Is Nintendo out of their mind?
Are they really going to compete with Sony using this sorry excuse of a console?
Do they think that they are Apple or something?

The Switch is literally D.O.A.

>153 gigaflops
Is this actually happening? Doesn't Microsoft have a 2 tflop tablet?

>Is this actually happening?
Well it's according to Durante and Eurogamer.

>PS4 Pro
Why lie?

Because nothing is real 4k yet. These words mean jack shit so it's 4k.

Nintendo excells at gameplay which doesn't need high specs.
$300 is a good price to keep the normies out so I'm fine with it.

NIGGER who gives a fuck dude it's about the GAMES, why don't autistic Sup Forumstards get this?

If you don't want a Switch now, you'll probably never want one, but the people who are stoked for the games will get over the other stuff because it DOESN'T MATTER.

>Because nothing is real 4k yet
Why? There are 4k PC monitors.

>32gb microsd
Are you for fucking real?

>it's about the GAMES
And none of the games shown at launch are good.
Maybe if you are into first party Nintendo stuff, something may interest you.


And 2k texture files. Everything is upscaled, it just looks better on pc.

>none of the games shown at launch are good
>not good

Does it seriously not come with a controller?!

>rehashes are only good when nintendo does it

Nintendroid will still defend this.

How sad.

PC + PS4 owner here. No interest.

>And 2k texture files.
Uh... so?
You can run Quake at 4k. The internal and display resolution are both irrelevant to the resolution of the textures.

>all of these made up rumors
Fuck, Nintendo literally just dropped a bunch of info on us, and you fuckers are already back to the complete BS? What is so fucking appealing about fake rumors?

I have a Wii U and will play it there.
>And 2k texture files.
There are custom textures with higher resolutions for games like Skyrim.

I don't think its the case
Wii U GPU was 176 GFlops

dude why don't you call it a night, i think you're getting confused

Zelda is also on Wii U

>its about the GAMES
If it's "about the games" the Switch wouldn't exist.
All the Switch games can easily run on the wii u.

>Nintendo releases a whole like dozen or so new games people could be talking about
>Fuck no lets console wars it again


>lists only clockspeed and cores
Pure fucking stupidity.

If you don't count the joycon

that storage is a joke fuck Nintendo

>fake rumors

All of the info in op's image are from Nintendo's website/press releases.

Why do Nintendrones ignore third parties. Its like they enjoy gaming droughts

Why are you lying about the controller for Switch? Every console comes with controllers you fucking invalid

>32GB micro SD

Without modern shader support. And what we saw from the trailers were pretty much Wii U better optimized Wii U games. There was nothing to indicate that the Switch is a 300-500Gflop class machine.

>b-but it's portable

>No mention of portability
>Pretending having a built in screen and controller means less features
>Comparing a portable device with a home console
PS4 consolecucks have mental issues

Because Nintendo usually makes decent first party games and anyone not retarded or poor has a gaming PC for everything else.

>Those CPU specs

Do you want to mention anything other than speed and the number of cores you fucking retard?

That second trailer with all the voice acting and edge bullshit killed Zelda for me. It doesn't even look like Zelda anymore, it looks like a final fantasy game.

I question the size of these gaymes

It is 32 GB internal memory and micro SD card slot.

>implying nintendo isnt normie bait
Jesus fuck you delusional shill stop putting buzzword words together at random.

32 gigs? I just bought a tablet for thirty fucking dollars and it CAME WITH 16GB storage.

>pay 300$ for a tablet
>get nothing
>pay 280$ for a ps4
>Get game of the year included

>i-i-i-it's good because it's zelda
When will this meme end?

Like clockwork.

I actually think those $150 Atom tablets with DX12 support might outperform the Switch.

Most likely, Switch is a weaker version of the Nvidia Tablet in 2015, the Nvidia Tablet also had a 1080p IPS instead of some shitty 720p LCD

Are you really this stupid? Do you honestly believe everybody who is faced with choose whether to buy a Switch or a PC, PS4 or Xbox One is going to get the switch and one of those alternatives too? No they'll buy the console which has the most games they want on it. Not everybody interested in games by a specific company is going to buy a console just to play games by that company, eventually they are going to want to play something else.

Yes this Kishima guy is out of his fucking mind with that price

>those specs
Fuck Nintendo


I want to do fighting game inputs on that D-Pad. Especially KoF inputs and IADS

Really? I've never seen Nintendo release information about their hardware specs. Feel free to post this supposed source.

>What you get besides console and cables
According to their website you get 1/2 controllers based on configuration. That is already contradicting your fake ass table.

Teraflops don't matter only games

>Dozens more

Meanwhile at Sony
>muh movies



• Screen: Nintendo Switch has a 6.2-inch capacitive multi-touch screen that can display a resolution of 1280 x 720.
• Dock: The Nintendo Switch dock holds, powers, and charges the system, and outputs video and audio fromthe system to a TV or external display.
• Stand: A stand on the back of the main unit can be deployed to position the system upright in tabletop mode.
• Media: Game cards
• Video Output: HDMI; up to 1080p resolution when played in TV mode (up to 720p when played in handheld or tabletop mode)
• Audio Output: TV Mode supports 5.1 channel surround sound. Using the system’s built-in audio jack, stereo speakers or headphones can be used when played in handheld or tabletop modes.
• Battery: Battery life can last for more than six hours, but will vary depending on the software and usage conditions. For example, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can be played for roughly three hours on a
single charge. While away from home, Nintendo Switch can be charged by plugging the AC adapter into the console’s USB Type-C connector.
• Storage: Nintendo Switch has 32GB of internal storage, a portion of which is reserved for use by the system, and has the option to expand its capacity using microSDXC or microSDHC memory cards.
• SoC: Custom Tegra processor powered by NVIDIA
• Other: USB ports on the Nintendo Switch dock can be used to charge accessories such as the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Joy-Con attached to a Joy-Con charging grip. The USB ports can also be used witha USB LAN adaptor to connect to the Internet.
• Networking: Nintendo Switch can connect to the Internet via a wireless (IEEE 802.11ac) connection. In addition, up to 8 systems can connect over a local wireless connection in compatible multiplayer games. While docked, Nintendo Switch can also use a wired Internet connection by connecting a LAN Adapter.

This thing is going to be trash. Nintendo successfully rused the entire world.

You guys realize they purposefully made very few NES classics right? But not for the reason most people think. Not to make people want NES classics more, oh no. They wanted people to think all future Nintendo products would be just as limited. They wanted people to go out and pre-order the Switch right away.

And you know what? It fucking worked. This thing is going to be available in every damn story on day one, but people are still going to bust their balls trying to pre-order it.

And it's still going to sell like shit.

$0.26 has been deposited into your account

ye but the speecs in the OP are weaker than 4 inch phones

>tfw you thought the Switch was going to be a decently powerful traditional console with only the one gimmick

>tfw it's wagglan party games 3.0

Meanwhile at Sony
*Every single third party game

You forgot that aspect, Nintendo has had like 3 of those in the past 10 years.

they can do it because nintendo fanboys are retarded autistic manchildren.

Anyone knows how much nintendo will charge for the monthly online subscription?

>32 gigs

I'm dying

You don't get to keep the snes games and others in monthly rotation of games.

How the hell can you get a ps4 pro for 250 dollars?

Please be a false flag.

No one can be this stupid.

Nintendo this some nasty ass console I hate you so much but the first party game ridiculous

>are weaker than 4 inch phones
>a $300 product is weaker than a $700 product
I find this extremely shocking. How could this ever be the case. Don't they just fill the inside with jelly and it magically generates as much power as the amount of jelly they can fit inside? It can't be like other electronics where more powerful parts cost more money...

ebay user

It makes you wonder. Would people be more or less willing to buy a Switch if it was say double the price but had flawless 1080p 60fps, maybe even more?

You wait for promotional deals instead of buying it at MSRP.

I remember the PS4 going under $200 in some holiday deals.

Ignore the sonygger

I turned off the stream when they showed 1,2,3 switch. WTF was that milking game?

They already said they weren't making the Switch to compete with the PS4 and Xbox.

It does. Reminder : OP is a faggot

What thell are you supposed to do with half a controller?

The joy con will probably be trash though. The Pro controller is going to be default.

Then what was this?

OP, you didn't add the fact that the Switch doesn't have voice chat.

>They already said they weren't making the Switch to compete with the PS4 and Xbox.

Yet the make it the same price. Really makes you think. The Wii would have sold like shit if it cost the same as the PS4/360, and so will this. Nintendo is very, very out of touch.

I don't think you understand how weak 153 gigaflops is. That's equivalent to AMDs weakest iGPU, the Radeon R2 running at 200 MHz.

>153 GFlops
What the fuck is this real?

That wasnt the question you stupid fucking drone. God damn troglodytes. Go play the last of us HD

I meant the PS3, obviously.

>literally one party game
kill yourself

It really fucking boggles me. Luck why would they make this game. Who will buy it?
Will anyone really take their switch to a party to play this thing?
Do casuals do that kind of thing?

You can buy a car for the same price as a house, your argument is invalid.

did a stupid game for normies really make you angry enough to shut off the stream?

Yknow whats funny about all of this? And I'm serious about this. All they had to do was not make this a hybrid. If they only sold it as a fucking handheld we would have accepted everything aside the paid online.

But no, they had to force in faggot gimmicks NO ONE CARES ABOUT ANYMORE. They had to make it TRY TO PLAY BOTH MARKETS AT ONCE, they had to make it essentially be a WEAK NON COMPETITIVE CONSOLE

I just dont know anymore man, I'm being serious and no Sup Forums hyperbole when I say this. What the fuck are they thinking? I just cant grasp it. I've been playing their shit since 1989 when I was almost 4, I've never seen a fucking intentionally ignorance to reality this hard before from them.

I'm actually confused what the hell they're thinking with ALL OF this. This isn't the move of Nintendo, this is the move of a company that is desperately trying to clamor in the dark for another gimmick to work because they're scared of competing with Sony and microsoft.

>Would people be more or less willing to buy a Switch if it was say double the price
Cell phones are integrated deeply into people's lives. People wouldn't pay as much for a gaming device unless it can replace their cell phone, and even then there is social status that may get in the way. Only dedicated gamers would spend real money on a gaming device, and those are the same people that would buy the underpowered device.

Nope, retard kun. Literally the same shit as the WiiU controls, they were plenty fine.
You gotta stop beign such a faggot, OP. Your poor parents...

Name a single third party that isn't shit

What does that have to do with anything? Houses and cars don't compete with each other.

Yeah that makes sense. If they made the switch do more then play games then that might be okay.

look out guys we have some sort of marketing genius right here

what a shame he only cares about kid stuff like nintendo it seems

Calm the fuck down. The Joy-Cons don't even have a proper d-pad. Good luck playing fighting games on that shit.

Or do you assume there won't be any fighting games to be played on Switch?

the switch is going to look so fucking bad visually in a couple years

it's the same strength as a wii u, what were they THINKING

Have you never played games on Wii? These things have more buttons than a Wii controller don't they? It should be perfectly acceptable for games like 2D mario and such.

Everything that costs money competes with everything else that costs money.

>Wii U
Its almost like they want this to fail