Battle station thread?
Battle station thread.
Fresh OC for you Sup Forumsirgins
Battle station thread?
Battle station thread.
Fresh OC for you Sup Forumsirgins
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guess Sup Forums doesnt like oc
Sorry senpai, it's fine be Nintendo posting for a while
It's gonna be
>having a speech impediment.
fucking weeb
I can speak just fine
bulshit, vocaroo this
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I like video games! And kissing boys!
Do you add cute boys on steam?
you recycle... good boy
>Not having a shrine with your battlestation
fucking normies
That mug.
Not really, I prefer my guys more manly! I tend to be the cute one in my relationships!
i have that same pc case
I'm hairy (cute) bear
I ended up with tendinitis using my mouse like that
Nice litten plush senpai
Same shit
I want that mug now
Thanks, I don't like either of it's evolutions much though.
Where did you get the Eggscellent hat?
its a good case
by using an arm rest?
Good morning Sup Forums.
Rate pls, thank you
If you're the one referring to yourself as a "bear", I have no interest since people who call themselves that are usually overweight, unhygienic and depressed!
Are those monitors the U2414H?
That's a lot of projecting, have a good life, you seem toxic.
Do you have a fair amount of backlight bleed on them, or had to send them back because of that?
I ordered two recently, both had backlight bleed. One was significant enough that I sent it back, the other isn't so bad and is the secondary monitor so i don't care so much.
Just wanted to know if I'm unlucky or if this is an issue for this particular model.
He seems to have struck a nerve.
Did the seller give any details on where they got it or was it homemade?
Nah, both of mine are fine. I remember an user on /bst/ complaining about that problem though, but I never had any issues with it personally. Only issue I had was the factory calibration being different from one monitor to the other and the sRGB mode looking grainy, but everything else has been perfect. I think mine might be a small revision or something though, not completely sure, but I did order it directly from Dell and they manufacture a new one on order, which was neat.
always same image with relevant comment in every fucking battle station thread
i really like your pillow
Yes, hello, that is me!
Dad home office/10
>PC in cabinet
why do people do this?
doing it right
dude you are gay (literally)
Thanks pal, my friend gave it to me
>PC in cabinet
Its an E Machine from like 1935, it can take it. All it can do is YouTube so its just music
And there is nothing wrong with that, user!
>coffee grinder
muh nig
still prefer scissors
There is when you pretend just because 90% of Sup Forums dick
Just double-checked, and yeah, both monitors have a label on the back listing it as model U2414Hb, a revision number and a manufacturing date of November 2014, which was when I ordered them. Not sure if any of that is relevant for you, but figured I should mention.
Under the hood
as you can tell by the pic, i'm a lazy pot head, its so much easier.
Could you please restate that in a different way? I do not understand.
Sup Forums wants dick*
Excuse me
so messy. you should tidy up and make it simple
is that the 2k15 aegis
Oh, I actually like dick though, I'm not prison gay.
It is.
I like the mug and Kat.
based user
I'm sorry, its just hard to take you seriously with all the chick-dick futa shit going on here all the time
Can't see a 'b' anywhere in mine, but can see a November 2016 manufacturer date.
Maybe they cut costs for the manufacturing process and they are lower quality now?
Should I be concerned about all this Chinese writing on the back?
Mass produced, probably Chinese. They sold 300 of them and still have more.
I've been with a few guys, one one of which was girly and I was girlier than he was. I prefer my dudes manly.
No idea. Mine has the same Chinese writing though, don't worry. Still, everything looks similar, but mine has barcodes instead of QR codes, a REV number under them and the "b" after the model name. Considering it has been pretty much replaced by some newer models, cutting costs might have something to do with it. I think right after I bought mine they released the U2515H, which was basically an updated higher resolution model, and I believe there are even a couple more newer ones out now.
yeah i was considering getting the u2515h, but my PC isn't powerful enough for 1440p @ 60fps.
what the hell is that thing
no user, it is you that is based, being able to recognize that using a coffee grinder is based.
What thing dude?
it's a platypus
why did you delete this?
Looks like my ex-roommate's room, except I don't see any piss bottles.
He got shit on by a fag.
>generic ace adhesive
>not DAP
>not Lexel
>not Sika
lol look at this pleb
Can't wait to get my new case, then I'll actually be able to have my computer in the shot. My current case is fucking embarrassing.
>he fell for the 21:9 meme
>implying that's my workshop.
I'm a PL fan.
ok all is forgiven
but Lexel is still the fucking best
I dont think i've used it, or at least can picture/remember. Is it 5x the normal price? because that would explain why I haven't
21:9 is the bee's knees, m8. There's no going back.
I'd agree if that was 1440p ultrawide, but 1080p 21:9 looks like absolute shit. It's too low of a resolution for it to look good and be useful on that aspect ratio, specially considering the monitor sizes.
Mine's only 25", so it looks just fine to me. Certainly better than my old 24" 1080p/16:9.
Refresh rate?
Moar cat pics
battlestations this clean and empty lack any sort of personality, i'm not sure if I am looking at the room of a human being with hopes and dreams or an Ikea display.
so you are saying mine shows good personality with hopes and dreams?
you can't assume to know everything about a anonymous person by a picture.
I clean my battlestation up because I know how autistic Sup Forums is about picking out little details.
Lexel costs like $9 for a standard tube
However, its hot shit that works on EVERYTHING. I mean fucking everything, wet or dry.
I work in a hardware store so I've literally tried everything on the market.
Enjoy your broken games and having to search for registry hacks and shitty POV workarounds.
where did you get that sd card thing for ya cube?
The vaaaast majority of modern games, and even older ones, work without any modifications whatsoever.