RIP Laura, Emily, Liam, Eurogamer

>No Smash port
>No XCX port
>No Mario x Rabbids
>No Mother 3
>No BG&E2 teaser
>No Dark Souls port
>Splatoon isn't a port
>No Gamecube VC
>No Splatoon bundle
>Mario isn't a launch title
>Release date was wrong
>Price was wrong
>The Sup Forums leak both Laura and Liam said was completely false was actually 100% correct

I've never seen a group of people blown the fuck out this hard.

Other urls found in this thread:

They are actually lying at themselves at this point

To be completely fair though, out of all of those only Eurogamer said Gamecube VC would be a thing and they didn't say it would be at the presentation

It's still happening

>>No Gamecube VC

I don't know who these people are. Why are they important?

Fucking finally, hate these faggots.

they claim to be a bunch of Nintendo "insiders" but basically all of them were talking out of their ass for Twitter popularity.
>tfw no gf(male

>>No Mario x Rabbids

Delayed to September. Will be at E3. Names already been trademarked.

Everything else was false, they tacked this on because everyone in the industry knows about it by those point, even "fake" leakers.

the sad part is people will continue to fall for their attentionwhoring
they probably won't get called out for it either

Did he delete those tweets?

What did she (male) mean by this?

Why were her leaks fraudulent? She already made the Switch.

>Mario Rabbids RPG

>No Gamecube VC
shut the fuck up, I still have hope

Jesus fucking Christ

Never trust a tranny

What the fuck is it without Nintendo showings that always attracts this shit.

I don't see anybody else "leaking" stuff for Microsoft or Sony whenever they do something. But once Nintendo announces a direct, holy shit here comes 10 leaks all at once.

first time I even read about this, I can't believe Nintendo would tarnish their fucking mascot with Rabbids. I don't even hate rabbids but they're not compatible. I hope it's just a rabbids game with some Mario skins

It's still legitimate. Actual legit leakers (who didn't list anything else for the Switch) have confirmed it before they attached to theres, and they all said it was delayed to September and WOULDN'T be at the Switch presentation.

These guys just tacked it on.

Ubisoft trademarked the name 2 weeks ago. They had the props at their 30th anniversary. It's not de-confirmed because these idiots added it to their lists.

Eurogamer was right about the hardware being shit

They can't even trust their own birth gender

>Sup Forums so fucking desperate for info they're willing to believe someone who belongs to the most attention-seeking group of people in the world (trannies)

what the fuck did you faggots mean by this?!

>>No Mario x Rabbids
Still happening. Laura, Emily, Liam, Eurogamer took it from others. The legitimate leakers of Rabbids have stated for almost a month now it was delayed and said it would NOT be at the Switch show.

no inverting the penis != vagina

probably has something to do with some Nintendo-focused news sites not having anything to report on due to the small Wii U library, so they dig through all the rumors/make shit up to pay the rent

Because Nintendo is easier to predict and therefore let's them get "lucky guesses" which causes people to believe them and feed their egos.

>hurr durr Nintendo didn't announce it all at one event therefore its fake

>something that sounds like such a bad cash-in idea is real

Wait how the fuck do you get to the vaginoplasty stage while still having fucking facial hair? I thought you needed years of HRT to stop that shit first

>this glorious bastard didn't leak the good shit to keep up excited

based as fuck

>because there was no good shit

This is what good leakers do, get the credit but not ruin everything

They did have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for this event though.

>Managed to fuck up almost every single """"""leak""""""
>Mario isn't day one
>Rabbids RPG isn't day one
>Splatoon isn't a port and isn't day one
>Skyrim isn't day one
>Just Dance, the 100% lock isn't day one
>No Smash port announced
>Zelda IS day one
>Mario Kart is the closest thing to being correct
>Xenoblade is a sequel not a port
>No Mario Maker shown
>No Pokemon shown
>No Pikmin shown


It's a game that was withheld from the Wii U due to poor sales. Ubisoft CEO guy mentioned it a couple years back.

honestly this is one of the best things to come out of the switch reveal

>the events tomorrow will reveal Smash port and ONE other thing they "leaked"
>they'll claim it as a victory and still spout "leaks" that retards will follow blindly

>Xenoblade 2
>Not good shit

He didn't do it out of any nobility. He leaked things that he had info on. Things like SMT and No More Heroes are so far away that they barely exist, no logos or materials or even a title, nothing to have on display.

He'll be back.

Literally everything about this is wrong I think. Zelda is day one, Mario and Skyrim aren't confirmed day one. Mario Kart 8 was shown before, so that doesn't count.


Who are these 'legitimate' leakers?

Laura was very proud of being the 'first' to leak it.

>what is xenoblade 2

nice single player MMO

is it transphobia if you don't believe in trannies because you have more faith in science? just because you claim you're not a freak of nature for forcefully trying to alter your body doesn't make you any less of a freak.

>get one twitter reply telling you to "kys"
I hate sore losers.

Damage control

>b-b-but i guessed the easy stuff

yes, it is nice

oh my god who fucking cares about Mother 3, you can literally buy an English cartridge of it from the Chinese for 5 dollars

nobody could have possibly guessed that monolith was developing a new game.

holy shit these "people" really are delusional. they belong in a mental institution, people shouldn't be encouraging this behavior. sad.

What happened to the faggot who sullies the rhythm heaven girl by using her as his avatar?

He's just as bad as the guy who cut off as his dick.


oh god if they teased a Dark Souls port in the direct I would've run out and preordered it immediately.

Emily Rogers?

Hasn't leaked anything since October. She said that Zelda wouldn't make it to launch, kek.

Yes, it's very nice. What's your point though, my dude.

Also said Female Link would be playable.

Why doesn't someone just make a list of the billion things these liars have gotten wrong and just spam it around anytime they show up with a new case of asspulls?

So basically he tried to make a guess based on the "here's our 3rd party support, this time totally for real!!" picture Nintendo showed.

Of course, he was completely making shit up as was Nintendo with their picture, just like with the Wii U!

They're second party now you tard.

Holy shit so many deleted tweets on these two fuckers so much salt

There's no reason for Nintendo to focus on putting out virtual console games for a failure of a system.


They had a picture just like this for the Wii U, Wii, and Gamecube, and hardly any of them delivered.
Probably be the same way again.

What the fuck is Gungho going to do on a console, a Puzzle and Dragons RPG?
Actually that doesn't sound half bad.

>rape threats

Not buying it.

>i'm just going to say everything possible
>SOMETHING will be right!

>rape threats

@tranny holy shit you're so ugly you're literally raping my eyes.

>search twitter for 'lawlrak' and 'rape'
>all the results from the past 24 hours are people going 'omg ur getting raep threats ur so brave grill yaassss queen'

Either the people sending Xit rape threats were all vanned already or the someone's making shit up again

just remember. FF plot leaked here. Watch Dogs leaked here. Bloodborne leaked here and more.

the only plausible leak is the one from OBE1, but still he probably made a lot of safe bets like the SMT game or the nintendo themed warrior game, so his predictions were right

But he was one of the only people that actually mentioned the paid online thing, the ass creed game which may be that egypt game that leaked not long ago, still a lot of weird shit so who fucking knows.

neogaf still sucking dick

>lying to himself
not possible

What the fuck that pic

Just hack your Wii/vWii for fucks sake. You don't even need a game to hack the vWii on Wii U anymore.

Except he said it wasn't FE :^)

>rape threats

>was under for too long
>started to grow facial hair

Oh man, that sad, sad person. In 10 years from now he'll hand himself when he realizes he got ride of his dick forever.

Imagine, another chance to play Dark Souls with even worse graphics and FPS. I bet most Dark Souls fans would be drooling at the thought.

I can't believe women would go out and threaten a poor guy with rape.

At she actually bothered transitioning rather than just putting girl's clothes on and claiming to be a woman.

They already did on the 3ds.

post-op transexuals are over 20 times more likely to kill themselves than normal people

That's some pretty hard ods. You think people would look into things and say "will I be okay with this or will I kill myself".

>Sup Forums leak

What leak?

>No Gamecube VC

Seriously why does nintendo constantly refuse to put this feature in? Nintendo could make so much potential cash reselling gems like Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Paper Mario, and even Sunshine.

Hell even Sony's doing it with some PS2 games.

prolly cuz the gamecube was shit

Liam Robertson is such a retarded liar

The leak that was right, but also didn't include the bombshells of the conference.

So it's the best type of leak where it's true, but doesn't ruin the big things like most Data miners or the attention whores you see in OP try to do.


I just don't get why people continue to believe them.

They may have gotten shreds of legit info in the past (or even just guessed correctly) and been right, but at this point they're clearly doing damage control and trying to cover their asses from what they clearly got wrong. And you get called sexist/transphobic/an asshole if you call them out on their bullshit.

>I made my penis disappear!

implying you can run gamecube iso's on the vWii

why do people pay attention to liam? he is a profound liar.

That number is going to sky-rocket in the next few decades. How many post-op transexuals have died from natural causes? If so many have killed themselves already, you can guarantee they'll drop like flies the older, and much more disgusting, they become.

Because they say something people want to be true and their in a position that "might" know someone that would give them said info


>not at least waiting for Treehouse to be done

Some things like BG&E2 and Smash doesn't even need to be leaked. Super Smash Bros. for Switch is an inevitability and you're just giving that gal ammo to fire back when the familiar cross animation eventually appears and they drop the "deluxe" version of Smash 4.

Then explain how I've been playing TTYD for the past few days.

post the Sup Forums leak

>what is Nintendont
