"Xenoblade Chronicles X was a mistake."

"Xenoblade Chronicles X was a mistake."
-Tetsuya Takahashi

RIP Potato looking people and bad soundtrack.

Thank God he told Sawano to fuck off.
Riding animals look better than Skells too. Can't wait for this game, really hyped that its coming this year.

Actually it's "Xenoblade Chronicles X was the 10th game chronologically in my 25 parts epic"
-Tetsuya Takahashi

He explicitly stated that XCX was a completely different universe unrelated to XC and Shulk, so no that isn't going to happen.

[citation needed]

Thank god. X was trash compared to Xenoblade.

That "2" is bothering the fuck out of me, Why isn't it the same color as the "Xenoblade"?

Also no Bloke VA's no buy.

Hopefully they still have some form of the classes and overdrive system, X's combat was far superior to Chronicles'.
>yfw this is a prequel and you play as zanza

This is the power of the latest Nintendo console powered by the Nvidia Tegra technology that offers the best portable performance at cinematic, silky smooth 10fps.

By the time I got my skell in XCX I was already burnt out.

The fucking NLA music is still stuck in my head

I'm totally hyped for this, but I'm a bit disappointed in the character artstyle. It looks like a Tales Of game and I'm not really into the hyper-anime design. I would've been fine with either of the character designers for XC1 or XCX, but preferably XC1 since this game seems to be referencing the first game already with that end trailer visual shot.


Redhead-chan best girl

Lewds when?

If you actually played Xenoblade all the way through to the end you would know why that prequel thing you just said wouldn't make any sense.

did you miss the part where Zanza lived on our Earth and there are no titans?

I dunno mate I played it a really long time ago so I just pullled something out of my ass

Probably to make the fact that it's a sequel stand out more.

>X's combat was far superior to Chronicles


The second the new world was made by Zanza (Klaus), the titans fought each other and after the whole shebang, both of them basically lay dormant for the longest time. Zanza didn't come back up until Shulk came around.

Basically, if the game was a prequel, it would have to be on legit boring Earth and not this exotic looking place.

not him but X's combat is better in everyway, at least on the ground. The skell combat is equal to XC1's combat

you can meme all you want about how much you hate XCX compared to XC but denying that the combat/exploration are better in X is delusional

What's worse is you can't turn music volume off in options.

They knew what they were doing... savages.

I played xenoblade x for 200 hours and never played xenoblade chronicles. If I started to play xenoblade chronicles right now would it be worst? I heard if you play it in reverse the battle gameplay doesnt feel so good.

Should i still buy it and try to play it?

Based on the trailer the frame rate didn't look too bad. I bet handheld mode will be considerably choppy tho.

i really, really hope they drop the mmo combat.

Give it a whirl, I think it's 20 bucks on the Wii U shop.

It's a decent game and it has a better story/characters than X.

>First teaser
>Already better character design than the previous titles

Time to buy a Switch

Oh my bad I thought there was a period inbetween where zanza and meyneth were all right with each other and just creating stuff before they started fighing, but I'm probably remembering it wrong

It will feel significantly slower and the sidequests will be far less interesting. You might enjoy the main story and party more though. Be aware that if you want to have Melia in your party you will probably need to control her. Also, if emulating, use a code to cut your XP gains if you plan to do a lot of quests.

>Xenoblade 2
>there's not a Xenoblade 1

Yes, though some things will annoy you, combat is worse and less customizable, also not being able to sprint like in XCX can be irritating in the bigger areas.

For some reason america doesnt have xenoblade chronicles in the store since gamestop bought it as an exclusive for them. So i have to buy it on amazon for around 45. FUCKING GAMESTOP.

There was.

it is hands-down one of the best JRPGs of this decade. play it as soon as you can, user

Soundtrack was great. Except for all the vocal tracks, which were just okay. Except for NLA, which was bad. Except for NLA Night, which was garbage.

Personally, I got used to the music after a while even though WE'RE STUCK ON A WHOLE DIFFERENT PLANET is permanently burned into my brain.

The greatest evil was the awful mixing in some places. Like the story mission briefings. Maybe that's what the meant by I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

just get it digitally/emulate

Why they so anime now?
Was the first chronicles like this?
Not that I'm bothered

It was though, you had way more options. Classes, augments, overdrive, skells, all of that added up to letting you take a much more open ended approach to endgame bosses, I really hope they bring at least a part of it back.

It's Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Skells were great, though. Combat could've been tuned beyond making the moves extremely powerful on an extremely long cooldown, but that's remedied by getting cockpit times.

So you just don't pay attention to Japan then?

NOA's website already has the trailer which says Chronicles 2 in its place.


>bad soundtrack

kill yourself

It was at face value.
Once you realize everything was either grind to one shot with your skell or spam ghost walker + overdrive you realize it is kind of crap.

I'm going to have to partially disagree with you there m8. The NLA tracks were pretty shit, but I found NLA night just a bit more bearable to listen to because it was more mellow sounding. YEAH

Really? Could've sworn NA finally added it onto the eshop...

They realized their limits and went full animu to step away from the uncanny valley

>XCX could've been rename to Xenogears 2
They didn't listen.

I spent the majority of my NLA time in the Commercial and Administrative Districts, so the Day Theme fit better there.

They really should've just had music for the individual regions of NLA.

>X apologists on suicide watch
It's a great day to be alive.

>bad soundtrack
So you literally only played within NLA?

>at least on the ground

how are you going to say that when your partners become completely negligible later on

Sorry you have shit taste.

>Xenoblade fell for the anime meme

Oh, ok, I feel like a dirty gaijin now. Shamefur dispray.

the partners you don't control and contribute very little to gameplay?

at least XCX let you control them with a lot more options

>really hyped that its coming this year
To Japan maybe. I doubt it'll be a worldwide release unless they've stated otherwise.

I could only remember NLA.

The game drilled it into memory.

switch is region free

Sorry you have shit taste.

Namco owns the Xenogears name, so they actually literally could not do that.

Yes and no.
Ryne was the best because he just had to take aggro.
Others were okay.
Where as Melia and Shulk were fucking retarded as party AI's

did you ever play any of the other xenoblade games? they're fucking anime

No region locking.

That being said, I hope they get translators working with the team like Pokemon does, so that there can be a global release.

Skells just added a bunch of OP attacks and fucked up the sense of scale. From a gameplay standpoint animals will be much better


Fuck me, Square* not Namco. That's Xenosaga.

Not as anime as this.

>the partners you dont control

oh i get it, you never played XC before, haha thats awkward. maybe you shouldn't talk about games youve never played before?

>Sense of scale
This is worse than "Tropical Freeze has no soul". What a retarded non-argument spouted by actual retards.

Except that piece of shit has nothing to do with glorious Xenogears, and I thank God for that.

>he thinks dolls are stronger than on-foot combat


You can literally PLAY AS anyone else in the first Xenoblade.

You'd think that would be a major priority when the vast majority of their sales come from the non-Japanese release. Japan is dumb sometimes.

you literally cant control anyone other than your player character in XCX, in XC you can choose to play as any of the characters at any time, even having the choice of swapping Shulk out of the party

Same with X. Chain attacks alleviate some of the AI issues, though.

>Yoko isn't help compose the soundtrack
Damn you, KH3. DAMN YOU!

Skells are like 5 times bigger than humans. It definitely messes up the scale.

Pre Orders up on Amazon in the US right now

>Same with X.
But your MC can cover all of those roles so there's no reason to.
In XC everyone is completely unique

>same with X

except you have to keep your mute player character in the party at all times so no, it's definitely *more* restrictive than it was in Xenoblade.

"Sense of scale" is completely fucking meaningless. Yes, skells were bigger. That wasn't an issue, though. It improved the game vastly.

You can still have 3 characters of your choosing in the party. It's just MC + 3 instead of just 3.

So no, no it isn't.

loling at you eop

And how is it better than riding animals? Aside from cosmetic reasons.


>This new world is boundless. It is home to not only you, but many forms of life. I can see it. In this world, all life will walk towards the future, hand in hand
Alvis, why'd you lie bro? I trusted you. I hope you show up in this game so I can skin your green star ass.

I'm not seeing what the lie is there.

Skells were crap and ruined exploration.

Working your way through cliffs and paths on foot fighting through enemies was great.
Once you got your skell and flew over everything it ruined it.

We still don't even know what the conflict is you fucking nigger.

I'm not seeing people walking together hand in hand. If anything there's more conflict abrewin.

not really digging the protagonist's design but at least all the characters don't have potato faces


They improved exploration. Skyriming up a mountain wasn't better than flying over it.


Sup Forums how do I make a 2nd character in XCX? Do I have to log out of my main NNID and make a new one for a 2nd file? is there a chance of losing my 200+ hour file with fiora as my character?

Who says there won't be flying animals? It was a 2 minute trailer you autist, quit acting like you know everything that will be in the game.

As long as you remember your NNID.

I just created a new character from scratch for my second playthrough.

With the vocal "HATE JAPANESE" community here I never assume someone means the Japanese release.

It IS on the American eShop you retarded fucking nigger, literally five fucking seconds in Google

Yoko only worked on a few Xenoblade tracks. ACE+ was the ones who work on most of the Xenoblade soundtrack, and they are back for this game. So their is no need to worry.