Zelda is cute and her classy VA is adorable. Anyone claiming otherwise is an underage shit who should go back to jerking off to his barely pubescent classmates' midriffs.
Zelda is cute and her classy VA is adorable...
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So she'll be along with you for the game? Perfect
Probably not. Zelda briefly follows you in a lot of games. Looks more like cutscenes and just a bit of gameplay.
If that's going to be the truth it'll be a shame, I really like her design
Is BotW going to be cinematic kino?
Zelda's been story-first for quite a while now. Too bad it's still a goddamn fucking aozelda through and through, by the looks of it. Characters look great, story looks great, and gameplay is going to be an afterthought. Brace yourself for a four hour long tutorial and shit. Just so you don't get disappointed too much.
That fivehead and huge eyebrows aren't cute at all mate. She's more masculine than Link.
>open world game
>over the top hype cinematic trailers
>protagonist that never speaks
hmm where have I seen this before
That's how girls' eyebrows actually look like until they mutilate themselves to look more like Hollywood living cartoons, you know.
Zelda looks pretty ugly desu, skyward sword zelda is the best
>Brace yourself for a four hour long tutorial
You boot the game, Link wake up, and you play. There is no tutorial.
>open world game
>over the top hype cinematic trailers
>protagonist that never speaks
hmm where have I seen this before
I want to fight for and save this Zelda.
ocarina of time
Maybe it will be optional, who knows.
Don't kid yourself. Have you played ALBW? The whole game is the tutorial and every dungeon is the first dungeon forever until Zelda kills the final boss for you.
>muh realism!
Her eyebrows are bigger than Link's
lmao, m'lady simulator.
What if she becomes Sheik? Then teaches Link songs like in OoT?
It's fucking adorable.
Link's not wearing a fedora or anything. Or wait, you don't like talking to women in general? Is that what you're talking about? Do you need to tell me something, son?
I have a feeling this game will have connections to previous games. Apparently something happened a century before this game.
Well, that's how it is in every Zelda game. They all vaguely refer to some past happenings, hinting at connections with some or all previous games. I don't think it's likely to be a direct sequel or prequel to anything.
Kind of seems like they're mashing different timelines together, either that or it's in the failure timeline, which seems the most likely imo
The raft came from Zelda ii, maybe some of the gameplay will come from that game.
yeah I think it's leaning more towards classic Zelda style of figure the shit out yourself
Didn't the original have the raft too? I haven't beaten it properly, but I think I remember the raft.
We wish it was, but what are the chances? Look what happened with ALBW: the dungeon order was up to you, so... instead of making everything challenging they just made everything piss-easy. What are the chances the game is properly challenging and stimulating this time?
WOw spoilers? I was about to download that off the freeshop.
>What are the chances the game is properly challenging and stimulating this time?
I've seen Link take 6+ heats of damage from high-than-mook tier enemies. You have 3 by default.
Fair point, but I think I'm going to be optimistic in regards to this game, we both know Zelda has never really been difficult save one or two instances but I still believe that there is a chance, however slight that they'll let the player figure out how to at least progress on their own.
I want to ejaculate on her eyebrows.
>NES Zelda
>Over the top hype cinematic trailers
Spoilers to a trailer? Have we gone too far?
Nigger he was talking about A Link Between Worlds not Breath of the Wild
Come on, the original game was challenging and Zelda II was RATHER challenging. Some parts of ALTTP took quite a bit of thought, both overworld (getting intot ehs wamp dungeon) and dungeon (ice dungeon, for example). Even killing the last boss included two overworld puzzles. Old Zeldas were challenging enough.
Oh, I see.
It's pretty cool if you're okay with laughably simple dungeons and no chance to die anywhere ever. The story is cute, I liked it, althought he antagonist is retarded. But if you want games to challenge you at least SOMEWHAT, you will be so fucking disappointed. Seriously, I watched the credits and just sat there thinking, fuck, is that it? The last dungeon about as challenging as ALTTP's first dungeon? That's fucking it? Holy ass. It's a theme park Zelda. Look, a dungeon! Look, a boss! Look, fanboy fodder everywhere! Look, ending credits, you, HERO, you!
They required some thought but I think I don't think I'd call them extremely challenging. They require common sense more than needing a lot of thought to solve
"Extremely" is subjective. I can 1cc Makaimura revision G and I was very much challenged when I played ALTTP for the first time a few years ago. Just like the first game, it only seems easy to you guys because you've played them to death as kids and know them by heart.
I wouldn't say I know them by heart but you're right, something being challenging isn't a hard and fast rule. If there's a baseline for something being considered challenging though I'd say that Zelda 1 and 2 just meet it.
What the fuck is up with her eyes, Jesus Christ!
Way to go, Batman
Most girls apart from some hispanic or middle eastern have barely any eyebrows.
her voice is bad.
What's wrong with them, you fuckweasel?
That's because they fucking epilate them. Just like their favourite producer's most famous anal slaves.
Her Japanese voice is great.