What do you think of this feature now that the Switch has it, Sup Forums?.
What do you think of this feature now that the Switch has it, Sup Forums?
Was always shit. Will never not be shit.
Before it was shit because Sony did it
Now it's great because Nintendo did it
It's actually great because I can capture panty shots and record stupid glitches in broken games
With Sony it was fine because it was there if you wanted to use it. Wasn't forced on you and you could choose to use it.
With Nintendo going by there history, they are going to shove it up the player's ass. Every single god damn game will have tons of useless tacked on shit with the sole purpose of existing for sharing on social media. Each one will pop up with a tutorial message telling you to press the share button and post to the new miiverse.
Buisness as usual. But for real, i actually use it a lot, it's a nice gimmick.
wtf I love Share now
First time Nintendo stole something from Sony.
I think its fair that nintendo took one time something from Sony
I completely agree with it. It's something these new, online-focused systems should all come with nowadays, especially considering how well gaming videos do on Youtube. Ninty made a right move here, and at least they're somewhat paying attention to the industry at large.
I like the button. There wasn't any good way to take screenshots on consoles except when they included some kind of photo mode
Sony didn't steal anything from Nintendo.
Nintendo wasn't the first to do those things.
They just did they in a form that wasn't shit.
Apple has never had a original idea in their head.
What's a better way to watch a walktrough than one made by yourself.
I wish you could record more than 15 minutes, tho.
I'm just happy the switch controller doesn't remove the select button to have it. PS4's touch bar shit is NOT a good replacement.
Segmented d-pad does not Switch's directional buttons make. Under the shell, the dual shock is one piece of plastic and cannot do up and down or left and right, or all 4 inputs at once.
Switch can.
The only people that hated it were xbots and nintendo drones. That button sees more use than the damn touchpad for me.
Same, it's literally the only feature I use besides playing games. It's easy as hell to stream games, take screenshots, and make long ass mp4s to convert to webm.
I think you can. Don't quote me on this but it's up to at least half an hour now, maybe even an hour.
>easy recording of gameplay for webm threads
it's great
can't wait to make webms of wipeout omega collection when it releases
How is the handling in Pure and Pulse, the graphical style looks so nice and clean in higher resolution
Pure is clunky to me, I've always preferred pulse handling. A lot of people like Pure though, so it's worth trying both.
it's up to an hour since the last update.
"Share" is a misnomer
it's like an improved PrtSc that happens to have share functionality. I hope the switch's function is similar or better
Did anyone else catch the guy saying N64 had the world's first analog stick?
>First time Nintendo stole something from Sony.
how did you get the ps4 to record at 60fps? whenever I capture video, it's always 30 fps or less
That's a PSP emulator
Only idiots hated the share button. Being able to record/screenshot freely was always one of the clear improvements PC had over consoles.
It's the best thing ever now that NintenGODS have done it.
It's great. I just hope they don't add the fucking stupid watermarks on the switch. Also the placement could be a bit better.
Pure is icy
Pulse is grippy
Pure has a completion chart
Pulse has a grid campaign
Pure has free DLC
Pulse has paid DLC
Pure has more content
Pulse has more polish, MP3s, photo mode
Is the ability to take screenshots on Steam somehow a bad feature too, people? There is literally nothing wrong with social features in a game unless its asking you to rate your experience each time you stomp a goomba or some shit
I'm not sinking money into a Switch, but doing images first and video second makes more sense than the other way around.
Nintendo at least has learned from sending PR teams around to copyright strike shit that screen caps on Reddit get more attention than 15 second long footage of Dark Souls