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Whelp, looks like no Switch for me lol
fuck off Nintendo
SMT V is going to be the 3DS project.....
I gess the HD is like SMT Arena....
yeah this was all I was interested in - nevermind
What plats?
>That Odin
Not like I hate the design or anything but I hope they don't recycle the same plot from SMT4:A because that was so shit I didn't finish it.
3DS game is 3DS
HD implies HD consoles, so most likely Switch PS4 but probably not Xbone
>3DS Project
Are they for real?
If its really the same game then fuck I wont have to buy a Switch after all.
An HD SMT sounds great though.
But if it can also run on 3DS then its probably gonna look like shit anyways.
>Toddlers actually believed it was going to be Switch exclusive
Don't worry buddies, you still have 1,2 Switch
there goes the only switch exclusive i wanted... FUCK yeah get to save 300 bucks
The 3DS project isn't the same game.
3DS project is probably some remake
the HD one is the "next" SMT game that will be on most likely switch and ps4
Its not confirmed multiplatform, idiots.
Are you blind?
It's right fucking there in the image?
3DS versus HD consoles
IT can't be clearer than that dumbass
it could be a different game you know
It says HD Project
3DS will just be a remake of SMT 1 and 2 and the HD project is the switch exclusive.
What don't you understand?
On the left is the 3DS exclusive game
on the right is the game that was shown today at the Switch reveal - these are different games
The game on the right - if it was Switch exclusive would absolutely say "Switch game" just like 3DS game IF it was Switch exclusive, but it doesnt so it isn't
Nintendo refuse to clarify if it is exclusive to the media as well
it's very simple that it's coming to Switch/PS4
Don't be stupid and don't get your hopes up when it gets annoucned as well youre only setting yourself up for dissapointment at this point
He just means instead of saying "Switch Project" it says HD, the less specific name implies a less specific release.
I'm just arguing the semantics of him saying it said HD console when it says Project.
Too early to jump to that right now, it might be multiplat it might not be.
>it's very simple that it's coming to Switch/PS4
I hope so but eh they could just be saying HD project to convey that hey we are making a game that is not 240p shit.
>HD implies HD consoles
No it doesn't, kys
What's wrong with the Switch getting the game? Can't you be happy for Nintendo guys for a day?
Its just as bad as when E3 happened in the past few years and the first thing industry people do is tell you the game they shown on PS4 is coming out elsewhere, so that you "shouldn't get excited for the game".
Its so bad and anti-hype, decreases interest in potential buyers because the press is telling them they shouldn't buy the game and/or hardware it was shown to be coming out for.
>mfw the HD project is a SMT1 or MT1 remake in 3D
where do you think you are
Not confirmed, but this is a sign of it possibly being multiplatform. Unreal Engine being used also points in favor of that. Hopefully we'll be seeing it also on PC
There's no precedent for it. I'm just latching onto a slim hope.
I hope those two are not the same. I fucking hate the vita for introducing this crossgen garbage where every fucking game has to run on handhelds + homeconsoles so they have to gimp the console version in some form, I really fucking hope nintendo doesn't do the same shit now.
>confirmed multiplat
>not confirmed at all
Console warriors are a plague.
>not even confirmed multiplat
>even if it was multiplat, ATLUS just announced a 3DS SMT game anyway which would be exclusive by OP's logic.
sasuga OP.
Where does it say multiplatform?
sigh.. even less reasons to get the switch
Where does this image come from?
Once again I'm utterly mystified as to what Sup Forums is even on about, but I'm not seeing any confirmation or denial here
Sup Forums you talk way to fucking much about consoles exclusively. Seek some psychiatric help or something
Doesn't say multiplat
no source
OP a fag
Oh, its on their website.