BOTW to run at 900p docked, 720p handheld

What does Sup Forums think about this?

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So you can drink it?

>Happens on the XB1 or PS4
>Sup Forums mocks both consoles and their fans
>This happens with the Switch

How will Sup Forums justify this?

say it with me kids, one word at a time


PC laughs exactly the same as it did at the other consoles, except nintendo doesn't petwnd to have parity with a gaming pc so maybe not quite as loud.

Go to bed ETDP

Not a delusional consolefag, so this sucks, BUT it's not the end of the world. There's more to graphical fidelity than just resolution. Pics related

I guess that's what you call a "potent potable".

Gonna play it on emulated wii u on PC

for a game that looks like a PS2 texture tier game its not ok 900p in 2017

900p pic for resolution comparison. Big upgrade over 720p, but 9" screen at 720p ain't bad either

900p 30FPS with those graphics?

Just how shitty is the Switch hardware?

The switch screen is 6 inches

Forgot my pic

its an nvidia shield tablet, literally

at 20 fps

Mexican guy that was playing was confirming the opposite with 1080/900 in docked/portable.

Reduce your sharpening you fuck

I will admit this will look jaw dropping on Cemu.

Draw distance plays a huge factor into performance and graphics too. Draw distance will straight up destroy your frame rate depending on how large it is

This pic and the next are 1080p, but just showing that resolution isn't everything. Important for sure, but other things play a big impact too

So my shit can look blurry? Nah dog

The tweet in the OP is from that Mexican, dummy

>nintendo confirmed the screen is 720p
kind of puts an end to that right there

With a texture repack? Hell yeah. It was amazing what they did with Xenoblade and Dolphin.

So Wii U will be 900p aswell?

Wii U probably isn't even 720p

Haha, only smart people will get this joke.

Potable means you can drink it

Don't need one, Mario Kart and 3D worlds look great on CEMU
Switch isn't that much more powerful than the Wii U, at worst its 720p

Last pic. Just compare the last pic to this one. Huge difference, same resolution. If I dropped it to 900p, I'd just get a warmer image, and things would be a fair bit less sharp. In a game like BoTW where realism isn't the focus, some extra sharpness < kickass draw distance... assuming it has a kickass draw distance at launch.

Only 6"? It'll look prettier, but that's a bit disappointing

Zelda needs one, from I can see.

Its twice as powerful as the Wii U in a worst case scenario hardware wise. The Switch version of Mario Kart is running at double the resolution.

Switch is running at 1440p? U wot?

>PS4 has reached native 4k in multiple games with stable framerate
>Scoprio will do the same
>nintendo struggling to reach 900p on a brand new console

wew lad, I would love to hear a nintendrone's excuse for this one

a direct comparison that way isn't always going to work. Big difference between optimizing for a racing game and for an open world action rpg

That isn't how it works at all.

Resolution is not anything close to a linear function processing power.

I'm okay with this

>undocked it's the same rez/similar as the Wii-U
>docked it's better than the Wii-U

I'm ok with this.

>It's okay when Nintendo does it!
Also, the games on PS4 and Bone it happened to didn't look like fucking Gamecube games.

>>PS4 has reached native 4k in multiple games with stable framerate

>nintendo will reach for 1080p with its next console in 2022
that's kind of crazy to think about

PS4 can't do native 4k, it upscales.

What Nintendo rep? Most don't even want to talk about specs right now.

I got away from 900p a year ago after being angry at having such a shit system for years.

900p. Seriously? That's just awful.

And I'd forgive 720p mobile if my phone didn't have a 1080p screen.

>>PS4 has reached native 4k in multiple games with stable framerate

i'll play it on my CRT from the early 2000s

900P docked
with those graphics

what the fuck nintendo


to be fair it runs ports of ps3 games like last of us and skyrim at native 4k. Since new zelda is a wiiu port to switch its actually a pretty fair comparison

Your phone can't handle large scale games like BoTW or Skyrim though. Hell they had to downgrade KoTOR so it would run on phones.

Can someone tell me how to run this thing? What file extension do I load to run a game?

That's because my phone is a thin af multipurpose device.

I expect more from a dedicated gaming device.

PCfag here.

As much as I wish games would run properly, the games themselves still look loads of fun, so I won't complain much. Looks good, congrats Nintendo bros.

>implying the base PS4 has done this
>implying most of the Pro games that run at 4k native run well
>implying several of the games that run at 4k checkerboarded run well
>implying 4k medium graphics looks good
>implying the Pro can do anything well thanks to Sony sticking a shitty CPU in it
>implying base PS4 doesn't have several games running at sub-1080p
>implying a fucking handheld-console hybrid should go toe to toe with a dedicated console with a 300w power draw

How technologically illiterate can you possibly be?

>Since new zelda is a wiiu port to switch

Do we have any actual confirmation of this? genuinely curious.

Not a port. It started development on the Wii U, but about a year into development, they started developing the Switch version concurrently with the Wii U version

Switch is not more powerful than Wii U though.

TLOU actually runs at 3200x1800, same for Skyrim.

Tell that to BotW where you can see a visible difference between the two versions quite well.

>but about a year into development, they started developing the Switch version concurrently with the Wii U version

This doesn't sound too good for the Wii U version if the Switch version is actually native.

considering it was announced 4 years ago as a WiiU exclusive that would release 2 years ago, I'm going to say it is a switch port
your dad works at nintendo blah blah

It runs Mario Kart at 1080/60, the Wii U could only handle 720/60.

I'm still waiting for your excuse.

I understand it will take a long time for you to accept that a brand new nintendo console can't even reach 1080p on a first party game.

I'm just giving the digital foundary numbers, they said native on both and I'm inclined to believe them

We haven't seen the Wii U version in like 8 months now, almost a year. Since E3

So in other words we have no fucking idea

What the fuck is the point of gaming anymore. It's infested with SJW filth and shitty gimmicks hold back any type of progression on consoles.

eww that game . he looks like hes trying to kill flies instead of fighting with a sword


>looks gorgeous on a shitty 720p screen


No thanks I'll wait for Switch emulation. Enjoy your literal eye cancer.

Build a PC and play shooters with nude mods with me, user.

>game starts development pre2013 when the wiiu has only been out less than a year
>in 2013, one year after wiiu is released its announced as a wiiu exclusive that'll come out in 2015
>later the game is delayed and brought to both wiiu and switch
gee I wonder if the switch is a port of the wiiu version. Surely we will never ever know

Ok but I have to wait for my new acer gaming laptop to get here first.


What shooters and what nude mods ?

>4k starting be introduced
>nintendo can't hit 1080p

The new promo pictures are 1080p, meaning Wii U version

Are you retarded?

>dell is phasing out their 5k monitors to sell 8k monitors
>switch is shooting for 900p when docked

I don't think I was clear enough and I apologize. Yes it was developed on Wii-U first but I'm curious whether they just slapped the Wii-U version into the switch or whether they took the assets and developed it for switch. The answer would be pretty important regarding which version would be better.

What is this, 2016? You'd think they would have pushed for at least 1440p or 4K like The Pro.

>thinking the Wii U version will be 1080p
That is just internal build that can be anything they want it to be, aka bullshots

Medium resolution on a small screen is better than high resolution on a large screen.

nintendo promoted skyward sword with fucking 1600x900 screenshots. They lie

4k is a meme

are you stupid?

>4k like The Pro.


Nah user that image is a bullshot. The Wii-U version will look and run like ass and the Switch version is 900p docked.

>talks about the power of having low res
>still has no AA

So it's pretty much confirmed as an X1 then.

They could have had an X2, for the same price, with a fuckload more power, longer battery life.

They could maybe have also had more than 3 fucking launch games if they'd waited for the X2.

Meanwhile the latest shield with X2 is $200

The graphics were downgraded

Absolute garbage.
People who were acting like a Tegra X1 clocked at 300mhz would be anywhere close to even base Xbox one are delusional.
Expect 2005 360 level graphics for the next 6 years.

>looks gorgeous

no it doesn't, it has muddy textures, no anti-aliasing, and it will struggle to hit even 30fps. it's like nintendrones are living in a parallel universe.

>dad works at Nintendo
no, I actually pay attention to the shit that Nintendo says

Concurrently, user. Neither version is a port

how about the fact that the brand new Xbox still runs games at 720p upscaled to 4k? Or is it just "lel nintendrones ecks dee dee dee dee" power hour?

TLoU's "60fps" mode is 1800p native. The 4k native mode is 30fps locked. Skyrim does run at 4k native, which is idiotic, considering how shit the CPU is. Game stutters way too much. Should've run it 1800p and checkerboarded it up to 4k

prove that the ps4 can do native 4k at stable framerates
the pro can't even run 720p games at stable framerates

The Switch is a shitpile, but so is the PS4 Pro.

>muh 4k
>must keep buying bigger TVs that make my games and movies blurry and buy more useless gadgets to catch back up to the resolution

>Meanwhile the latest shield with X2 is $200
The Shield TV refresh doesn't change the hardware. It's still an X1.

If neither version is a port then it comes down to hardware and if the switch is more powerful than the Wii-U is (apparently) then that would make the Switch version better?

You. I like you.

Nintendo never told people 1080p gaming, while $ony and Microshit did