Other urls found in this thread: of the wild switch of the wild switch

>Got one before the page even updated


Yeah I had to "view other buyers" and select amazon to preorder mine. Super excited. I may go to gamestop tomorrow and see if I can get one preordered there instead though so I don't have to wait till UPS runs here (which is usually around 5pm.)

I was all set to pre-order the system. Then I saw the big reveal, and I think I'll wait till the Mario game comes out to get a Switch.

In before Amazon didn't limit the pre-orders so all you faggots will get them canceled when it turns out Nintendo is giving them like, six. For all regions, combined.

Yeah I feel you there. It was really underwhelming. However I never had a Wii or WiiU and I've been aching to play some mario kart and stuff. I bought the discs for twilight princess and just emulated that. Bought Skyward sword as well and am about to play through that one too.

I like the tablet aspect of it though. Having a 3 year old and an upcoming newborn being able to sit on the couch and play is nice instead of having to commit an entire TV to myself. That's one of the reasons I bought one the new gaming laptops with the gtx1070 in it.

>mfw I haven't played a Nintendo Console since I modded my Wii

Actually I should probably figure out how to downgrade and then rehack my Wii so I can catch up on all those fucking games I missed

>I bought the Wii literally just for Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Japanese edition well before America was going to get it



I was disappointed but I preordered anyway.

I tend to horde consoles anyway.

I'm waiting on the collectors edition with the master sword thing with it. Do want.

>Pre-ordering a console-handheld with no games

Which one is better to preorder from? I've got one from Best buy and now one from amazon. I'm assuming amazon.



I bought Majoras Mask the day it came out for 3ds and I still play it weekly. Zelda alone is worth the price of admission.

Me too, but after what we all just saw, I'm just going to wait the 6-12 months so I can just walk into a store and grab one without any hassle.

why would anyone buy that POS kids toy?

Where's the Neon edition from Amazon?

>walmart is supposedly sold out
>site says it has them available for pre order
what's the deal with this? seems nobody has actually sold out yet.

>people are preordering the console
>people are preordering the console after the Wii U
>people are preordering the console after this event


>Majoras Mask
>Play Weekly

I mean, it's my favorite Zelda, and one of my favorite games overall, but what could you possibly get out of it playing it weekly?

Damn it's gone now too.

Piddling. By weekly I mean maybe an hour laying in bed about to go to sleep. It's not like sit down and play the game.

I got mine pre-ordered at Best Buy

Yeah you know they're going to bundle that shit, and it's going to have a sweet looking dock

special edition is still up for pre-order

Heh, yeah it's crazy user, Turns out, by some strange twist, people CAN, in fact, like things that you don't like.

but they didn't and they're not.

preordered one at amazon and one at bestbuy. will sell my extra and basically get a switch for free :)

I'm not, I'm going to hack my PiiU as soon as I find the power cord.


I noticed after I tried to preorder it twice it was the Wii U version of the wild switch

Do preorders from websites really run out?
How did it work with the PS4/Xbone?
What about the 3DS/Wii U?

They will, and when you see it you'll say 'damn that user was right'.

Ohhhh, special edition. I'll try to get the other one wit hthe master sword from gamestop tomorrow. In the meantime I'll grab this. Thanks user.

no they never run out. Because it's online they literally have infinite consoles

Does amazon give the pre order discount on consoles or just the games?

Why the fuck are you preordering this shit?

Literally only zelda worth a shit comes out at launch.

Why not wait for Holidays, like ???

Just games.

Because some of us are huge fans of Zelda and that's worth it? Also because 300 dollars doesn't hurt our feelings.

Only games

300 for switch, 50 bux for zelda

>still not available at Amazon Germany

I will sell my pre order to idiots for $500

Then why are people rushing to preorder one online? Is it just a retail thing?
My friend wants to go early in the morning to wait for GayStahp to open just to preorder a switch.

>Because some of us are huge fans of Zelda and that's worth it?

Cemu my nigga it already will probably play Zelda better than the Switch

People are high off the hype, I don't get it either. I've been burned too many times, I'll wait for that price drop.

Still not saying sold out yet so if you want one get in there.

no prob user

>no pre orders on yet
>eb games starts pre orders in 5 hours but I'll be asleep
Man, I'm completely on the fence with pre ordering this thing. I just don't want to get left out in the cold and not be able to find it anywhere.

Gamestop has it for 330€

I was underwhelmed until they showed Zelda, which was amazing. I have it preordered for now just in case, but I may or may not cancel and wait a bit longer.

If they confirm MHXX before release I'm 1000% buying it.

Why not? Youre not going to get it cheaper in the holidays. Its nintendo after all

I've been waiting for BotW since 2014. Go fuck yourself and your common sense.

I'm just impatient and bad with money.

I own a vive too.

>TFW $36 employee discount

Why can't I preorder the neon version?

You can preorder it now and cancel it later if you want.

There's no reason not to at least reserve a copy in case there winds up being supply issues again.

I don't disagree at all. I play a heavily modded twilight princess that looks better than some Xbone games. This is just easier to manage really. I don't mind the price of admission.

I got mine in. desu I think it looks kind of shit so I'll probably just flip it

I make 300 dollars in two days work after taxes.
It's really not that much.

>comes out at launch

Yeah and Amazon has a 30 day return policy.
Beat it.
Return it.
MAYBE buy it again when the price drops and/or when better games become available.

>I've been waiting for BotW since 2014.

Kek, fag, i am waiting for KH III since 2006.

>no neon

>buying the neon

at-least you got other KH games in that time. All we got was Triforce heroes which might as well not be a zelda game.

You can buy the stupid controller things solo for some stupid price though. Then you'd have two sets.

>Kaufen diesen Schiss

user... bitte

>tfw prime users get 20% off all video game pre-orders
>Master Edition of BotW for 105 bucks

fuck that, I'm not buying extra controllers.

Lemme ask you a question:

If I know that I will definitely be getting a Switch, why would I wait for the holidays? What, a $50 sale or something? What's the downside to getting it now if I know for sure I'll be getting one?

Master is still up on GameStop

I am ready to make the Switch. Switch + PC dream is real.

I'm gonna buy 3 and sell them to you retards for $500

I'm pretty salty I missed that one, though the more I think about it the less I'd even know where to display the master sword thing.

Thanks Nintendo! Thanks Miyamoto! Thanks Reggie!

>What's the downside to getting it now if I know for sure I'll be getting one?

It sells like trash nintendo starts treating it like the WII U again and all you got to play is one mario game and Zelda.

>March 13

Check your shipping mate.

Anyone got experience ordering with BestBuy?

Thats where I did mine but people are telling me they're unreliable.

I want to hold off until I see exactly what the specs are, but at the same time I don't want to because I know I'm not going to bother with the Wii U version of Zelda. Fuck me.

I got a pre-order in, if it sells out everywhere I can scalp. If not, I can cancel.

There's no reason to give Nintendo my money when there isn't anything worthwhile on launch anyways, I'll just buy it used.

I don't care about the special edition shit. I just want the game. Is that anywhere?

Got it!

I want to pre-order the switch but I want those goddamn neon joycons

>when there isn't anything worthwhile on launch anyways
what's it like to be this jaded? christ

Have fun waiting a week for it.

>tfw the initial shitposting has worn off
>comfy threads all around
>reasonable amounts of hype
>just pre-ordered the Switch and Zelda from Amazon
>Treehouse with cowtits in the morning

good night guys, it was fun today.

>Estimated Delivery: Mar. 13, 2017 (The day it's released)
You've been bamboozled user

Let's say it does bomb, here's what I'll get to play at the very least in the first year or so:

>Sonic Mania
>Zelda BOTW
>Mario Odyssey
>Disgaea 5
>Super Bomberman R
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Project Sonic 2017
>Octopath Traveler

Not bad at all

>cheap tablet with docking station
>300 $
kek of the wild switch

It is right. The CE either comes out later or amazon has the wrong date. I had to do a double take to make sure I got release day.

I got the Switch from Amazon and the Zelda Masters Edition from GameStop

Same. I'm conflicted. I don't wanna wait too long if the thing is a success and then I won't be able to get it at launch.

U cheeky cunt

There isn't anything that I can't go without playing for a few months. I've played Zelda before.

If that's jaded, whatever, I got other games I like to play instead.

Amazon is the safer bet, Best Buy could be nicer if they don't fuck you over and you want to attempt midnight opening.

You're going to sell them to people in this thread who are easily getting them at retail price?

I've got experience and they do fuck you over from time to time, whether you pre-order for in-store pick-up or delivery. Best bet is to lock a pre-order down somewhere else as a safety net.

Pretty much everywhere has the base BotW listing up.

I know they put a hold on your money when you preorder.

What comes with the 300$ package?
Nothing else? Grip, charger?

I got one from Best Buy, but I just did one on Amazon to make sure I get one. I'd be surprised if Best Buy screws up the launch, but better safe than sorry

>Disgaea 5


There is literally 0 chance there will be a price drop between release and the end of this year.

Yeah that's whta I'm gonna have to do... gonna miss that 20% off though from amazon prime though.