ of difference. Japan import is where the good deal is.

>we've gone from €1=$1 pricing practice to this

Well, technically, it's true.

1 euro =
1,061465 dollar

it still wont be cheaper

and we dont know if say a japanese switch can play online with europeans etc.

but even with 100 euro difference the shipping and huge taxes will make it more expensive

Even in the good ol' US of A it's cheaper to import a Japanese Switch. Hell, I might just do that myself.

The $1=€1 exchange rate by retailers was going on well before that

They are almost equal now

>exchange rates are becoming almost equal
>retailers start to up the euro price to compensate

Wow that's almost the price of PS4 Pro. What the fuck?

Simply disgusting.

>Live in US
>Buy Switch
>Get robbed and stabbed
>Call 911
>Get shot by a cop
>Can't afford healthcare
>Go to jail for unpaid bills
>Get raped in jail
>Die of aids

It's called taxes dumbass.

Wtf importing shit is 38% tax here
I got fucked up the ass so hard ordering dragon dildos once.

Explain PS4 matching the USD price then.

You pay the VAT and taxes anyway. It will be held up in toll until you do. Also keep in mind that they also count shipping price, so if you used something like EMS and you happen to be in some country like UK you'll easily pay the full price of the console in taxes and customs fees.

IS this SERIOUSLY the launch line up?

>1, 2 Switch
Not an actual game but a tech demo that shouldve been packed in
>The Legend of Zelda: BotW
Wii U game
>Just Dance 2017
Wii U game
>Has Been Heroes
Some digital indie game???
I don't even know what this is supposed to be???
>Super Bomberman R
OK could be a good digital title ala Resogun
>Disgaea 5 Complete
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>Rayman Legends
>Skylanders: Imaginators
>I Am Setsuna

Why didn't they just wait 6 months and launch with Splatoon in the Holidays and Mario too???
WHY WOULD THEY DO there is literally not one piece of exclusive software?


>it's taxes dude
>RRP tends to be the same in various countries with various tax rates
really noggins that joggin switch

They are ripping Americans off or selling at a loss in EU. Pick one.

Taxes also exist in other countries.


, 2 Switch
I can't fucking believe this shit isn't packed in.

>$300 with no games includes

Seriously, I fucking hope Nintendo goes bankrupt this time.

USA does not have VAT or huge import fees.

why the fuck is amazon germany lagging behind????

still too high.

>yuropoor are well know to buy nintendo for decades now
>in america it's always "u haked ur 3DS / homebrew rit? XD"
>surprised you get fucked in the ass

there are always long time consequences children

Import fees are for particulars. For retailers stores it's pretty much the same as the US.

All German shops wait to open their pre orders for some reason

The Switch is all about extorting Nintendo fans.

Everything, from the price of the base unit to the cost of the accessories, has an obscene profit margin on it meant to literally rape fans who they know will buy it anyway.

This isn't meant for normies, it's not meant for soccer moms, it's not meant for the iPhone crowd. This is meant for pathetic saps like your typically Sup Forums drone who will buy it no matter what it costs, because it's Nintendo.

>>yuropoor are well know to buy nintendo for decades now

Europe is basically SONYLAND.

Fuck no it's not. It depends on which EU country you're talking about, but either way VAT gets slapped on it 100% of the time and VAT alone ups the price to around 360 bucks from 299.

Have they even discussed the cost of software for this thing? Cartridges have got to cost more to mass produce than discs?

USA also have VAT.

>Importing overseas
I am considering this but how does Nintendo warranty work? Because if I have to ship it back to nippon and speak nip with the CS, it will be a massive pain in the anus.

>$300 is obscene
I don't know what you people thought it would be. It's a middle point of the WiiU and 3DS launch price.

>Because if I have to ship it back to nippon and speak nip with the CS
You don't have the local retailers guarantee, but it's still a Nintendo product. If Nintendo's warranty still cover it, they will take it in charge.

There is a difference between shipping to NoE and NoJ.

You can always call and ask them.

USA does not have a federal VAT. Some individual states have VAT, and things are obviously more expensive there.

In EU every member state has a VAT and it's around 20%, if you import anything into the borders of EU you must pay that.

The answer is no.
I own a 3DS from Japan. That thing broke once and I had to send it back. I think it will be the same for switch. So if your switch breaks that is another 40-60 dollars in shipping.

>hardware being expensive in europe

Should be expected by now. We always pay premium for shit like this.

20% of €250=€50

This is why we hate the EU in France. Euro is the shittiest currency on earth.

>. That thing broke once and I had to send it back.
Did you still had the receipt? Was it sill under guarantee?

>and we dont know if say a japanese switch can play online with europeans etc.
Of course it fucking can. We're playing with Japanese on Wii U ffs.

The tax is +20%, making it 295 EUR. There's still 60 EUR leeway for shipping.

soon as i saw 300 dollars i knew it was going to be 350 eurobucks
its always been this way and will forever be
is this your first console or something ?

Blame your stupid fucking country and it's tax rate.

If nintendo wants to maintain their profit margin, the can't sell it for the same price in a country that charges hire import taxes.

How fucking stupid are you?

>soon as i saw 300 dollars i knew it was going to be 350 eurobucks
No, in the past they used to equal $1=€1, but now they are going overboard.

Euro is a really good currency if you are the exporter of the highest quality products. Because the Euro is such a strong currency and you sell high quality stuff your profits increase.

It's a shitty currency for consumers and exporters of low to medium quality products though.

This is incidentally why southern EU countries are so poor. They only product low-medium quality products for exportation. But since the currency is high valued the competition with other low-medium quality producing nations such as China and USA is too high.

Scandinavian, Germanic and financial district nations benefit extremely though.

France is somewhere in the middle.

Was still under warranty. The hinge broken. It was a bitch really. Had to speak to CS in nip, when they sent it back they sent it to a forwarder which then sent it to me racking up extra cost.

>is this your first console or something ?
Back at the Wii, they made $=€ despite euro being worth more.

The WiiU I got as a birthday present, so I didn't pay attention.

What are you talking about? The console costs 300 dollars in USA. That's 282 EUR. That's 340 EUR with just VAT.

Why would they sell it cheaper in EU?

>literally 100€ more than the PS4
Automatic bomb on Europe.

>muh yuro worth moar
Euro price includes tax already
Dollar price gets tax only at checkout

>What are you talking about?
Read OP again>And in japan 29,980 yen mean $260.75 or €245.65.
You are aware that the Switch doesn't come from the US, right? While would I import from the US when I can get directly to the source in Japan?

It's still a fact that retailers are ripping us off, even with the VAT, it makes the console at €300. 330 or 350 is still too high.


Nintendo knows that they will never truly win over the european market. They actually have good taste in video games for the most part.

Their plan is to milk as much cash out of the few thousand die hard manchildren and appeal to kids who don't know any better.


>Nintendo knows
Price are decided by retailers in Europe, not by Nintendo.

Shipping to USA is about the same price as EU so basing on that makes sense. Japan is way cheaper shipping.

EU has anything but good taste in video games. Incidentally Switch is getting the most popular game in EU, FIFA. Nothing even comes close to it in sales.

>Shipping to USA is about the same price as EU
I seriously doubt that transporting consoles in bulk from Japan to the USA add $40 of price increase per unit.

No, but gaijin tax does.

Good luck with Nintendo artificial scarcity

So is wrong. You can't base the shipping fee on the US price.

seriously, it can't be more than 15€ per unit.
For a €250, if a Japanese retailers ship them in bulk, it's possible to have the console for €300

I mean €315

there is an import tax for europe on top of VAT.

>his country government imposes jewish taxes for muh welfare gibs
>must be the fault of the currency!
Sup Forums level logic