Anyone else feel kinda bad for Nintendo fans?

Anyone else feel kinda bad for Nintendo fans?

I mean they got shit on the entire Wii U lifecycle, this was Nintendo's chance to make a big splash and their press conference was a wet fart. I can't even comprehend how bad Nintendo fans must be feeling right now.

Nintendo fans, are you buying the Switch? Are you disappointed? Are you alright?

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Nah, I'm pretty ok right now. We have one of the biggest launch titles ever, promising games for launch year, and FUCKING NO MORE HEROES 3 OH MY GOD. Compared to the Wii U, I'm much more optimistic.

>get shit on as a Nintendo fan today
>you post this thread and shit on me as a former TF2 fan
Everything I love is dying. Hopefully me too soon

No. What kind of failed adult spends time thinking about some video game fanbase? Are you that sad?

You love yourself?

It's their fault for still sticking to a kiddy toy maker company as if their lives depended on it.

Grow the fuck up Ninty manchildren. Nintendo doesn't care about you.

It's the only way I've made it this far

>Yoko Taro

I'm looking forward to the next batch of GOAT titles

It's what everyone expected. Mario,Zelda,Mario Kart,somr gimmicks games, fire emblem.
What is weird is the lack of Animal Crossing.

probably gonna buy it when they stop supporting the 3ds

me too user

im seeing the whole goddamn videogame industry go to shit

every now and then i see Mass Effect 4 hype threads with the tranny mary sue protagonist and theres fan boys hailing it as the savious of the franchise.

growing old is seeing things for what they really are, and alot of it is shit.

Animal Crossing will be later. I mean, we're not even at E3 yet.

>best thing to happen to video games in 10 years
>wet fart

it's launching with more games than the PS4 has after 3 years, why would i be disappointed?

>it's launching with more games than the PS4 has after 3 years
This delusion among Nintendo shills is turning into a mental illness. Seek help.

>best thing to happen to video games in 10 years

> I can't even comprehend how bad Nintendo fans must be feeling right now.

Have you never visited this board before?

It's okay, when nintendo does it.

Keep in mind that an average nintendo fan still considers a game that does *bing bing wahooo* worth playing.

I feel bad for the guy who keeps makING threads while Nintendo fans are having a time of their life.

>Compared to the WiI U

Nigger, the only worthwhile launch game is also on the Wii U

>300 instead of 250 when I can get a PS4 for 260 right now which already has an established library
>Paid fucking online
>Joy Cons are 80 together and 50 a piece. Pro Controller is fucking 70 bucks
>Paid fucking online
>Absymal Launch Line up
>every game worth getting (SMT V, FE Warriors Xenoblade 2) are all a ways off and are barely in the beginning of development
>Paid fucking online
>Console is being advertised as a handheld yet only last 3 hours
>32 GB internal storage
>No voice chat at launch
>Paid fucking online

Not even false flagging im probably one of the biggest Nintendo fans ever and love my 3DS but it feels like they learned nothing from the Wii U. This console was originally coming out late 2016 but they literally said they delayed it so it could have a better lineup? Are they trying to tell me this list was fucking smaller?

I don't see what's so wrong with a few bing bings or wahoos every now and then.

Their getting Bomberman and NMH3 whats to feel bad about?

Watch out Sony, Switch has Columns with amiibos

>he tranny mary sue protagonist
You can choose gender, what are you talking about?
And you are the main character of an RPG game, of course you are a mary sue.

>muh bloodborne

Hell no I don't feel bad for them, Nintoddlers are the worst type of fan boy, they make sony ponies look good by comparison that's how deluded they are. The phrase "it's ok when Nintendo dose it" isn't just a mocking line it's their fucking credo. They laugh at mock when other companies and consoles pull shitty practices but once their nip gods at nintendo do it they bow and proclaim it the best idea ever and are happy to bend over and take it up the ass.

Everytime a game line up is announced they jump for joy because their favorite titles are back, except most of them turn out to be shit, but nope they stick with the company they've loved as a kid, they can do no wrong! They're like abused house wives, but they don't just stay with the abuser they gloat about how great their abuser is while they're being punched in the face by them.

'm confused. For 300$, what do I get?
Is this right? What about the grip?

>paid online

Literally console suicide.

Im out. they could release Half Life 3 with a free blowjob joy con, and it still wouldnt be worth it.

Free Online is pretty much all nintendo had.

you were just a common grunt soldier sent on a mission in the first three

now u ar da PATH FINDER! DUH DUH DUH! watch as i disarm this turian in front of 20 other gangsters with their guns trained on me and i dont get shot! im so badass!

No More Heroes 3 is neat at least.
Mario I'm cautious about, but if it leans more towards 64 in design it'll be pretty good.
Fire Emblem is literally why tier for me though.
Not into Splatoon.

Hell, the leader of the Reapers adressed you personally and constantly harassed you, he obsessed over you.

You became a borderline god in ME2, and it went on in ME3.

Yeah cant wait for Kickstarter campaign for NMH3 on Switch*

*Also on PC, PS4 and Xbox 1

There's no RPG where you are not a mary sue.

Dude if you're going to false flag this hard at least get your info right.

Nintendo are a bad company.


>only two survived a bug attack, you are one, you are made a spectre despite no experience or testing after you ACCIDENTALLY absorb alien beams in your head
>still just a soldier but you are sent to bring in a rogue turian

>brought back to life
>Shepard: do i get any super powers?
>Miranda: did you choose to be a bionic in the menu?
>Shepard: no
>Miranda: then heres your pistol, we brought you back because you were the only one to figure out shit


>Anderson: shepard you were right! you need to unite the aliens!
>shepard: k, any new abilities? i hear theres SPACE NINJAS in this one!
>Anderson: heres a holographic melee weapon, now get out there

>Nintendo does something
>people get excited
>I'm apparently looking at the same trailers, but still can't understand WHY they get excited
Almost 10 years like that now.

I was ready to buy it at launch but then Zelda turned out to be the only launch game worth playing and there won't be any other good games for a long time.
Also fuck paid online.

If anything it just made me see why people shit on Nintendo now. I'm done with them. I want them to die as a hardware company.

basically this. I wanted to really be behind the Switch but everything besides BotW and Xenoblade was a disappointment to me. I think the Wii U is going to end up my last console. I'm so hype for Zelda tho.

fuck off
I'm just astounded at how mch praise NMH gets here, I just don't get it

>completely empty world where the few notable locations are all centered in one part
>have to keep going back and forth through this map to do shitty minigames (literally chores) to make money
>levels leading up to a boss are lineair and boring as fuck, with the same type of enemy over and over again
>combat is just slashing your sword in 2 possible directions and then slowmo QTE for an epin finisher
>bosses are pretty easy and only the final boss makes proper use of the game mechanics, not to mention the bosses wasted to gimmicks or the one boss that was killed beforehand
>story is retarded as fuck, MC is an asshole so they had to make everyone else an even bigger asshole
why do people like this game?

PCfag here.

Mario looked neat.
Splat2n seemed like it had new stuff, I wouldn't know.
ARMS looks really fun.

Can't wait to emulate Switch games desu.

>Paid fucking online
It's what you get for being a consolefag.

ME2 dropped the fucking ball so hard. The resurrection storyline is a perfect setup for some hardcore cyberpunk.

PC PS4 and XBONE aka the inferior additions

Considering the state of gaming? I feel bad for everyone buying a console this gen, period.

Mario looked good, everything else kinda meh. I have a feeling that it's going to crash and burn.

>more squidlolis
>more xenoblade chronicles
>new no more heroes
>fire emblem warriors(what the fuck)
>disgaea(always liked those but were for ps)

It's true that the paid online is shitty and feels like they finally joined something they've been fighting against for a long time, my only complain is that and a lack of Monster Hunter.